Blog Archive Sam Patch, Daredevil Jumper written by Julie Cummins Illustrated by Michael Allen Austin Monday, September 22, 2014 A Walk in London by Salvatore Rubbino Sunday, September 21, 2014 Going Home by Margaret Wild, illustrated by Wayne Harris Saturday, September 20, 2014 A Family Apart by Joan Lowery Nixon Friday, September 19, 2014 Big Anthony: His Story Thursday, September 18, 2014 Abuela by Arthur Dorros Number the Stars by Lois Lowry Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Make Way for Ducklings Monday, September 15, 2014 By the Great Horn Spoon by Sid Fleishman Sunday, September 7, 2014 Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Lost! Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Amy’s Travels by Kathryn Starke Monday, October 22, 2012 White Jade Tiger by Julie Lawson Friday, January 20, 2012 Are We There Yet? Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Pedro’s Journal by Pam Conrad Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Bonyo Bonyo by Vanita Oelschlager Saturday, November 5, 2011 Riding Freedom by Pam Muñoz Ryan Saturday, October 15, 2011
Carrie May | Illustrator and Artist | Illustration, Painting, Commissions sans titre Étudier Maus, un chef d’œuvre de la bande dessinéeCroiser deux témoignages (victime/bourreau) sur l’extermination des Juifs à AuschwitzExpliquer en quoi l’extermination des Juifs et des Tziganes est un crime contre l’humanité Résumé : Maus, c’est l’histoire du père d’Art Spiegelman prénommé Vladek. Ce juif polonais est un rescapé d’Auschwitz et son fils raconte sa vie de 1930 à 1944, date de sa déportation. Ce récit est rapporté sous la forme d’une fable où les personnages ont une tête d’animal. CONSIGNE : Étudie les deux planches de Maus et l’extrait du livre ‘Le commandant d’Auschwitz parle’. expliquer le mode d’extermination industrielle mis en œuvre à Auschwitzcroiser les deux témoignagesexpliquer en quoi l’extermination des Juifs et des Tziganes est un crime contre l’humanité + d’infos sur Maus + d’infos sur « Le commandant d’Auschwitz parle » + d’infos sur le crime contre l’humanité d’après une défintion de la Cour pénale internationale Que sont les crimes contre l’humanité ?
String™ Augmented Reality Showcase Push to Kindle Send by E-mail Push to Kindle can also be used by e-mail. This is particularly useful for iPad, iPhone and Windows Phone users. Note: The email service is free for the first 25 articles, after that it requires sustainer membership. On your device, load an article you'd like to send to your Kindle Choose share page In the list of options presented, select Mail Enter your Kindle email address but instead of, enter* Send! Watch a video demo. Changing the ending to in step 4 ensures our service processes the article first and then sends it to your Kindle account. The first time you do this, you'll receive an email from us asking you to confirm the address you're sending from. If you own a 3G Kindle device and you want to make sure you will not be charged by Amazon, please send to * So if your Kindle email address is, you can send web articles via our service by sending to Pricing
Online Tours Go to content Go to navigation Go to search Change language Accessibility Support the Louvre Home>Collection & Louvre Palace>Online Tours Online Tours Visit the museum's exhibition rooms and galleries, contemplate the façades of the Louvre... Items per page:5 -10 -15 Sort by: Publication date - Title Egyptian Antiquities Collections from the Pharaonic period are displayed on the east side of the Sully wing, on the ground floor and 1st floor. Egyptian Antiquities Launch virtual tour Remains of the Louvre's Moat The Louvre was originally a fortress built by the French king Philippe Auguste. Medieval Louvre Launch virtual tour Galerie d'Apollon The Galerie d'Apollon, situated above the Petite Galerie, was destroyed by fire in 1661 and rebuilt by Le Vau. Decorative Arts Launch virtual tour Practical information The Louvre is open every day (except Tuesday) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Night opening until 9:45 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays Closed on the following holidays: January 1, May 1, December 25 Buy tickets
ARLOON curricular Apps based on augmented reality technology for high school students and teachers Dear Zientia user, Today we are excited to announce an important change at Zientia. After a fantastic year with you, receiving feedback about Zientia and your experience with us, we have collected all of your ideas and transformed them into a new high-quality product for education called Arloon. Arloon is our participation in the digital education revolution. We have started by creating unique learning experiences with our educational apps, but this is just the beginning. Now that you know a little bit about Arloon, what about your Zientia registration? Your data are stored and protected on our servers, and we will use them to keep in touch with you. We hope we will continue to meet your expectations by creating innovative and helpful teaching and learning tools to improve your classes. We will be glad to answer any of your question or doubts, or hear about your ideas at Thank you very much, The Zientia team, now Arloon! Continue
Znate li kako danas izgleda Sarajka sa fotografije koja je obišla svijet? - Malo ko na svijetu je bio poznat, a da toga uopšte nije bio svjestan, kao što je to Sarajka Meliha Varešanović, “bosanska Sophia Loren”, kako su je u magazinu Cracked nazvali, te napisali kako je upravo Meliha žena koja je donijela glamur ratnu zonu. Pomenuti magazin je prošle godine ovu fotografiju uvrstio na listu pet historijskih fotopriča o hrabrim ženama-buntovnicama. – Uopšte nisam znala da sam fotografisana. Prolazila sam ovim putem, kao što sam i ranije činila, pošto sam išla na posao u Općinu Novi Grad, gdje i sada radim. – Što se tiče odijevanja, ja sam uvijek vodila računa da budem uredna i lijepo obučena. Čuvenu fotografiju je napravio britanski fotograf Tom Stodart, čiji je zadatak bio da uradi foto-esej o ženama u opkoljenom Sarajevu. Fotografija je objavljena u magazinu “Life”, a kasnije i u brojnim svjetski priznatim časopisima. – 2012. godine bila je izložba u Londonu gdje je spomenuta fotografija bila najzapaženija, što je potvrdio i njen autor, kaže Varešanović.
Des icônes photographiques en studio Les photographes suisses Jojakim Cortis et Adrian Sonderegger ont commencés pour s’amuser et passer le temps entre deux commandes à recréer le paysage Rhein II du photographe Andreas Gursky et qui était à l’époque la photographie la plus chère du monde, ayant été vendue pour quatre millions de dollars. Ils ont réussi à la recréer entièrement dans leur studio en utilisant des bouts de tissus et de la peinture et l’ont re-photographiée en montrant leur installation. C’était en 2012 et l’idée leur plaisant ils ont depuis continués à recréer artisanalement en miniature dans leur studio des photographies tellement iconiques qu’elles se sont ancrées dans notre inconscient. Ils en ont réalisés d’autres qui sont visibles sur leur site. Sharing Kindergarten: QR Codes for the Classroom These are some of the questions I have asked myself and others have asked me about QR codes. Let's tackle some of these questions today to see how "techie" we can make our students and our classrooms! QR codes are short for Quick Response. You see them everywhere to advertise, even if you don't know what they are called. Here is what a QR code looks like: Now that you have seen at least one, you will see them everywhere! {This one, by the way, leads you to my FREEBIE qu phonics sheets in case you want to know. These codes are like bar codes on items and you need something to read them... like a register at a store does. Smart phones or devices have FREE QR code reader apps you can download. The app I have is called 'QRReader' but there are MANY MANY more. Now that you have an app that reads the codes, you are all set. Open the app. Place the QR code inside the markings and let the scanner "read" the code. In this case, the code above took you to a phonics sheets, a pdf file. Ummm...
HRT: Ekskluzivno: Intervju s Thomasom Pikettyjem 09. 04. 2015. pred 3 dana Jedan od najpoznatijih ekonomista današnjice, autor bestselera "Kapital u 21. stoljeću", francuski ekonomist Thomas Piketty gostuje u Hrvatskoj. Njegovu knjigu nobelovac Paul Krugman proglasio je "najvažnijom knjigom godine, a možda i desetljeća''. Potreban je jedinstveni korporativni porez u Europi. Cijeli intervju naše novinarke Anabelle Laikauff pogledajte u videoprilogu: Piketty je gostovao u Filozofskom teatru zagrebačkog HNK. Prvo izdanje Kapitala u hrvatskom prijevodu je prodano, tiskano je drugo. Thomas Piketty otvara francusku sezonu u Hrvatskoj Drago mi je da sam u Zagrebu, da mogu ovdje predavati.
Du sublime chez John Martin (Rediffusion du dimanche 7 février 2016). Analyse du tableau "The Great Day of His Wrath" (autour de 1851) du peintre et graveur anglais John Martin. Cette oeuvre fait partie d'un triptyque sur le thème de "la fin du monde". Il est composé de "Le Grand Jour de Sa Colère" - "Le Jugement dernier" - "Les Plaines du Paradis" "The Great Day of His Wrath" (autour de 1851) est une huile sur toile de 1965 mm (H) x 3032 mm (L). Invités : Hélène Guenin, commissaire de l'exposition "Sublime. Hélène Guenin est responsable du pôle programmation au Centre Pompidou-Metz depuis fin 2008. L'artiste Laurent Grasso L'exposition : Rassemblant une centaine d’artistes, architectes et cinéastes internationaux, « Les tremblements du monde » propose un dialogue entre des œuvres anciennes et contemporaines explorant cet attrait ambivalent, persistant pour la « Nature trop loin » et les catastrophes. Catalogue de l'exposition : Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Hélène Guenin, Hélène Meisel.