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PT version 1 et 2

PT version 1 et 2
Connected. This pad seems to be opened in more than one browser window on this computer. Reconnect to use this window instead. Your permissions have changed while viewing this page. Try to reconnect. There are communication problems with the synchronization server. Perhaps you connected through an incompatible firewall or proxy. Couldn't connect to the synchronization server. This is probably due to a problem with your browser or your internet connection. The server is not responding. This could be due to problems with network connectivity. An edit you have made was classified illegal by the synchronization server. This could be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. The pad you are trying to access is corrupt. This may be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. This pad has been removed. The connection to the server was lost The server may be unavailable. Related:  Users for ideas...Elements de réflexionPearltrees 2.0 Sucks!

My Critique (s243a) of Pearltree 2.0 PAD_2 suggestions PT2 Connected. This pad seems to be opened in more than one browser window on this computer. Reconnect to use this window instead. Your permissions have changed while viewing this page. There are communication problems with the synchronization server. Perhaps you connected through an incompatible firewall or proxy. Couldn't connect to the synchronization server. This is probably due to a problem with your browser or your internet connection. The server is not responding. This could be due to problems with network connectivity. An edit you have made was classified illegal by the synchronization server. This could be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. The pad you are trying to access is corrupt. This may be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. This pad has been removed. The connection to the server was lost The server may be unavailable.

Com' pour Racine et Dossiers de prises My apologies dear fellow pearltree'ers but i'am PAD_0 : PT pas content Connected. This pad seems to be opened in more than one browser window on this computer. Reconnect to use this window instead. Your permissions have changed while viewing this page. There are communication problems with the synchronization server. Perhaps you connected through an incompatible firewall or proxy. Couldn't connect to the synchronization server. This is probably due to a problem with your browser or your internet connection. The server is not responding. This could be due to problems with network connectivity. An edit you have made was classified illegal by the synchronization server. This could be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. The pad you are trying to access is corrupt. This may be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. This pad has been removed. The connection to the server was lost The server may be unavailable.

5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even If You Have Nothing to Hide) November 25, 2014 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Do you know what your rights are when a police officer asks to search you? It's a subject that a lot of people think they understand, but too often our perception of police power is distorted by fictional TV dramas, sensational media stories, silly urban myths, and the unfortunate fact that police themselves are legally allowed to lie to us. It wouldn't even be such a big deal, I suppose, if our laws all made sense and our public servants always treated us as citizens first and suspects second. Whether or not you ever break the law, you should be prepared to protect yourself and your property just in case police become suspicious of you. 1. The 4th Amendment to the U.S. You have the right to refuse random police searches anywhere and anytime, so long as you aren't crossing a border checkpoint or entering a secure facility like an airport. 2. 3.

Pétition pour le retour du format de Pearltrees v1 Comment détruire votre communauté en 10 leçons Si vous avez le malheur de développer un projet « open source » au sein de votre entreprise alors vous courrez le risque de voir arriver une « communauté » qui peut à tout moment s’agréger autour du code source de votre logiciel et en menacer sa bonne gouvernance. Heureusement le développeur Josh Berkus est là pour vous expliquer point par point comment faire pour être certain de ruiner et dissoudre toute velléité communautaire (au cours d’une intervention donnée il y a un mois à la et relatée ici par Jonathan Corbet)[1] Un article évidemment ironique (qui détourne les howto), mais qui donne à réfléchir sur les relations subtiles et complexes qui peuvent exister entre les communautés et les entreprises qui œuvrent sur un même projet. Pas toujours facile de se comprendre en effet quand les uns disent plutôt « logiciel libre » et les autres plutôt « open source » (voire même parfois carrément « fauxopen source »). Comment détruire votre communauté : mode d’emploi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

By s243a Les arbres de connaissances Publié par PedagoGeeks le 30 juin 2011 | Dans les catégories suivantes Compétences, Innovation, Innovation, Projet Professionnel Tout le monde sait quelque chose, personne sait tout ! C’est un postulat simple mais qui plaide pour les méthodes actives et collaboratives en apprentissage : la connaissance collective est supérieure à la somme de ses partie. Ce principe s’applique aussi à la compétence, et à la compétence collective en particulier. Une difficulté vient alors d’identifier, de visualiser et de valoriser les connaissances collectives d’un groupe de personnes, d’apprenants. En 1991, Edith Cresson alors premier ministre a chargé Michel Serrès de mener des travaux sur l’université en France et les compétences. Plus la couleur va vers le rouge et le marron plus la connaissance est partagée : ces zones constituent le socle commun de connaissances du groupe, donc le tronc. Webographie sélective pour aller plus loin et s’approprier les arbres de connaissances : Documents à télécharger

Learn from your customers for usable Web apps Imagine the following scenario: You go shopping to buy a loaf of bread. The shops look gorgeous, decked out in vivid colors and stunning artwork. Trouble is, you can't always tell from the window displays what sort of products are on sale inside. You find the front door and wander in. Now you enter a maze of aisles containing products organized in an apparently random manner. Before paying, you attempt to ascertain that you can use your credit card safely, but the inscrutable small print has more to say about your legal obligations than reassurance about your security. This is a Nightmare on Web Street! Why does this happen? OK, it's a caricature. Online shoppers are less interested in a groovy multimedia experience than in finding, understanding, and buying products quickly and easily. The customer's perspective Here are a few comments the IBM Ease of Use team has gathered from customers trying to use a range of real-world Web sites: "This is too stupid for words."" Back to top a. Figure 1.

Pearltrees: 3 years and €8.5 million later, there's finally talk of a business model In Europe, as many of you may already know, people tend to talk about business models much earlier in the game than they do in the US. In fact, it’s a widely-held belief that European investors don’t tend to invest in companies that aren’t generating cash (which many believe explains the French VCs’ love for e-commerce). While US companies like Instagram, Pinterest, Quora and the likes are busy amassing millions upon millions of non-paying users prior to even talking about their business models (oh wait, Pinterest actually does make money?), European companies are more often than not approaching things from the opposite end. In fact, it is so engrained into European startups’ brains to talk about business from the get-go that Ohai’s Susan Wu shocked the Paris tech scene at Le Camping’s Fest event last year when she told a startup that their business model wasn’t important at their current stage and they could worry about it later.

Le problème avec les framapad, c'est qu'ils ne sont plus accessibles au bout d'un certain temps. Il aurait fallu sauvegarder le texte autre part ^^ by treepalium Sep 26

@s243a and @Garabafalda...
you're welcome to make 2 similars PAD (critiques techniques + suggestions) in english - based on translation if you want, and your analyse :) by econologie May 29

yes i'd like to know... but the historic is OK, so we can reput again
i hope an explication - who had erase ? i'm not angry, just to understand if there is a logic ? by econologie May 29

What are we trying to communicate? What do these error messages pertain to? by s243a May 29
