Filippo Veniero portfolio Rafael Lozano-Hemmer about | The Mega Super Awesome Visuals Company | MSAV Memo Akten enquiries: Subscribe to my low-traffic newsletter Statement My biggest inspiration is nature, and trying to understand the nature of nature, science. Trying to understand and abstract these phenomena, to visualise the invisible, extract and amplify the unseen relationships which sculpt and drive our world. Bio Memo Akten is a visual artist, musician and engineer based in London. In 2013 his work FORMS, a collaboration with fellow visual artist Quayola, won the Golden Nica at the Prix Ars Electronica in the Animation category. A strong supporter of open-source and believer in the sharing of knowledge, he is one of the core contributors to the openFrameworks project and gives lectures and workshops around the world. While his primary crafts include writing software, working with and appropriating new technologies; above all his work focuses on creating powerful emotional and evocative experiences. Memo was born and grew up in Istanbul, Turkey.
CLEMENT VALLA Surface Proxy - pointcontemporain Surface Proxy, l’exposition personnelle de l’artiste américain Clement VALLA entraîne le visiteur dans une saisissante galerie muséale d’images-sculptures en toile de lin. Utilisant un procédé français vieux de plusieurs siècles appelé photogrammétrie qui consiste à photographier sous différents angles un objet pour le reconstituer en une image en 3D, Clement VALLA, en épinglant ces images sur des volumes prototypiques, recrée des sculptures et des éléments architecturaux médiévaux français faisant désormais parties de collections américaines. Volontairement laissés apparents, le travail d’épinglage ainsi que le surplus de toile montrent au spectateur qu’il est en présence d’images assemblées numériquement qui sont toutefois capables de restituer les effets de volumes sculptés au travers des jeux d’ombre et de lumière. Des représentations qui imposent une présence troublante et dont le caractère religieux rappelle l’image-empreinte du Christ du Suaire de Turin.
Manifest.AR Marius Watz this is onformative a studio for generative design. PODCAST: Molly Soda Artist Molly Soda, one of the most recognizable names in internet-based practices, joins Humor and the Abject this week. We gabbed about growing up online, selfie feminism in hindsight, her recent solo exhibitions "I'm Just Happy to Be Here" at 315 Gallery in Brooklyn and "Comfort Zone" at Annka Kultys Gallery in London, perceptions of sincerity and honesty in her work, isolation, aesthetic and interface evolutions in social media, how we actively present ourselves for internet audiences, and shitposting. We’re sponsored this week by wooden logs and liberal-presenting media people who participate in email chains with Milo Yiannopoulos. Make sure to come out to the live Humor and the Abject event with Street Fight Radio on Sunday, October 22nd at Throne Watches in Bushwick. Check the blog for details. Did you know that you can subscribe to the Humor and the Abject podcast on nearly every podcast platform that's out there?
Matt Pyke Makoto Tojiki seeper - Interactive Arts + Technology Collective