4 Short Lessons on How to Learn a New Skill
Learning a new skill: It's exciting, it's empowering--and it's intimidating. But don't think so hard at the get-go. You need motivation. Remember, the first thing you have to do is simply to begin. For some peculiar reason, I was motivated to learn about public speaking and presenting. Your desired new skill doesn't have to be the same as mine, but whatever skill you're pursuing, it will require motivation. You need knowledge about how to improve. Creating 10,000 presentations in the course of your career and rehearsing them all with great care will not necessarily guarantee you presentation mastery. For example, if your golf swing isn't any good and you hit the driving range every day of the summer, chances are that your swing won't be any better on Labor Day. You need an understanding of how to apply the knowledge. Every skill has a limited number of key techniques. For instance, the only proven way to become a better speaker is to rehearse under performance-like pressure.
The Real Person's Guide to Finding Your Passion and Loving What You Do
Every entrepreneur and hopeful business founder has likely heard the advice to do something he or she loves or can feel passionate about. This advice has merit, as passion about an idea or product can really help drive a person to succeed. And if you don't believe in an idea or care about its success, it's harder to rise above the inevitable challenges and this will show in the results. But it might not always be easy to find a fun or exciting niche that's practical for business purposes. Whether you're looking to start an enterprise or earn a living or just want to feel more passionate about a current endeavor, looking within, setting goals and shifting your perspective are helpful habits to practice. Related: 7 Traits Elite Entrepreneurs Display at Work and in Their Zest for Living 1. “If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. Working at something fun and interesting is what many people aspire to do. 2. Try making the achievements fun. 3. 4.
30 Ways To Live A Life Of Excellence
post written by: Marc Chernoff Email 30 Ways To Live A Life Of Excellence was written by Celestine. I’ve always been passionate about living a life of excellence. Setting goals, overcoming challenges, getting results, celebrating the victories - these make living so rich and worthwhile. When I was in college I was on the Dean’s List - an honorary roll awarded only to top students - in every academic year I was there. In the last year and a half I also founded my training school where I coach and train others to achieve excellence. Here are my top 30 ways to live a life of excellence: Discover your purpose. – Our physical life started when we were born. In case you can’t get enough, here are some related posts: Act now. Celestine Chua writes at The Personal Excellence Blog, where she shares her best advice on how to achieve personal excellence and live your best life. Photo by: Glacier Tim If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book.
How to Trick Your Brain to Create a New Healthy Habit
تعلم كيف تضحك على عقلك
- إذا أصابتك حكة أو دغدغة في الحنجرة، افرك أذنك! لماذا؟هناك أعصاب محفزة في الأذن، وعند حك الأذن تقوم بعمل رد فعل في الحنجرة يمكن أن يسبب تشنج العضلة، هذا التشنج يخفف الحكة المزعجة أو الدغدغة. - كيف تستفيد من أذنيك؟إذا كنت في مطعم به موسيقى صاخبة وأردت أن تسمع جيداً ما يقال، استعمل أذنك اليمن، فهي أفضل من اليسار في متابعة الإيقاعات السريعة للخطاب. أما إذا أردت أن تميز الأغنية التي تعزف في الخلف، فاستعمل أذنك اليسرى لأنها أفضل في التقاط النغمات الموسيقية 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8- حتى لا تصاب بالدوخةضع يدك على شيء ثابت لان اليد تحتوي على أعصاب تعطي الدماغ مؤشر بأنك متوازن. 9. . 11. محتوى الموضوع منقولفقط قمت باعادة تنظيمه
How I made sure all 12 of my kids could pay for college themselves - Quartz
My wife and I had 12 children over the course of 15 1/2 years. Today, our oldest is 37 and our youngest is 22. I have always had a very prosperous job and enough money to give my kids almost anything. I will share with you the things that we did, but first let me tell you the results: All 12 of my children have college degrees (or are in school), and we as parents did not pay for it. We raised our family in Utah, Florida, and California; my wife and I now live in Colorado. Here’s what we did right (we got plenty wrong, too, but that’s another list): Chores Kids had to perform chores from age 3. Study time Education was very important in our family. We had study time from 6 to 8pm every week day. Picky eaters not allowed We all ate dinner and breakfast together. Extracurriculars All kids had to play some kind of sport. Independence When the kids turned 16, we bought each a car. In it together We required the children to help each other. Vacation policy Money and materialism The real world
Waiting actually makes people more patient, study finds
Let’s face it – no one likes to wait. We’re a culture of instant gratification. But what if the very act we dislike can actually help make us more patient and help us make better financial decisions? According to a recent study by Ayelet Fishbach, Jeffrey Breakenridge Keller Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, waiting actually does make people more patient, which can provide a payoff for consumers by helping them make better decisions. Historically, research on patience has been approached by offering people the choice between a smaller reward sooner or a larger reward later. “People tend to value things more in the present and discount their worth in the future,” Fishbach says. Co-authored with former Chicago Booth postdoctoral fellow Xiani Dai, the study, titled “When Waiting to Choose Increases Patience,” was published in a recent edition of the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
A Perfect Time for Babies
"I hope you have more papers than babies." This is what one senior academic told me when I found myself pregnant barely through the first year of a Ph.D. in physics. It was a joke, but even so it was the last thing I wanted to hear. Out of fear of such remarks, I kept my pregnancy private for as long as I could. Although I was happily married and had the full support of my husband, the idea of raising a child while navigating a Ph.D. was very daunting. I would have continued to worry until childbirth if it were not for some very comforting words from Steve, my second supervisor, who after hearing the news said, “Perfect. Most academic scientists would probably disagree with Steve's assessment. Steve's reasoning, I gathered, is simple. Of course, that is an oversimplification. Most students will say that graduate school is hard enough, and having a family will just make it harder. I learned that there's another reason that it makes sense not to wait: The timing makes sense.