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La Santa Sede

La Santa Sede
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Arcabas: Les Pélerins d'Emmaüs - Paroisse de Faches-Thumesnil Reconnaissez le visage du Christ. Avec les Pélerins d'Emmaüs d'Arcabas. Arcabas Arcabas, alias Jean-Marie Pirot, né en 1926, passe son enfance à Metz. Son nom, Arcabas, provient des agitations de mai 68. Son domaine de prédilection reste la couleur. "À mes risques et périls, écrit-il, je me suis déclaré peintre et c'est vrai que je peins dix heures par jour, deux cent cinquante jours par an. Les oeuvres d'Arcabas figurent tant en Europe qu'au Canada, au Japon, USA ou encore Mexique... dans différentes collections privées ou publiques. Il continue aujourdh'ui encore à réaliser quelques travaux d'ordre monumental. Un artiste contemporain peu connu du grand public, et pourtant ses oeuvres d'art sacré ne peuvent qu'émerveiller. Aujourd'hui, les artistes qui se consacrent à l'art sacré sont trop peu nombreux pour qu'on puisse les passer sous silence. Mieux encore, procurez-vous les deux livres que nous vous conseillons. François Boespflug

In full: Pope Francis' letter on child sex abuse and cover-ups Pope Francis has issued a 2,000 word letter following a new report into clerical child sex abuse in the Catholic Church - here it is in full. Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis To the People of God "If one member suffers, all suffer together with it" (1 Cor 12:26). These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my heart as I acknowledge once more the suffering endured by many minors due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by a significant number of clerics and consecrated persons. Crimes that inflict deep wounds of pain and powerlessness, primarily among the victims, but also in their family members and in the larger community of believers and nonbelievers alike. Looking back to the past, no effort to beg pardon and to seek to repair the harm done will ever be sufficient. 1. The heart-wrenching pain of these victims, which cries out to heaven, was long ignored, kept quiet or silenced. 2.

illuminatiMATRIX | Humanity … the manifestation of the Ego and enemy of Truth La théophanie du beau - Diocèse de Paris Le père Georges Sheshko du patriarcat de Moscou, les pasteurs Louis Pernot et Alain Joly et moi-même avons ouvert le 6ème festival du Beau (du 12 au 14 janvier 2018) dans la crypte de la paroisse Saint-Ferdinand-des-Ternes à Paris. Ce festival a toujours lieu dans une perspective œcuménique ; le thème proposé pour cette édition était : « Vous recevrez une force d’en haut, vous serez mes témoins ». Les quatre intervenants ont proposé leurs communications sans s’être concertés auparavant. Je retiens de tous ces propos des binômes suggestifs. Le père Shesko, lors de son intervention, a évoqué les rites liturgiques de la commixtion du pain dans le vin et l’intinction de l’eau chaude dans le calice pour signifier l’action de l’Esprit sur les dons offerts et bientôt consacrés dans la divine liturgie. Ce sont trois champs où l’action de Dieu rejoint et sollicite la réponse de l’homme et où la dimension esthétique peut se manifester. L’art peut-il vraiment rassembler par-delà les confessions ?

Vatican ex-diplomat sentenced to five years on child pornography charges Image copyright Vatican Media/Reuters A former Vatican diplomat has been sentenced to five years in prison for child pornography offences. Monsignor Carlo Alberto Capella pleaded guilty at a Vatican court, which heard that dozens of pornographic photos and videos were found on his mobile phone. He said he had suffered a personal crisis while working at the Vatican embassy in Washington DC. The priest was recalled from the US last year after authorities notified the Vatican of their suspicions. The US had asked that Capella's diplomatic immunity be lifted so he could face charges there. The former diplomat will serve his sentence in the Vatican's small prison, and pay a fine of €5,000 (£4,400; $5,800). The case is the latest allegation involving child sexual abuse to hit the Catholic Church. All of Chile's 34 bishops offered to resign in May following a child sex scandal and a cover up. Wesolowski was found dead in 2015 before he could stand trial.

An Awareness of Magic "Do you believe in magic? Most pagans do. Most of our ancestors did, if we go back not all that far. In the history of the human race people have believed in magic far longer than they have not. Some people would say this resulted from an inability to explain the basic nature of things and how they operate, and that belief in magic is rapidly becoming obsolete as we gain a better empirical understanding of our universe. Click here to read the rest of "An Awareness of Magic" by Wilfred von Dauster Magick. The people in latter times, used magick, the art of causing change in accordance with ones will, to gain money and riches, love and sex, health, inspiration, peace and contentment. Spells and rituals work through the agency of thought forms. Spells and rituals and thought forms, may help you to fulfill your innermost needs, wants, and wishes, if those needs, wants, and wishes are reasonable and within the realm of possibility. Each and every thought form has a specific vibration.

Mickaël Frontini – Exposition de peintures | Centre Cormier Exposition du Vendredi 23 Novembre au Dimanche16 Décembre 2012 Ouverture les Mardi, Vendredi, Samedi et Dimanche de 16h à 19h Vernissage Jeudi 22 Novembre à partir de 18h Peindre à l’école des enfants Ce sont les enfants qui ont fait surgir en moi le désir de peindre. Pendant l’année 1998-1999, bénévole de l’Association « Arts et Développement », avec d’autres, j’étais présent le mercredi après-midi au pied d’un immeuble d’une banlieue défavorisée pour donner à ceux qui le souhaitent (essentiellement des enfants) du papier à dessin, de la gouache, des pinceaux, …tout ce qu’il faut pour peindre. Me laisser traverser par la vie Il y a des épreuves de la vie qui permettent de se recentrer sur l’essentiel : j’ai pu expérimenter alors que je peux mettre ma tête en veilleuse quand je peins, lâcher prise et donc me laisser traverser par d’autres forces de vie. À la découverte d’un paysage intérieur Quand je me mets à peindre, je n’ai pas d’idées, je ne peins pas à partir de thèmes.

Canadian who posted drug smuggling trip on Instagram sentenced to prison Melina Roberge, along with two accomplices, had embarked on a round-the-world cruise, taking in a number of exotic locations, before the 95 kg (210 lb) haul was discovered on their cruise ship when it docked in Sydney. Roberge broke down in tears in the courtroom, according to CNN's Australian affiliate Channel 7. "I was meant to just be there and look like I was on holiday and look like a cover for everyone else," the 24-year-old Canadian said at the sentencing hearing. "I am really sorry, I should have thought about the consequences and not what I would have gotten for it," she said. Crown prosecutor Tom Muir told the court that she was aware of her role in the crime, and was using it to support her lavish lifestyle. "She was not doing it for debt," he said. At the time, police told CNN affiliate Channel 7 that the seizure was Australia's biggest-ever drug bust through a "passenger stream." The women appear to have also traveled to Bermuda, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia, the posts show.

The Meaning of 11, 111, and 1111 If you continually see the numbers 11, 111, or 1111, there's a reason. The most common way that angels communicate with humans is through the universal languages of numbers and music. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was the first to establish that numbers hold vibrational properties. He taught that the entire universe is mathematically precise. When you see repetitive number sequences, this is a message from your guardian angels. So, Angel Numbers are a shorthand code between you and your angels. In practical terms, this means that your thoughts are going through a cycle where they are manifesting instantly into form. 1, 11, 111, and 1111 in Angel Numbers all mean: "Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts are manifesting instantly into form. If you'd like to try my Angel Numbers 101 App for free, it's here: . Inspired by this article?
