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Beginning Infographics: Information Driven Storytelling Infographics are great—they share ideas and information effectively, work as essential communication tools and let's be honest, they can look pretty cool. Infographics are an amazing way to share new & interesting information with friends & audiences all over. It's the reason why we see them so often—they are a great tool for distilling really complex ideas down into easily digestible stories. Whether you're an experienced designer with a desire to experiment with data, an ambitious student interested in seeing how we work on client projects, or maybe even a non-creative who wants to get some tips on how to better communicate information to their audience—we're here to help you through your own personal journey. What You'll LearnIn this class, we'll take you through the process, start to finish, learning about: Class ProjectWe're going to create a time-based visualization about a day in your life (or something of your choosing)!

How to Become a Productivity Ninja Believe it or not, productivity can be learned, grasshopper. Yeah, I didn’t believe it either..until I transformed myself into a productivity ninja. Today, I’m going to teach you to maximize your time at your computer, dominate your email in-box, and spend less time on unimportant tasks to focus on what really matters. Jeff Galloway Official Website Run Walk Run: It began in 1974 I was asked to teach a class in beginning running a few months after opening my specialty running store, Phidippides in 1973. Through this class I saw an opportunity to help non-runners enjoy the benefits of running. Since business was slow at the store, I also wanted to increase the number of potential customers. During the class I discovered that none of my students had been running for at least five years. About one third had never done any regularly scheduled exercise during their lifetime.

How to Launch a Startup Without Writing Code Have an idea for a startup, but no technical skills to build it? Did you know that some of the world's greatest tech startups were in fact launched with very little technology? These are companies that were acquired for $50-$540 million, or IPO'd. How did they do it? There are tons of online tools you can put together to create a product without writing any code. In this course I will show you how these tools can be used to build your idea and get your first customers.

Little Steps: 100 Great Tips For Saving Money For Those Just Getting Started Yesterday, I discussed how anyone can turn their financial life around if they just take that first step – the first step is always the hardest one. After that, you start taking more and more little steps and before you know it, your financial life is getting better and better. What follows is a list of 100 more steps to take. Each of these tactics are simple little moves you can make to improve your financial situation. Some of them take just a few minutes, others might take an hour or two, some of them require a bit of regular effort, but they’re all incredibly simple – anyone can do them. Each of them also save significant money, especially over the long haul, and when combined together these tips can save you a lot of money now.

Contract Writing for Freelancers So you've been in business for yourself for a little while. You know you should have a contract, maybe you even have one, but is it really comprehensive? Maybe you can't afford a lawyer and you've cobbled together your own version on a wish and a prayer. It's time to clear up the gray area before you get burned. (Or, again, as the case may be. SCHOPENHAUER'S 38 STRATAGEMS, OR 38 WAYS TO WIN AN ARGUMENT Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), was a brilliant German philosopher. These 38 Stratagems are excerpts from "The Art of Controversy", first translated into English and published in 1896. Carry your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; exaggerate it. The more general your opponent's statement becomes, the more objections you can find against it. The more restricted and narrow his or her propositions remain, the easier they are to defend by him or her.

Become an Amazon Kindle eBook Publisher In this class you will learn the easiest way of getting started with online passive income; publishing Kindle eBooks on Amazon. The best part is you don't even need to be able to write at all. Interested? Lifestyle Design - The Power of Self-Reflection When we’re children, we have a lot of time to think about things. Many of us thought about what we wanted to be as adults, or the type of life that we wanted to live. It’s simple being a child, and though we didn’t realize it then, most of us had an abundance of one of the most valuable things a person can have; time. Eventually, most of us find jobs or launch into careers, and that’s when it happens; we stop thinking, at least about the important things. We don’t leave ourselves the time to self-reflect and ask ourselves questions like ‘am I happy doing what I’m doing?‘ and if not ‘so what else could I be doing?

Introduction to Mobile Photography: Capturing on the Go Mobile photography was my gateway drug into photography. It is a phenomenon that has made taking amazing photos easier and more accessible than ever. Everyone from your sister to your grandma might be taking mobile photos but there is in fact a technical craft to doing it well that makes the best really stand out.

The Answer for Massive Calves by John Paul Catanzaro – 6/13/2012 In my small home gym, I have three dedicated machines for calf training: a standing calf raise unit that goes up to 600 pounds, a seated calf raise machine, and a step platform equipped with a handle for one-leg calf raises. These are the sort of machines that you'd see in large commercial gym, not usually in a smaller home-based setup. 3D Print Your Invention: Learn 3D Modeling and Digital Fabrication 3D printing is exciting and new and awesome. You may have wanted to try your hand at 3D printing, but it can be hard to know where to start. This class will teach you how to jump in, create your own 3D models, and ultimately print your designs to hold in your own hands. Your first 3D print is ridiculously fun.

The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again 7K Flares 7K Flares × Body language is older and more innate for us as humans than even language or facial expressions. That’s why people born blind can perform the same body language expressions as people who can see. They come pre-programmed with our brains.

UX Crash Course: 31 Fundamentals My New Year’s Resolution for 2014 was to get more people started in User Experience (UX) Design. I posted one lesson every day in January, and hundreds of thousands of people came to learn! Below you will find links to all 31 daily lessons. Basic UX Principles: How to get started

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