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21 Accents

21 Accents

Related:  ListeningPRONUNCIATIONcommunication

Helping learners understand different accents This post accompanies the workshop Laura gave on 7 November 2015 at the English UK conference in London. You can view the presentation slides here. (And you may also have seen or heard about this workshop earlier this year, at the IATEFL conference in Manchester!) Why help learners understand different accents – and why L2 accents in particular? English is used by millions of people around the world. They do not all sound the same, and very few sound like the recordings featured in popular published ELT materials. Pronunciation Teaching: 11 quick multi-sensory techniques - Evolutions In this post I’d like to start a list/discussion of useful pronunciation teaching techniques. One of my favorite teachers-who-write, over at The Other Things Matter, inspired by another one at The Breathy Vowel, tweeted the following: Inspired by @breathyvowel tomorrow I start my weekly pron class. #SteppingOutofMyComfortZone — Kevin Stein (@kevchanwow) April 25, 2013 Then later he mentioned something about cellphones and progress in the pronunciation area.

Formal and informal emails and letters useful links My formal and informal emails and letters classroom materials Examples of several kinds of formal email and two informal emails Exercises on those emails Short worksheet exercise on formal and informal letters Cliche Finder Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use? Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase... Over 3,300 clichés indexed! What exactly is a cliche?

Why grammar lessons should be renamed ‘understanding language’ Some of the country’s most eminent linguists came together for English Grammar Day, presented by UCL and Oxford University in association with the British Library, last week. With talks from grammarians including David Crystal and Dick Hudson, the event served as a crash course in the history, prevalence and importance of grammar. The main focus, however, was on the problems with how grammar is taught in schools. How things have to improve was made clear: we need to embrace grammar, teach it in context and uphold its importance within the education system. One answer is to call it something else.

The 10 Best Places to Find ELT Listening Materials If, like me, you find that one of the most commonly heard requests from your learners is to provide them with additional listening materials to study with outside of class, this post is definitely for you. I’ve trawled the internet and the result of my extensive labors is the list of ten great resources you see below… enjoy! 1) Link Eng Park This site doesn’t actually produce any of its own materials, but it’s as close as an encyclopedia of all ESL online listening materials as you’re ever likely to find. If you can’t find something here for your teaching context, you almost might as well stop searching! Feel the beat: how rhythm shapes the way we use and understand language Do you feel the rhythm? Or a French rythme, Spanish ritmo, Swedish rytm, Russian ритм (ritm) or Japanese rizumu? Is there a difference? Perhaps one way to find out is to have a French conversation, German konversation, Spanish conversación, or Italian conversatione?

How To Teach Formal And Informal Language Practical ideas for teaching polite language and friendly language. Although getting formality really right is a sign of a truly advanced learner (and is also the last thing native speaker teenagers pick up), even beginners can gain from being told the formality differences between “Can you…?”/“Could you…?”, “Good morning”/“Hello”/“Hi”, etc – and even more so nowadays when students with limited English often already have to use it in their work and travels. Sounds Familiar? What you can hear You can listen to 71 sound recordings and over 600 short audio clips chosen from two collections of the British Library Sound Archive: the Survey of English Dialects and the Millennium Memory Bank. You’ll hear Londoners discussing marriage and working life, Welsh teenagers talking with pride about being bilingual and the Aristocracy chatting about country houses. You can explore the links between present-day Geordie and our Anglo-Saxon and Viking past or discover why Northern Irish accents are a rich blend of seventeenth century English and Scots.

How to Teach Old Ears New Tricks “Hi! I'm Gabe. What's your name?” “Seung-heon. KARAOKE DIALOGUES - Great Practice! Karaoke Dialogues Get the dialogue ebook, videos and PPT More dialogue/conversation resources and ideas here! Student Practice with "Blank" Dialogues Download this as a Powerpoint with the audio. > here

100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English There are spelling rules in English, even if they are difficult to understand, so pronouncing a word correctly usually does help you spell it correctly. Here are the 100 most often mispronounced English words ("mispronunciation" among them). Several common errors are the result of rapid speech, so take your time speaking, correctly enunciating each word. Comparing the Book to the Movie Watching a movie after reading the book is a wonderful way to encourage students to think critically about how each medium presented roughly the same information. Here are some questions to ask: Think about the setting of the book. Did the setting in the movie look like you had imagined it (Good ones for this are Harry Potter, Holes, Narnia, and Where the Wild Things Are)? If not, how was it different?Think about the main character.

Mock Listening Paper - Economics Group As part of this course, you will have to give a group presentation on one of the topics we’ve discussed so far. I’ve already decided on the groups – there will be three people in each group. Please check the handout I’ve given you to find out who is in your group. I’m going to give you some time now to meet your group members and start discussing what topic you’d like to work on and do your presentation on. Once you decide, you can come to me and explain your ideas and I’ll give you some feedback. Henry: Hi, are you Joe?

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