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This Is A Pretty Long List But You Will Find Useful Websites

This Is A Pretty Long List But You Will Find Useful Websites
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Rock Bottom: 6 Ways I Was Awakened After Having A Breakdown In My 20s At 22 years old, I thought I had it all. I was a recent college graduate who not only financed her entire college education on her own, but who also received honors from the university and her department. I had two job offers before I walked on stage to get my diploma. I had a healthy relationship, a loving and supportive family and great friends cheering me on. Some would think my life was “perfect.” But when I had a nervous breakdown a month after starting my full-time job, everything changed. I was hospitalized for my intense headaches and lack of appetite, and my anxiety had kept me homebound for two weeks. It was the scariest moment of my life. I was always the type of woman who thought she would have her life figured out post-graduation. In life, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can reach your destiny. It was Marilyn Monroe who said, “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” 1. You have to be true to yourself, to your gut and to your heart.

Crash Course on Refinancing Your Student Loans Springpad Alternatives (Responses) 13 Critical Things Wayne Dyer Personally Taught Me I was scared to death. Wayne Dyer was going to come on my podcast. I read about ten of his books. I watched other interviews with him. "You have to interrupt him," Claudia told me, "or he will keep on talking." Afterwards, the guy who did the audio for the podcast said to me, "That was unbelievably inspiring." And then he quit his job. Whatever meager resources you have, make it work for you. Wayne Dyer has worn many hats. He started out dirt poor, an orphan coming out of foster homes. So what did he do then? He quit his 100% safe job. He had written a book, Your Erroneous Zones, and it failed in his eyes. But that wasn't good enough for Wayne. He bought out the rest of the inventory of books from his publisher and put them in the trunk of his station wagon. When we were kids, we laughed and asked question. You choose yourself one choice at a time. He has sold over 100 million books since then. Here's 13 things Wayne Dyer told me that I learn from every day: 1. 2. Dr. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

garfield minus garfield garfield minus garfield Garfield Minus Garfield is a site dedicated to removing Garfield from the Garfield comic strips in order to reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle. Apr 07 G-G the book - G-G on Facebook - G-G on Twitter First Comics Previous Comic Next Comic Current Comic Buy Garfield minus Garfield the book! Site created by Dan Walsh of Should I Use BitTorrent Sync Instead of Dropbox? Lilliana Vazquez | Style Expert, TV Personality & Author Posting a Daily Warm-Up If you give a daily warm-up, you can use Google Classroom to facilitate the administration. Create a generic Google Form. Link to the live Form view in the “About” tab of Google Classroom. Have students use the same form every day to fill out the “5 a day.” Go to Google Drive and create a Google Form for your daily warm up. In order to re-use the Google Form every day make the questions generic. View sample warm up Google Form: If you would like to make a copy of the above Google Form warm-up template click here to view the edit screen. Since you will use the same Google Form for the daily warm-up, you can place the link to the Form in the “About” tab of Google Classroom. Click on “Add materials…” to add the link to the Google Form. Title the material “Daily Warm-Up Link.” Daily, the students will click on the “About” tab to access the Warm-Up. Since the Google Form is generic, you will need to display the questions in another location besides the Google Form.

What Cool Things Can I Do with All This Free Cloud Storage Space? How to Take a Great iPhone Photo As smart phones keep getting smarter, and built-in cameras get more and more powerful, it’s becoming all too easy to forget the tricked-out DSLR at home. But a great camera doesn’t always mean a great photo, so we asked five top Instagrammers in their fields—interiors, food, travel, party, and portrait—to give us a crash course. FoodJoann Pai It’s pretty easy to spot a Joann Pai pic without even seeing her handle. Joann’s Q&A How do you use light to create a specific mood? First and foremost, you have to consider the mood you want to convey. How do you set up the perfect food still life? Think about the story you want to tell, then start simple. What angles do you suggest for shooting food? It really depends on the food in question and what you’re looking to highlight. How do you incorporate people into your shots? I always enjoy adding a human element to photos but only if it looks natural or adds to the story. Do you have any iPhone tricks for making it easier? InteriorsBonnie Tsang Kim’s Q&A

Riding Your Flow: 8 Steps for Enhancing Your Creativity and Productivity Dr Kelly Neff, The Lucid Planet Why is that we tend to be more successful at pursuits we are genuinely passionate about? Why does time seem to drag when you are completely bored and uninterested in a task? How come you can easily lose yourself in a task that really piques your interest? According to positive psychology, doing things that you find genuinely interesting and stimulating can put you into a state Flow, which is defined as an ‘optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best.’ What Does Flow Feel Like? Psychologically, riding a state of flow can feel incredibly pleasing and liberating. According to psychologist Mikhal Csíkszentmihályi’s landmark book Finding Flow, the feeling of flow is associated with these ten factors, although not all of them need to be present to experience it. What Does Flow Look Like in the Brain? A variety of processes occur simultaneously in the brain when we enter a state of flow. Brain Wave Transitions: Neuro-chemistry: Sources:

Do Men Over 50 Only Want Younger Women? | Lisa Copeland Women ask me all the time about what they're supposed to do about the men out there who say they only want younger women in their profiles. I remember seeing it too but I never let it stop me from favoring a man and it shouldn't stop you either. But the question has always intrigued me so I did a little research to find out more about why this is happening and whether or not it's true. I started with an old boyfriend of mine who is 11 years older than me. He told me it was an ego thing. He and I were from completely different generations. Some of our values and views of life were different and that created conflict, which ultimately ended our love relationship. We've stayed friends but when we broke up, I suggested that he start dating women closer to his age, sharing that he'd have more in common with him than he and I did. At first he taken aback, but guess what? It turns out these women were not only great ... they also kept him on his toes, often outdoing him when it comes to activities.

5 Signs You're In The Wrong Relationship Whether or not a relationship is “meant to be” is often determined by how much work each partner decides to put into the relationship. And if you feel you've done all that you can, and it still didn't work out, then the relationship wasn’t meant to be. So let’s review some signs that can help you identify when a relationship is wrong for you. Just a note: If you’ve seen these signs in previous relationships but didn’t get out when you should have, go easy on yourself. You had different lenses then. The purpose of this post isn’t to make you feel regretful about your past or panicked about your current relationship. Here are five signs you’re in a relationship that's not “meant to be." 1. Everything you’ve liked about yourself, who you are, what makes you uniquely you, is gone or faded. Unfortunately, this happens a lot in relationships. Sometimes partners try to control us and stamp it as love. Now let me stop here and note that it doesn’t mean it’s 100% the other person’s fault. 2. 3. 4.
