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Magazine Subscriptions | 3000+ titles from the UK and Worldwide UK <div id="blq-no-js-banner"><p>For a better experience on your device, try our <a href=" site</a>.</p></div> Accessibility links BBC navigation In association with RSS feed Advertisement 11 April 2014Last updated at 04:23 ET Co-op Bank confirms £1.3bn losses The Co-operative Bank has confirmed it has made a loss of £1.3bn for 2013 and said it will not pay out £5m to former executives. Man charged with Omagh bomb murders A 43-year-old man from the Republic of Ireland is due to appear in court, charged with the murders of 29 people in the 1998 Omagh bomb attack. Adrian Mole author Sue Townsend dies Novelist Sue Townsend, best known as the author of the Adrian Mole series, has died, a friend of her family has told the BBC. Also in the News Local News & Weather Enter your location and get relevant local information across BBC News, BBC Weather and the BBC homepage. Northern Ireland Wales or Cymru Scotland or Alba England Our Expert Article written by Mark Easton Mark Easton Home editor
NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it? | Technology Matthew Prince had the power to kill the white supremacist hate site the Daily Stormer for years, but he didn’t choose to pull the trigger until 16 August. That’s when the chief executive of website security company Cloudflare “woke up … in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the Internet”, as he told his employees in an internal email. Without Cloudflare’s protection, the Daily Stormer was forced to retreat to the darknet, where it is inaccessible to the majority of internet users. Cloudflare is just one of many internet companies that cleaned house amid a wave of public outrage following a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. Critics charge that technology platforms have enabled a disparate network of racist extremists to seek one another out, raise funds, and plan and execute such rallies. “I am deeply uncomfortable with the decision we made,” Prince said in an interview. “Historically, the place you went to exercise your speech rights was the public square.
WORTHING HERALD The Sunday Times HeadlineSpot.com: US Newspapers Online News Headlines, World News, Current Events. Charlie Hebdo depicts drowning Harvey victims as neo-Nazis The cover of the latest edition of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo depicts Texans who drowned in the flood waters of Tropical Storm Harvey as Nazis, it was reported on Wednesday. ‘God Exists! He Drowned All the Neo-Nazis of Texas,’ the controversial weekly magazine writes for its cover story. The cartoon on the front page shows a torrential downpour drowning a group of people carrying flags with the Nazi swastikas. Some of the victims on the cover are under water as they do the Nazi salute with their arms outstretched at a 45-degree angle. The satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo’s latest edition includes a cover depicting Texans who drowned in the flood waters of Tropical Storm Harvey as Nazis. A man points with his walking stick in the Tropical Storm Harvey floodwaters in north western Houston on Wednesday Drone video shows the massive flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% MinimizeExpandClose Gunmen opened fire on Charlie Hebdo office in January 2015