50 Popular English Idioms to Sound Like a Native Speaker To understand English as it is spoken in real life, you have to be familiar with idioms. They are used so much in everyday English that it is important to be aware of them. You need to learn what they mean, and how to use them to become an ‘insider’. This blog post will show you some of the most popular English idioms currently in use. 50 Popular English Idioms 1. I’m not getting enough sleep these days. 2. My colleagues were surprised at the Christmas party- I let my freak flag fly and showed them a break dance routine. 3. The party got out of hand and the guests started to throw bottles at each other. 4. I just can’t get my head around the fact that Joe is leaving us. 5. My parents wanted me to give up writing, but I dug in my heels and went on to become a famous writer.My parents wanted me to give up writing, but I stuck to my guns and went on to become a famous writer. 6. I’d been pounding the pavement for months before I found a job in a fast food restaurant. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
KoalaText - ESL - activities - worksheets - reading comprehension Select your Lessons Family MY FRIENDS 50 graded units divided into 5 levels of 5 different language families. 60 references for students and teachers divided in grammar and vocabulary lists. Recommended Ages Ages World Friends Starters Dialogues References Listening Definitions Videos Grammar Level 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NUMBEROF UNITS 77 50 58 48 60 80 33 84 60 27 Phonics Activities, Learn to Read, for Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade, 2nd Grade MAPPE e SCHEDE di INGLESE-GRAMMATICA- Basi, vocabolario, frasi Flash cards –moltissimi vocaboli e frasi con disegni ed audio ( anche in altre lingue) mappe di inglese, in generale : Advertising Advertising 1 Banking Business basics Business organization GlobalisationInsurance and transport Insurance and transport 1 Insurance and transport 2 London Pubs The United Kingdom Trade and commerce Utili schede compensative di inglese realizzate da Riccardo. ( Molte schede per arricchire il vocabolario in fondo alla pagina numeri e date ( giorni, mesi etc) …la divisibilità dei numeri fino a 99…moooolto carino! i numeri i mesi l’ orario il tempo i lavori
Fleex. Apprendre l'anglais en regardant des séries ou des films Fleex est un outil en ligne qui permet d’apprendre l’anglais via un système ingénieux utilisant les sous-titres des films ou des séries TV. Autant dire qu’il ne sera pas forcément très difficile de convaincre un apprenant de travailler son anglais sur un tel support de base. En tout cas cela devrait faciliter les choses. Ingénieuse idée que celle des créateurs de Fleex. Ils ont mis au point une méthode basée sur le double sous-titrage. Vous pouvez à tout moment en cliquant sur un mot afficher sa fiche d’identité et sa traduction. Le service Fleex est centré sur un lecteur de vidéo avec des fonctions spécifiques. Fleex est une sacré bonne idée avec une foule d’options intéressantes qui dépoussièrent sacrément certaines méthodes multimédia d’apprentissage de l’anglais. Pour utiliser Fleex il faut vous inscrire. Pour visionner des films et séries Fleex innove aussi en proposant plusieurs moyens. Ludique et efficace. Lien: Fleex Sur le même thème
7 Must-Listen Podcasts for English Language Teachers Podcasts are a great resource for English language teachers interested in professional development. Teacher trainers on TESOL courses and by Directors of Studies can use podcasts as part of their CPD (Continuous Professional Development) programme for their teaching team. What are Podcasts? Podcasts are audio files, which can be uploaded to your phone, tablet, mp3 player, laptop or desktop computer and listened to at any time. There are a number of podcasts available for English language teachers, for novice teaching and experienced professionals, and I will list a number of them in this post. Some of them are only about teaching English while others deal with the broader fields of SLA (second language acquisition) and language teacher education. 7 Great Podcasts for English Language Teachers The TEFL Show This is a 30-minute podcast hosted by Marek Kiczkowiak and Robert McCaul, which deals with such issues as: TEFL Training Institute Style and Intended Listener: teaching TEFL Commute Tea with BVP
EFL Activities for Kids, ESL Printables, Worksheets, Games, Puzzles, for Preschool, Primary English Learners Printable Sea Animals Flash Cards 1. Download and Open Download the PDF file for the flashcards. 2. Print on 8.5 x 11 card stock for best results. 3. Cut out the flash cards with scissors or a paper trimmer. 4. Laminating the cards will make them more durable. Antidote. Le grand outil de correction et d’aide à la rédaction se met à l’anglais – Les Outils Tice Antidote est un outil de correction et d’aide à la rédaction d’une grande puissance dont la réputation n’est plus à faire. C’est sans doute un des meilleurs outils de sa catégorie dont j’ai déjà dit ici même tout le bien que je pense. Antidote ne s’endort pas sur ses lauriers et propose maintenant un correcteur intelligent, des dictionnaires de référence et des guides pour l’Anglais. Vous pouvez même utiliser une version parfaitement bilingue et passer du français à l’anglais selon vos besoins. Attention il ne s’agit pas d’un outil de traduction. Si vous savez utiliser Antidote en français, vous savez utiliser la version pour l’anglais. Dans le cadre d’une utilisation pédagogique, Antidote est juste formidable pour des étudiants en langues. Outre le correcteur, Antidote propose une aide encyclopédique avec toute une série de dictionnaires de référence pour élargir votre vocabulaire et aussi votre style. Sympa également un module « Anti-Oups » pour vos mails.
Calendar: Days and Months Collect all kinds of calendar even if they are old to help out during the lesson. Use a real calendar to show the day and months of the year. The calendar helps understand numbers up to 31. Have them say their birthday and look up the date in the calendar and say what day it is on the present year. Have the students identify the days of the week in the calendar and how many days . I made cards to help ordering the months of the year and the days of the week. Link : Game: Go to Month. Teacher: January! Question and answer cards. Activity 1-You can place the question cards in a bag or facedown in a pile on your desk. Activity 2- Divide the class into groups . Teacher: the first letter is J and the last letter is Y. The students look through the cards and guess the word. Students should learn the ordinal numbers for telling dates. Say a color for each day of the week.