Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 11 Great Search Engines for Social Science Researchers July 30, 2014 In today's post I am sharing with you some interesting search engines ideal for folks in engaged in social science research.Researchers working in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and related subjects will find great results using these search engines. Behavioral Brain Science Archive: Check out this searchable archive to find extensive psychology and brain science articles. In this research network, you can find a wide variety of social science research from a number of specialized networks including cognitive science, leadership, management, and social insurance. Find a journal with Psycline’s journal and article locator, a tool that offers access to more than 2,000 psychology and social science journals online. Search the languages of the world with Ethnologue, offering an encyclopedic reference of all the world’s known living languages. Use this site from the University of Amsterdam to browse sociological subjects including activism, culture, peace, and racism.
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops - Letter to the Holy Father His Holiness Pope FrancisApostolic Palace00120 Vatican City Your Holiness, One year ago today, the Bishops of Canada along with all the faithful of our great land saw you appear for the first time on the balcony of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. The simplicity of your manner and your words, the humility with which you invited us to pray for you, and your warm smile quickly gained our affection. In the following days, we learned to know you in greater depth. Today, we are united with you in a prayer of thanksgiving for God's work in you and through you. Please be assured of our unity in the faith, of our solidarity in mission, and of our constant support for the new evangelization. In the joy of the Gospel, your brother in the episcopacy, + Paul-André DurocherArchbishop of GatineauPresident of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops PDF Version
Make DIY Shrinky Dinks My parents are both science teachers: which means they always ruined the secrets to magic tricks, they forced me to identify every tree by leaf and bark type, and we always created our own versions of ‘science-y’ toys. We used to cook our Easy-Bake Oven meals with foil and a light bulb, and created our own slime with cornstarch and food coloring. And, when we wanted our own shrinkable art, did we get the sweet pre-printed HeMan or Strawberry Shortcake sheets? Nope. We freehanded it on blank sheets of plastic, and copied the designs from coloring books. The process is simple. Ingredients: - Clean #6 Plastic - Permanent Markers - Scissors - Aluminum Foil - Oven and Tongs or Oven Mitt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Please include more application ideas in the comments below. Interested in other creative craft ideas? Or maybe you want to do another science project? Tagged : shrinky_dink, How-To, art, nostaglia, Toys, childhood, 70s, 80s, DIY
Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo | petercanisiusmichaeldavidkang On Sunday, 12 January 2014, at the Angelus of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Pope Francis announced that 19 new Cardinals will be created at the consistory planned to be held on the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, 22 February 2014. Here are the names of the new Cardinals or Cardinal-elects, and some short explanation on them : 1. Being the highest position in the Church just below that of the Pope himself, Archbishop Parolin as the Secretariat of State is a certain candidate for the Cardinalate to be made at this consistory, and the position itself is explicitly stated to have to be held by a Cardinal (As Cardinal Secretary of State) 2. Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri is also the Secretary of the College of Cardinals and therefore was the Secretary of the Conclave that elected Pope Francis on 13 March 2013. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. With two of his immediate predecessors made Cardinals in 1983 and 2001 respectively, Archbishop Kutwa had a high chance of being appointed Cardinal. 9. 10. 11.
About us N.B. The category "Pro-life" applies to those members whose principal activity is pastoral or social assistance, or who are active in Pro-life organizations nationally or internationally. Argentinian Alberto Germán Bochatey Alberto Caturelli José Juan García Hugo Obiglio Rafael Luis Pineda Australian John Finnis Anthony Fisher John Irving Fleming Austrian Lukas Kenner Josef Maria Seifert Wolfgang Waldstein Bangladesh Benedict D'Rozario Belgian Alain Lejeune Alain Mattheeuws Philippe Schepens Michael Schooyans Brazilian Dalton Luiz De Paula Ramos Aníbal Gil Lopes Humberto Leal Vieira Bolivian Jorge Enrique Ybarnegaray British Luke Gormally Colin McGuckin Thomas Ward John Keown Nicholas Windsor Burkina Faso Etienne Kabore Jacques Koudoubi Simpore Canadian Noël Simard William Sullivan Chilean Fernando Chomali Garib Alejandro Serani Merlo Paulina Taboada Chilean Patricio Ventura-Juncá Juan de Dios Vial Correa Pilar Vigil Congolese Mika Mfitzsche Daniel Nlandu Mayi Kamwira Soly Croatian Niko Zurak
Synod on the Family: Reports of English language working groups Vatican Radio (Vatican Radio) Below we publish the texts of the reports presented for consideration in the drafting of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops’ final document or Relatio synodi from the English language Working Groups. Relatio - Circulus Anglicus "A" Moderator: Card. I present this report of behalf of the English speaking group Anglicus "A". We believed that there needed to be a new introduction to the Relatio. We agreed that this is to be a pastoral document, as has been expressed as the wish of the Synod, a document which speaks to people about the often critical issues which confront families today. We referred to the methodology used as appearing to be based on the SEE, JUDGE, ACT principles, but in this case it was LISTEN, JUDGE, ACT. LISTEN and observe what others are saying and what the situation is regarding marriage and family life in the world today. JUDGE according to what we have been gifted with through the Deposit of Faith. [03042-02.01] [Original text: English] 1. 2. 3. 4.
Knit-A-Square Adding music and other content to iTunes Languages Learn how to add music and other content to iTunes. Adding audio and video content to iTunes is easy. iTunes helps you import audio CDs, add digital audio and video content already on your computer, and even purchase new content from the iTunes Store. Using iTunes, you can add music to your iTunes library from your audio CD collection in few easy steps. Open iTunes and insert an audio CD into your computer's CD or DVD drive. iTunes helps you add digital audio and video files on your computer directly to your iTunes library. Open iTunes From the File menu, choose one of the following choices: Mac Add to Library Windows Add File to Library Add Folder to Library Navigate to and select the file or folder that you want to add If iTunes is set to "Copy files to the iTunes Music folder when adding to library," iTunes will copy all content that is added to the iTunes library to the iTunes Music folder. Last Modified: Apr 12, 2013 One Moment Please Thanks for your feedback.
Fr. Thomas Rosica The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord – Monday, February 2, 2015 In 1997, Saint John Paul II established the special Day of Consecrated Life to coincide with the Feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem (February 2). The Pope gave three reasons for his selection of February 2 as a special day for religious women and men: first, to praise and thank the Lord for the gift of consecrated life; second, to promote the knowledge and appreciation of consecrated women and men by all the People of God; and third, to invite all those who have dedicated their life to the cause of the Gospel to celebrate the wonderful ways that Lord has worked through them. The special scripture readings for the Feast are the readings for Sunday (Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 24:7,8,9,10; Hebrews 2:14-18; and Luke 2:22-40). Biblical background Two important perspectives for the Consecrated life flow from this deeply touching Gospel story. A Kairos Moment How do we see God’s glory in our lives?
SAGE - A Test to Measure Thinking Abilities The Instrument cannot substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a trained medical professional. Diagnosis and treatment of human illness should be based collectively on medical history, including family medical history, and a physical examination along with a doctor's professional judgment and review of all test results. The material contained in the Instrument does not contain standards that are meant to be applied rigidly and followed in virtually all cases. Permission is granted to use and redistribute this Instrument for individual clinical or noncommercial educational use only, provided that The Ohio State University and authors of the Instrument are acknowledged in any publications reporting its use, and the name of The Ohio State University or any of its officers, employees, students or board members is not used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use or distribution of the Instrument without specific, written prior authorization.
Women for Women International International : Development and Relief Services Helping women survivors of war rebuild their lives Charts Government Grants Fundraising Program Expenses Women for Women International (WWI) provides women survivors of war, civil strife and other conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency, thereby promoting viable civil societies. Charities Performing Similar Types of Work Highly Rated Most Viewed This charity has an official representative registered with Charity Navigator.