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ECODESIGN FAB LAB - Mobilier éco-conçu

ECODESIGN FAB LAB - Mobilier éco-conçu

How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware A modular system unites the advantages of standardisation (as parts can be produced cheaply in large amounts) with the advantages of customisation (since a large diversity of unique objects can be made with relatively few parts). Modularity can be found to a greater or lesser extent in many products (like bicycles and computers) and systems (like trains and logistics), but the best examples of modular systems are toys: LEGO, Meccano, and Erector (which is now the brand name of Meccano in the US). LEGO, Meccano and Erector are composed of relatively few elementary building blocks, which can be used to build various objects. The parts can then be disassembled and re-used to build something completely different. Apart from the elementary buildings blocks, these manufacturers have produced many more specific building blocks, which are less versatile, but further increase customisation possibilities. Grid Beam, Bit Beam, Open Beam, Maker Beam and Contraptor OpenStructures Circulation of Parts

Á FAIRE: French Fab Labs This article can be found translated in French here. I was in Paris at the end of April for Ouishare Fest, a conference about the sharing economy. I spent a Friday afternoon visiting Fab Labs in and around Paris, talking to a number of very interesting people who are very interested in the maker movement and understanding how it might be taking shape in France today. Héloïse, Fabrien, Camille, Dale, Véronique and Artur outside Le Petit Fab Lab in Paris One thing I learned from the outset was that Fab Lab is a term of art in France, and in other parts of Europe. I was simply excited to see these spaces in very different settings in Paris, which was made possible by Véronique Routin’s efforts. La Nouvelle Fabrique Inside an open art and performance space called CentQuatre (104) is the storefront called La Nouvelle Fabrique. Dale talks to Vincent Guimas and Véronique Routin. A team of three was busily working on a Wikihouse project. A CNC machine cuts out panels for a wikiihouse. DIY Bio Lab

Woma WoMa est ouvert de 9h à 19h du lundi au vendredi, vous pouvez venir y travailler, utiliser nos machines et l’atelier tout au long de la journée. Notre animateur vous accueille pour vous guider, vous renseigner et vous accompagner selon vos besoins: travailler quelques heures, louer un poste de travail résident, utiliser nos machines à commandes numériques ou l’atelier et ses outils. WoMa propose des évènements, rencontres, formations et workshops tout au long de l’année le temps d’une soirée ou d’un week-end. Moments propices à la découverte de nouvelles opportunités et savoirs. Si vous êtes simplement curieux de découvrir le lieu et ses activités, nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre le temps d’un déjeuner, apportez votre sandwich et venez partager un moment à WoMa ! Souscription annuelle à l’association : 10€ CoWorking Coworking journée 20€ TTC/jour Poste de travail à la journée,internet, café, terrasse ensoleillée de 9h à 19h et du lundi au vendredi Postes disponibles : 1420€ / jour
