Google: 短址服務, 不能自訂短址 Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more. To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app. todaymeets-nutc106 nutc106 Listen 2410331077 陳靜佳 by 29 2410331055 陳建良 by leo 2410231013 賴品竹 by 2410231013
Visualead - All things possible Easy QR Code' Startup Visualead Launches in China Visualead, an Israeli startup behind a simple service that creates QR codes that are barely visible, kicked off its official launch in China with a bang: winning the Growth Stage Competition at the Global Mobile Internet Conference yesterday. Visualead Wants to Bring Cutesy QR Code Creation to Asia Israel-based QR code generator, Visualead, has walked away as the winner of the G-Startup Growth Stage competition.
GIF Maker - Video to GIF Creator Tools GIF MAKERCreate animated GIFs from video files and YouTube links. Have you ever watched a video online and thought, "Man, this cute cat video would be SO much better in GIFs!" Well, GOOD NEWS! GIPHY just released a Creation Tool that will help you reach your GIF goals and dreams. 8 個線上服務「兩步驟驗證」設定說明,確保帳戶免於威脅 我很常在文章裡向讀者宣導如何在數位時代保護你的線上安全,包括資料要備份、不隨意下載或安裝來路不明的程式,以及不點擊 Facebook 等網站上的奇怪鏈結,其中最重要、也是每個人都必須做的,就是強化帳號安全性,以避免帳號被盜用的問題發生,帳號是使用者在網路上的另外一個身分,應該不會有人希望自己的帳號落入有心人士的手裡。 要如何強化帳號的安全性,簡單來說,就是設定一組安全性較高的密碼,例如不以常用的數字、生日等等作為密碼,在密碼裡混合大寫、小寫英文字母和特殊符號的組合。好的密碼是讓你可以記住,別人卻難猜出。 不過只有一組密碼是不夠安全的,你應該考慮使用「雙重驗證」來提高自己的帳戶安全性,讓密碼以外多另一層保護,目前有愈來愈多的網路服務已經支援兩步驟驗證,包括 Google、Facebook、Microsoft、Yahoo!、Twitter、Dropbox 等等。 什麼是兩步驟驗證?
Turning Any Design Into Beautiful QR Code QR codes can be used to store text information ranging from URLs to application links. These QR codes can be generated online or via a smartphone app. Most of the time, these generators create just the basic black and white QR codes as these are the safest designs to go with – one box out of place and the reader might not be able to translate the stored information, making the QR code useless. Pin it But then there are some creative designers who go beyond the call of duty to produce really stunning artworks like the ones you see in this post: 40 Gorgeous QR Code Artworks. You can create your own customized and colored QR Codes yourself, but if you are not into design but still want an interesting QR Code, then Visualead can help.
Visual QR Code i-nigma: 靈敏度高的國外 QR code 閱讀器 i-nigma turns your camera into a sophisticated barcode reader. Thanks to exceptionally quick and robust scanning, it is regularly ranked as top performer in this category. Features of the i-nigma reader:◇ Scan QR, DataMatrix and UPC/EAN (a.k.a. powtoon QR碼定義與解說 內容為 (維基百科首頁)的QR碼 QR碼(全稱為快速響應矩陣碼;英语:Quick Response Code)是二維條碼的一種,於1994年由日本DENSO WAVE公司發明。QR來自英文Quick Response的縮寫,即快速反應,因為發明者希望QR碼可以讓其內容快速被解碼[1]。QR碼使用四種標準化編碼模式(數字,字母數字,字節(二進制)和漢字)來存儲數據。QR碼最常見於日本,為目前日本最流行的二維空間條碼。QR碼比較普通條碼可以儲存更多資料,也無需要像普通條碼般在掃描時需要直線對準掃描器。
Coggle-畫圖稿 9 URL Shorteners to Shorten Long Links Long web links are so old-fashioned, and boy do they ever look spammy. Making use of a good URL shortener to minimize the number of characters in a link is the way to go on the web these days, especially if you want to keep all your online friends and followers happy. There are a lot of options for shortening your links, and some even provide additional services like link bookmarking and analytics on your clicks. Check out the following URL shortening providers that you can get started with using right away.