10 Tips for Folders in Google Drive Folders allow you to organize your files in Google Drive. They also allow you to more efficiently share a collection of documents. If you’ve switched to the new Google Drive you can create a folder by clicking on the reddish “NEW” button and choosing folder. The “Create” button provides the same options if you have not switched over. You can find the folders under “My Drive” on the left hand side of Google Drive. You can move your documents to a folder by simply dragging the document from Google Drive to the folder on the left hand side in Google Drive. From the More actions menu choose “Move to” to add to a folder. Hold down the Control key (Command on a Mac) and select multiple documents that you want to add to a folder. Documents in a folder inherit the sharing permissions of the folder. Select the folder you want to share and click on the share icon in the toolbar. The “Share with others” dialogue box allows you to add the email address of collaborators to the folder. Like this:
The Harvard Classics: Download All 51 Volumes as Free eBooks Every revolutionary age produces its own kind of nostalgia. Faced with the enormous social and economic upheavals at the nineteenth century’s end, learned Victorians like Walter Pater, John Ruskin, and Matthew Arnold looked to High Church models and played the bishops of Western culture, with a monkish devotion to preserving and transmitting old texts and traditions and turning back to simpler ways of life. It was in 1909, the nadir of this milieu, before the advent of modernism and world war, that The Harvard Classics took shape. What does the massive collection preserve? In its expert synergy of moral uplift and marketing, The Harvard Classics (find links to download them as free ebooks below) belong as much to Mark Twain’s bourgeois gilded age as to the pseudo-aristocratic age of Victoria—two sides of the same ocean, one might say. The idea for the collection didn’t initially come from Eliot, but from two editors at the publisher P.F. Related Content: W.H.
Google Docs now works with uploaded tracked changes from your Word documents | VentureBeat | Business | by Larry Zhou NOTE: GrowthBeat is less than 2 weeks out! VentureBeat is gathering the best and brightest in modern digital marketing to help declutter the landscape, simplify the functions, clarify the goals, and point the way to success. Get the full scoop here, and buy your tickets while they last. Google has given those who work with Microsoft Word another reason to move documents to the cloud. Today, Google announced a new function that converts any tracked changes in Word documents to Suggested Edits. Basically, if you have Word documents with a lot of tracked changes, you can simply upload them to Google Docs, and the tracked changes will show up as Suggested Edits. Google has been working on making it easier for people to work on Docs collaboratively, which is essential for business and enterprise. A month ago at its I/O conference, Google announced that it integrated Quickoffice into Google Docs and therefore Google Docs is now compatible with Word documents. Powered by VBProfiles
Must-Know Google Doc Hacks for Classrooms Buckle up. We collected must-know tips, tricks, and shortcuts for classrooms using Google docs. Funky Features You can find a doc’s revision history under the “File” tab.Similarly - click any file (single-click) and then click the “i” in the right corner to view the activity history of a doc.And you can still track changes by navigating to the “editing” button on your toolbar and selecting “suggesting” instead of “editing” mode. Docs has citation support, accessible via the research option under “Tools.” For longer works, docs will auto-generate a table of contents if you use heading styles throughout. Savvy Settings Also under “Tools” is your personal dictionary. Just Gimmie the Shortcuts, Please You can find the shortcut motherload here.
World Public Library Docs - Integrating Google Tools 4 Teachers Google has made it so easy to use Google Docs! They've even thought of a number of times you might like to use Google Docs and have made a Template Gallery with over 300 templates that are ready for you to use! You'll find Templates under New > From template... There you can perform a search for the kind of template your might like. But it doesn't stop there. Here are a few ideas on how we use Google Docs in the classroom: Teacher collaboration examples by Mary Fran Lynch Recently, my third grade colleagues and I downloaded the principal's Action Plan Word-template into Google Docs. Student collaboration examples by Colette Students in the Journalism classes write articles for the school paper. Middle school students were searching for articles about online safety in small groups.
thedaringlibrarian - Google_Apps Please send suggestions & questions to Gwyneth Jones - The Daring Librarian (.com) Google Certified Teacher #GTAWA --> gwyneth_jones(at) hcpss.org HCPSS Teachers: PLEASE Log OUT of your personal GMAIL before logging INTO our Google APPS For HCPSS andRemember - it's your Active Directory login the kind for your laptop & not your CLC :-) Great directions from the super cool @ericcurts how to go paperless with GAfE & Google Drive! **The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs** From the HCPSS Help website:Google Contacts is a way to store and organize contact information about the people with whom you communicate. • Danielle's Google Apps PageUploading, Sharing, and Making Copy of FilesDownload the PDF version! Download this free eBook .PDF from Simple K12 Ten Reasons to Choose Apps **Module 1: Google Apps Education Edition** **Module 3: Calendar** (click image for Larger Size)Module 4: Docs**Module 5: Sites**Module 6: Other Tools** (Scroll up to the top for more!
Selon une étude, il est possible de tomber amoureux en répondant à ces 36 questions Deux inconnus, 36 questions, 45 minutes... Et vous avez la recette pour tomber amoureux en un rien de temps. C'est du moins ce qu'une étude a voulu démontrer. Il parait que le coup de foudre existe, que lorsque l'on est amoureux on le sait tout de suite... Mais existe-t-il une formule magique qui permet de tomber amoureux ? Prenez deux inconnus, placez-les face à face dans une salle, demandez leur de répondre à 36 questions en l'espace de 45 minutes puis laissez-les se regarder dans le blanc des yeux pendant quatre minutes et le tour est joué, c'est le big love. Une professeur sceptique tente l'expérience Alors, légende urbaine ou exactitude scientifique ? Si la personne qu'elle a choisi n'était pas un parfait inconnu, que le laboratoire s'est transformé en bar et que les deux tourtereaux ont dépassé le temps indiqué, ils ont néanmoins suivi le protocole. Une série de questions qui semble suivre une suite logique, avec des questions de plus en plus personnelles. Première série : 1. 13.
Create a Unique Google Forms URL for Each Student One of the presentations I did in the Google Booth at Educause this year was on using concatenate for a spreadsheet. While you do not need to know the word concatenate to do this trick, it is wickedly useful. One of the best tools in the Google Apps suite is Google Forms. It allows any user on practically any device to fill out a Form. The user does not have to be logged in, have a Google account or even know what Google is. The problem is the end user. Unfortunately there are fields you would not typically want to make multiple choice. Google Forms allows you to pre-populate the fields of the Form. If you use the same Google Form repeatedly, such as for a daily warm-up, each student can have a unique URL that automatically pre-populates their SID, First Name, Last Name and Email Address. When putting on a professional development (PD) conference event the same evaluation form is used for each session, each presenter. Like this: Like Loading...
Une astuce pour changer de tonalité sans prendre de risque Un petit truc tout bête que j'utilise régulièrement pour changer de tonalité, c'est de conserver une note du dernier accord de la tonalité 1, et faire en sorte qu'on retrouve cette note dans le premier accord de la tonalité 2. Par exemple, je termine une phrase sur un accord de SOL majeur (notes sol-si-ré), je peux embrayer sur un accord de SIB majeur (notes sib-ré-fa) pour démarrer une autre phrase musicale. C'est la note ré qui est en commun. D'ailleurs, je me suis livré à un petit exercice : je joue du piano dans une tonalité de LA mineur et j'arrive sur un accord de Sol majeur (qui est très commun dans la tonalité de LA mineur). Et là je me dis comme ça : "tiens, aujourd'hui je suis de bonne humeur, je tenterais bien un changement de tonalité (soyons fou !)". Donc, en partant de l'accord de SOL majeur (notes sol-si-ré) :
GOOGLE DRIVE LESSONS BUNDLE Google Drive • Create and share your work online and access your documents from anywhere. • Manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys, and more all in one location. • These Google programs are FREE. • These lessons contains screen shots, activities, marking schemes, tips and instructions for using Documents, Slides, Sheets, Drawings and Forms within Google Drive. * Documents is similar to Microsoft Word * Slides is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint * Sheets is similar to Microsoft Excel * Drawings is similar to Microsoft Publisher * Forms is a useful tool to help you plan events, send a survey or give students a quiz You will receive these lessons in both PowerPoint and PDF formats. * Save $8 by purchasing this bundle UPDATE: Lessons for the new Google Add-ons and Updates have been added. TOPICS 1. Thanks for visiting my store! Also, don't forget to "FOLLOW" me for exciting new product announcements, sales, promotions and updates! Gavin Middleton TeachwithTech
Quelques exemples de répétition dans la musique de film. Je crois que c'est mon paternel qui m'a dit un jour :"Fiston, dans une musique les gens retiennent surtout l'intro, la fin et les répétitions" La répétition d'une phrase mélodique ou d'un rythme se fait de manière naturelle et spontanée dans le domaine de la chanson, mais je pense qu'elle est aussi largement employée dans la musique de film, de manière plus subtile (plus cachée, je dirais). Il arrive que les compositeurs dupliquent un petit passage de sorte qu'on puisse l'entendre 2 fois de suite. ça ne fait pas de mal à la structure du morceau et ça permet à l'auditeur de s'imprégner du thème. En parcourant diverses BO, je m'aperçois que peu de passages sont réellement "clonés". A chaque fois, la répétition présente une petite variation, ce qui apporte un peu plus de richesse à l'ensemble. Alan Silvestri, champion du monde de la répétition par changement de tonalité par intervalle de 3 demis-tons vers le bas ou vers le haut ;-)
Teach your students the right way to Google Kelly Maher November 24th, 2014 In the age of the split-second Google search, it’s more critical than ever to train students to distinguish between primary and secondary sources As in decades past, proper research methods are an essential skill for today’s students. At a time when most students (and adults, for that matter) are accustomed to heading straight to Google to answer all of their questions, being able to sagely sift through the good, the bad, and the ugly of search results is key to creating independent 21st century thinkers. However, even when used properly, Google is not always the right resource. Learn how to search Print resources undoubtedly still have a place at the table, but it would be futile to deny that the ability to locate and evaluate online sources is an equally valuable skill. (Next page: How students can improve their Google skills)