Do Seating Arrangements and Assignments = Classroom Management? | Classroom Seating Arrangement Now might be a good time to take a long look at your classroom seating arrangement. Advice and opinions about classroom arrangements and seating assignments abound -- and Education World explores the possibilities. Included: Tips from Fred Jones on how to get the most out of classroom arrangements. Arranging a classroom seems simple enough. Classroom management experts and experienced educators say the decisions teachers make about whether students will be allowed to select their own seats and about the physical arrangement of the classroom can have an impact on classroom discipline and the effectiveness of instruction. Classroom management expert Fred Jones, author of Tools for Teaching, says the typical classroom arrangement, with students' desks lined up in neat rows, makes it easy for custodians to do their jobs but tough for teachers to freely walk among their students' desks. "Don't approach this as a Jones's philosophy," Jones told Education World.
The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Due to Khan Academy’s popularity, the idea of the flipped classroom has gained press and credibility within education circles. Briefly, the Flipped Classroom as described by Jonathan Martin is: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved. A compiled resource page of the Flipped Classroom (with videos and links) can be found at The advantage of the flipped classroom is that the content, often the theoretical/lecture-based component of the lesson, becomes more easily accessed and controlled by the learner. It is important, though, not to be seduced by the messenger. The Flipped Classroom Model Experiential Engagement: The Activity Summary
Voice 50 Resources For Teaching With Bloom's Taxonomy - Simple suggestions for applying the taxonomy to kindergarten-level children. Lesson Planet: This source gives the goods on creating complete lesson plans using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Prezi: Enjoy this stylish Prezi presentation on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Iowa State U.: This is a wonderful tool to build learning objectives based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Differentiator: Teachers and students can work together using this source to design creative activities; provides resources, content and the verbs. Slideshare: Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, this presentation shows how to apply the principles for high-order technology skills. The Literary Link: This is a list of book review questions to use in the classroom. Vague Verbs: A quick list of verbs to stay away from when using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Educators Technology: Unique approach to using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Twitter. Bloom’s Taxonomy: This is an official iTunes app on Bloom’s Taxonomy. PLP Network: Poses the view of focusing more on creating using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Teaching and so Fourth | where passion meets creativity How to Publish a Quiz Using Google Docs This is a post born out of a few conversations that I had this week with a few of my colleagues. All of the conversations centered around the time-consuming task of grading quizzes. In each conversation I mentioned that I've been using Google Forms for giving short multiple choice quizzes. I create the quizzes in Google Forms, post them on my classroom blog, students take the quiz on my blog, and their answers appear in an easy-to-grade spreadsheet. 1. 54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students - 54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students by TeachThought Staff The flipped classroom has continued to enjoy momentum years after its introduction, speaking to its flexible nature, and to the need for a real change in thinking in how we think of time and space in education. Technology has been, more than anything else, the catalyst for the flipped movement. Further, teachers have taken advantage of not just video channels but a collective video literacy to realize the potential of flipping the classroom. Below is a list 54 flipped classrooms tools for teachers and students–both equally important because in a flipped classroom, both teachers and students are consistently interacting with technology, often independently and asynchronously. 54 Flipped Classroom Tools For Teachers And Students
Quarter the Cross | Math = Love This post may contain Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. This comes at no cost to you. If you haven’t tried “Quarter the Cross” yet with your students, what are you waiting for??? Want to know a fun fact? This year, I am teaching a class called “Math Concepts.” Initially, I was scared to give my students this quarter the cross assignment because I was afraid they wouldn’t be able to figure out how to shade 1/4 of the cross. One student was super pleased with one of the designs she came up with, so she kept showing it to other students. Here are my students’ solutions to the quarter the cross task: I love that even the imperfect solutions give me insights into how my students visualize fractions. Free Download of Quarter the Cross Activity Want this awesome quarter the cross sheet to use with your students? If you like this task, I also recommend checking out David Butler’s Panda Squares Puzzle. Fraction Review Foldable
Create & grade quizzes with Google Forms - Docs Editors Help Make a new quiz & answer key Tip: The quickest way to create a quiz is to go to . Open a form in Google Forms. At the top of the form, click Settings. Make an answer key, assign points & add automatic feedback Create an answer key To add a question, click Add question . Note: You can assign points and add feedback on all question types. Grade quizzes You can see automatic summaries for all quiz responses, including: Frequently missed questions Graphs marked with correct answers Average, median, and range of scores Grade individual responses If you collect email addresses, you can assign points and leave feedback on individual responses. In Google Forms, open a quiz. Share results If you collect email addresses in your form, you can send results immediately or wait until you’re ready to share them. By default: Grades will release immediately Email addresses won’t be collected. Change how you release grades At the top of the form, click Settings. Email results after review
The 50 Best Smartphone Apps For Teachers Arranged By Category Mobile phones managed to mostly kick their classroom stigma once the iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and other PDA-cellular hybrids (also known as “smartphones,” but you knew that already) popped onto the scene. Thanks to the veritable Library of Alexandria of apps available on the respective markets, life can run that much smoother for professionals of all types. And that, of course, includes teachers. We’ve discovered a seemingly endless collection of smartphone apps that teachers can put to work in the classroom and beyond, creating a powerhouse of back-to-school mobile tools. Read on to discover 50 of the best smartphone apps for teachers, and share any personal favorites we’ve missed in the comments. For the Classroom Smart Dot It’s an iDevice-based laser pointer that doubles as a remote control for PowerPoint and Keynote presentations — well worth it for slide-loving educators! Organization, Time Saving, and Productivity Professional Development and Training Reference Welcome Distractions
The 50 Best Education Twitter Hashtags--With Meeting Times! 50 Important Education Twitter Hashtags–With Meeting Times! Note: We are updating this list that is now going on two years old. Please suggest any revisions, additions, etc., in the comments below and we’ll make the changes. Twitter chats are a great resource for learning and networking, allowing academics from all over the world to come together on a regular basis to talk about what’s important in education. They’re also ideal for gaining authority and visibility in your field. Check out our list to find 50 of the best Twitter chats in academia (shared in no particular ranking), offering a great way to get connected and stay informed in the world of education. Education These are our picks for excellent education chats on Twitter. #EDCHAT:A busy hashtag with an even busier chat session, #edchat features an educational love chat on Tuesdays. Leadership & Reform Education is at a crossroads these days. Higher Education #IOLCHAT:Every Wednesday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Career Edutech Community