Digital storytelling with StoryRobe StoryRobe is another way for kids to create digital stories using photos or digital copies of their own artwork. Once they've selected the images they want to use and put them in the right order, they can record the text to go with the images. They can talk for a total of up to 3 minutes, and synchronize the images with what they are saying by tapping the screen as they talk to advance to the next picture. StoryRobe creates a single video file that can then be shared. Unlike StoryKit, there is no option to add text to the finished product, as the model is more video-like than book-like. I initially thought that one drawback to working with StoryRobe is that once you start the process of adding pictures to your story, you really have to complete the story (including adding audio) in one sitting. I have not always been successful in creating StoryRobe stories - the process seems to fail at the point of creating the finished video.
A Fresh Take on Contexts | SimplicityBliss As my Twitter followers may know, I have been experimenting with a complete new context setup in OmniFocus in the last two to three weeks. Since I am pretty pleased with the result of this fresh approach I thought I share the details and reasons for it. Actually, whether you use OmniFocus, any other GTD tool or just paper lists, this might be relevant for you. Evolution doesn’t stop (also not for GTD) When David Allen envisioned the GTD system the economy was in the transition from the traditional industry age to the information age. Context (availability of tools like phone, computer, internet connection, office)Time (time you have at hand, e.g. before the next meeting starts)Energy (the level of attention you can devote to the task)Priority (if you still need to chose between tasks which one is most important) This all makes perfectly sense in an age where the tools you use to get the job done aren’t always available. Contexts became ubiquitous Time & attention are the new limitations
101 Google Tips, Tricks & Hacks Looking for the ultimate tips for Google searching? You've just found the only guide to Google you need. Let's get started: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, In fact, you can combine any Boolean search operators, as long as your syntax is correct. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Profes en el siglo XXI: 36 cosas a las que debes estar dispuesto/a 1. Seleccionar la plataforma de comunicación adecuada entre las muchas disponibles 2. Enviar archivos de gran tamaño. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Evernote « Categories Use TextExpander, TaskClone and Evernote to automate your meetings! What if you could take notes and automatically have tasks sync’ed to your task application without doing anything but entering a couple keystrokes? What if you could achieve this automation using a simple note taking application like Drafts? I wrote a post about how to automate the creation of Evernote templates with FastEver XL. TextExpander Touch is the iOS version of its keyboard automation system. The date is automatically populated by TextExpander with the following text in the meeting agenda template; \%Y-%m-%d TITLE. Now that you have Evernote, Drafts, TextExpander and TaskClone configured; follow these simple steps to automatically capture your action items into your chosen task manager. Take notes, capture action items using your defined abbreviation for creating an Evernote Checkbox, .ck in my caseSelect your Evernote to Markdown Action in DraftsYour done! Have you implemented TextExpander on your iPad?
7 Clever Google Tricks Worth Knowing Email Below I have compiled a list of 7 clever Google tricks that I believe everyone should be aware of. Together I think they represent the apex of the grand possibilities associated with Google search manipulation tricks and hacks. 1. 2. 3. You’re connecting to a public network at a coffee shop or internet café and you want privacy while you browse the web. There are subscription services and applications available such as TOR and paid VPN servers that do the same thing. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bonus Material: Here is a list of my favorite Google advanced search operators, operator combinations, and related uses: Want more info on Google Hacking? If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...
Aprender Lengua es divertido Enlace permanente « María Jesús Alcántara Lengua-Literatura » Aprender Lengua es divertido! Compruébalo visitando esta colección de libritos interactivos donde podrás encontrar actividades para trabajar de forma amena contenidos básicos de la asignatura. • Pulsando en La lengua y sus variedades encontrarás actividades sobre los conceptos de lengua, lenguaje y norma, los tipos de lenguajes y las variedades de la lengua. • Pulsando en Tipos de texto practicarás las diferencias entre textos narrativos, descriptivos, dialogados, expositivos y argumentativos. • Pulsando en Palabras variables y en Palabras invariables aprenderás a distinguir y a analizar las distintas clases de palabras: las variables (sustantivo, adjetivo, verbo, artículo, pronombre) y las invariables (adverbio, preposición, conjunción e interjección). • Pulsando en Literatura: la narrativa hallarás actividades sobre la literatura en general y sobre los subgéneros narrativos (mitos, leyendas, poemas épicos, cuentos y novelas).
Use Evernote Hello to scan your business cards (REVIEW) « Blog Photo courtesy of I love discovering apps that solve a real problem. I especially love apps that I look forward to using. In my job I collect a lot of business cards which mostly sit on a pile on my desk. I never take the time to enter them in the computer and I rarely take the time to use one of the many dedicated card scanning apps to process them. In fact, I own CamCard for the iPhone which is a wonderful app that scans and processes cards with a high level of accuracy with only a few steps. Evernote Hello is an iPhone-specific app that helps you manage your business contacts. Evernote Hello is better and more beautiful than ever, with a new user interface that helps you remember everyone you meet, quickly and easily. Up until this most recent update I had always avoided using Hello mostly because I thought the main way Hello worked was by taking pictures of your business acquaintances. There is not much to Hello really.
Top 10 Clever Google Search Tricks El tinglado Portada ¡Halloween, qué miedo! Miedo en la oscuridad de Halloween Venid, lectores de El tinglado, que os invitamos a una buena sesión de Miedo, ese sentimiento tan perturbador para el gentío, pero tan prolífico para los artistas. Contemplad estos vídeos extraídos de las mentes más calenturientas, pero también de las más divertidas. Leer más Por El Tinglado en General el 26.10.15 sin comentarios halloween Vincent Willem van Gogh Vincent Willem van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) vivió muy humildemente y entre sus cientos de obras se cree que solamente vendió una a través de su hermano Theo, destacado marchante de arte. Aquí disponemos de información detallada en torno a la vida y obra de este artista contextualizada históricamente y documentada audiovisualmente a través de la web. Por Javier Escajedo en Expresión-Artística el 12.10.15 con 5 comentarios Vincent Willem van Gogh James Bond – Mission Accomplished Por Alejandro Valero en Inglés el 21.09.15 con 4 comentarios Los cuentos de Calleja
Evernote as a Task Manager, Update One « How-To As I wrote here, I have switched from iOS Reminders to Evernote to manage my tasks. One week in and I am still using Evernote as my task manager! I can say that the transition has not been seamless, but overall the experience has been positive. I still have a long way to go to perfect this system, but with Daniel’s help I am confident that the move to Evernote will be revolutionary! Overall, I can see the power of Evernote as a task manager. I have worked through Daniel’s book throughout the week and as a result I adapting my workflows accordingly. In closing, using Evernote for tasks is ABSOLUTELY possible and for some the setup and workflows will come easily. Stay Tuned for more posts!
How to Search Google Like a Pro: 11 Tricks You Have to Know Google is a powerful tool, but you’re missing out on a lot of that power if you just type words into it. Master Google and find the best results faster with these search tricks. Whether you’re an inexperienced user or a seasoned professional, you’ll probably find at least one search operator you weren’t aware of here. Many of Google’s search operators aren’t very well-known. Exact Words and Phrases One of the most basic and widely known search tricks is using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. “Hello World” This same method now works for exact-word queries. “mining” Excluding a Word The minus sign allows you to specify words that shouldn’t appear in your results. linux distributions -ubuntu Site Search The site: operator allows you to perform a search in a specific site. windows 7 You can also use the site: operator to specify a domain. Related Words ~geek Apparently, “Linux” is the most similar word to geek, followed by “Greek.” The Wildcard Time Ranges File Type
Actividades de comprensión auditiva para niños La comprensión auditiva es un bloque importante en la construcción de la comprensión de lectura. Proporciona a tu hijo oportunidades para practicar y mejorar sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva pueden conducir al éxito de lectura en la escuela, según, un sitio web enfocado en lectura creado a través de una subvención por el Departmento de Educación de EE.UU. Muchas actividades divertidas que se enfocan en la comprensión auditiva están disponibles para ti y tu hijo. Lectura en voz alta La lectura de un cuento en voz alta con tu hijo es una forma sencilla de trabajar en la comprensión auditiva. Juegos Los juegos activos como Madre puedo, Simón dice y Luz roja, Luz verde todas son actividades divertidas que se centran en la comprensión auditiva. Volver a contar la historia Contar historias ayuda a tu hijo a recordar acontecimientos en orden secuencial.
9 tips for paperless meetings After having gone paperless for a while, one of the big payoffs I discovered was the ability to have “paperless” meetings. I don’t know about you, but my days sometimes feel like they are mostly spent in meetings. Years ago, while driving into work, back when I lived in L.A., I heard a great quote about meetings on the radio. I always try to come to meetings prepared. Going paperless allowed me to make some key changes to the way I handled meeting that made it much easier to gather what I needed for the meeting, capture notes during the meeting, and have ready access to those notes after the meeting. 1. Here is what I do: 2. Sometimes, you go to a meeting and the person running the meeting will pass around printed out handouts. When the meeting is over, I’ll scan the handouts into Evernote and toss or shred the original. 3. Sometimes, there are documents which it is useful to annotate directly. This adds one extra step, but allows me to keep my annotations with my other meeting notes. 4.