Deux cas au Québec Neuf cas d'infection à la bactérie Salmonella au Canada, associés à la consommation de poudre de graines de chia germé, dont deux au Québec, font l'objet d'une enquête par l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC), l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments (ACIA) et Santé Canada. Dans le cadre de cette enquête, les autorités sanitaires ont ordonné un rappel des produits de l'entreprise Advantage Health Matters, vendus sous les marques de commerce «Organic Traditions» et «Back 2 the Garden», car ils contiennent de la poudre de graines de chia germé possiblement contaminées à la Salmonella. L'ASPC recommande aux consommateurs de jeter ces produits ou de les retourner au magasin où ils ont été achetés. Symptômes Les symptômes d'une infection à la bactérie Salmonella sont variés: il peut s'agir d'une diarrhée, de fièvre, de nausées, frissons, crampes abdominales ou maux de tête. Risque faible
7 Sacred Herbs for Activating and Harmonizing the Chakras By Justin Faerman Guest Writer for Wake Up World While the chakras themselves are energetic/etheric in nature, they each have corresponding physical organs, glands and systems in the body that can, and do, have an effect on their functioning. This interconnectivity of the physical and etheric bodies goes the other way as well—if there is an energetic imbalance in a chakra, for example, as a result of emotional disturbances, then this can also cause the associated physical elements to become weak as well. It is interesting to note that in the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine each organ corresponds to specific emotional states. In a general sense, you will get the most benefit by using the following herbs as an adjunct to the energetic/etheric practices outlined above. 1. Recommended Herb: Shilajit 2. Recommended Herb: Schizandra Berries 3. Recommended Herb: Pine Pollen In that sense, few herbs strengthen the body quite like Pine Pollen. 4. Recommended Herb: Reishi Mushroom 5. 6. 7.
Travailler moins pour gagner autant, un pari fou? La Suède expérimente la journée de six heures, payée au même tarif qu'une journée de huit heures, afin de voir si cela permet de faire des économies, avec moins d'arrêts-maladie par exemple. Robert Nilsson, mécanicien de 25 ans à Göteborg, pourrait bien être le précurseur d'un futur où l'on travaillerait moins, en gardant un niveau de vie élevé. L'ouvrier se lève à la même heure que tout le monde, mais ne se précipite pas au travail. Il va courir, prend un bon petit déjeuner et arrive à son atelier chez Toyota à midi... pour repartir à 18 heures. "Mes amis me détestent.
This Little Weed Is One Of The Most Useful Medicines On The Planet We are talking about the herb, plantain; that is quite often mistaken as a weed. You would have seen in your yard and ignored it. You might have even gone to the extent of eliminating it from your garden.However, there is an astonishing truth behind this little weed. It is, in fact, a herb that is native to Asia and Europe. There are two variants of Plantain – Broadleaf and Lance. It had once been the on-the-go solution for the hikers, who were highly susceptible to mosquito bites. You can easily incorporate these weeds in your DIY natural emergency kits to prepare the insect repellent balms. The leaves and seeds of Plantain have a positive impact on the human digestive system. While leaves can be used in the form of tea or prepared into soup, seeds are either used in ground or soaked form. Plantain is a good source of silica and is a gentle natural expectorant. This article was written by: Valerie S. and first appeared on Life Advancer Are you on Aweditoria?
La Santé publique met en garde contre une éclosion de Salmonella au pays OTTAWA - L'Agence de santé publique du Canada fait enquête sur une éclosion de Salmonella ayant fait neuf malades dans trois provinces. Dans le cadre de cette enquête, l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments a publié un rappel d'aliment visant divers produits de l'entreprise Advantage Health Matters contenant de la poudre de graine de chia germé sous les marques «Organic Traditions» et «Back 2 the Garden». Selon l'agence, ces produits sont rappelés en raison d'une possible contamination à la Salmonella. Toujours selon l'agence, six cas ont été rapportés en Colombie-Britannique, un en Alberta et deux au Québec. Une personne a été hospitalisée, mais a depuis guéri. Sept des personnes interrogées ont rapporté avoir consommé de la poudre de graines de chia germé, précise l'agence par voie de communiqué. Les graines de chia sont vues comme un supplément alimentaire aidant à favoriser la perte de poids. Chez les gens en santé, la maladie disparaît habituellement sans traitement.
Top 15 Herbal Antibiotics Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! Image – There has been great concern in recent times over antibiotic-resistant bacteria – and it’s hardly suprising: The use of antibiotics causes bacteria strains to evolve – and if you think about it, it seems like simple evolution of species at work. Did you know that hospitals in Australia use eucalyptus essential oil as a disinfectant owing to its efficacy against MRSA? We found a brilliant page about herbal antibiotics that not only lists 15 of the best antibiotic herbs, but also gives a very plausible explanation of this phenomenon – that makes total sense: An essential oil is made up of hundreds of different molecules in varying proportions – and it is likely that several of the molecular components have antibiotic action. This kind of makes me want to bang my fist on the table. Anyway, I will leave you with the excellent tutorial from Common Sense Home: Is it...
Bee Venom Destroys Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Nanoparticles carrying a toxin found in bee venom can destroy human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) while leaving the surrounding cells unharmed. The research was conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Bee venom contains a potent toxin called melittin that can poke holes in the protective envelope that surrounds HIV, and other viruses. The new study shows that melittin loaded onto these nanoparticles does not harm normal cells. Most anti-HIV drugs inhibit the virus’s ability to replicate. More than 34 million people are living with HIV/AIDS worldwide, and over 3 million of them are under the age of 15. It is also important to note the debate surrounding HIV and AIDS. “Because it has been surrounded with so much emotion, very few people are capable of looking at AIDS logically.” “If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. Sources:
17 Homemade Spice Mix Recipes - And Why You Should Use Them 17 Homemade Spice Mix Recipes – And Why You Should Use Them Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 10K+ Photo – © Grafvision – Q: When is a spice mix not quite a spice mix? A: When it is made by “big food” and has all manner of dodgy ingredients added that are NOT SPICES. Now call me weird, or just old fashioned… but to me, a spice mix should be just that: A mix of spices. However, just go in the kitchen, and take a look at the ingredient list on “big brand” spices… you might see: Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, modified food starch, sugar, coloring, MSG (often disguised under a crazy array of other names), silicon dioxide and of course the highly dubious term “Natural Flavorings”. You don’t even want to know what might be in “Natural Flavorings”. Big food, the deal is off. And remember, the spice must flow… If you enjoyed this page:
Dominance—Making Sense of the Nonsense | Roger Abrantes A relationship is a natural thing! (Photo by Monty Sloan) Stable and profitable relationships are not built in the long run by means of a series of dominant and submissive displays. Instead, these behaviors are necessary for resolving inevitable social conflict. Illustration showing the possible combinations of aggressive, fearful, dominant and submissive behavior in social canines (From “Dog Language” by Roger Abrantes, illustration by Alice Rasmussen). In everyday language,dominance means “power and influence over others.” I intend to remedy this by: (1) demonstrating that dominance is an observable characteristic of behavior; (2) establishing that it refers to one and the same class of behaviors independent of species; (3) presenting a precise, pragmatic and verifiable definition of the term, which is compatible with evolutionary theory and our body of biological knowledge; Wolf-dog hybrid (Image via Wikipedia). Dominant behavior is situational, individual and resource related.
Healing herbs reference database Maladie de Lyme: la région fortement touchée - Actualités «La maladie de Lyme doit être prise au sérieux», lance, d'emblée, le Dr Alain Poirier, directeur de santé publique de la Montérégie. «Elle connait une progression du sud au nord. La bonne nouvelle, c'est une maladie qui se traite par antibiotiques, mais encore faut-il la reconnaître.» En 2012, 17 cas (sur une quarantaine au Québec) avaient été diagnostiqués en Montérégie, dont cinq sur le territoire du Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) La Pommeraie et deux en Haute-Yamaska. Avec la moitié des cas québécois, la Montérégie, surtout le sud, est une zone à risque, notamment en raison d'une forte présence de chevreuils (transport de la tique), de souris à pattes blanches (qui infecte la tique) et de la pratique de nombreuses activités en plein air. Prévention Témoins de cette forte progression, les responsables de l'Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie ont tenu à faire le point, vendredi, à Granby, sans toutefois vouloir alarmer les citoyens. -Fièvre -Fatigue
Herbal Shadows The primary ancestors of the domestic dog | The Retriever, Dog, & Wildlife Blog July 11, 2011 by retrieverman Canis lupus arabs– the Arabian wolf: And Canis lupus pallipes– the Iranian wolf: According to recent genome-wide analysis, most domestic dogs share many more genetic markers with Middle Eastern wolves than with any other subspecies. Arabian wolves weigh 25-55 pounds. Iranian wolves go 55-70 pounds, rough the same size as a typical golden retriever. Neither of these wolves are the big “moose-killer” wolves from the northern parts of Eurasia and North America that every knows so well, that everyone sees in zoos, and that everyone thinks are the primary ancestors of the domestic dogs. The unfortunate problem with this suggestion is there aren’t many of these wolves in captivity in the West, and many of those in captivity in other parts of the world are crossbred with dogs and other wolf subspecies. But it isn’t fair to compare border collies and golden retrievers, highly specialized dog breeds, to the large northern wolves, which are highly specialized wild wolves.
Healthy News and Information by MICHAEL EDWARDS Parasites are more common than most people realize. There are many different kinds. Internally, there’s a pretty good chance that you and a third of the people you know have them. We use the word herb loosely here, it should really read “Foods, herbs, other things you can eat to kill parasites.” Garlic Garlic is anti-bad-stuff. Black Walnut-Nuts & Hull The nuts and green hulls of black walnut (Juglans nigra) are loved by herbalists for their ability to cleanse the blood and the intestines. Wormwood Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a perennial herb with tiny yellow-green flowers. Cloves Clove essential oil is used to dissolve eggs found in the intestines that have been left behind by worms. Thyme Thyme is one of the best herbs for stimulating the thymus, a major gland of the immune system. Oil of Oregano Oil of oregano is infused with extremely high levels of free-radical-crushing antioxidants, and it is antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. Share: