Avocado Hummus Hey everyone! You can now follow me on Instagram (follow link here). I’m a little behind but I’d love you to follow!! Share on Pinterest Here’s how I want to get part of my veggie intake for the day! If you’d like the avocado flavor to shine through more you can reduce the tahini slightly but if you want it to have more of a traditional hummus flavor leave it as it is. Enjoy! Ingredients 1 (15 oz) can chick peas, well drained 2 medium ripe avocados, cored and peeled (13 oz before cored and peeled) 3 Tbsp olive oil, plus more for serving if desired 1 1/2 Tbsp tahini 3 Tbsp fresh lime juice 1 clove garlic, peeled Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1/8 tsp cumin 1 - 2 Tbsp finely chopped cilantro leaves, for topping Red pepper flakes, for topping Directions Pulse chick peas, olive oil, tahini, lime juice, and garlic in a food processor until smooth, about 2 minutes. Share on Pinterest Share on Pinterest
Boy With Brain Cancer Becomes Sheriff Deputy <br/><a href=" News</a> | <a href=" Sports News</a> Copy A young boy battling brain cancer has been named the "nation’s youngest special sheriff deputy” in Huntington County, Indiana. Wyatt Schmaltz, a 3-year-old with stage 4 neuroblastoma, was dubbed “Deputy Wyatt” by County Sheriff Terry Stoffehel in a ceremony Wednesday. "We have given Wyatt all the powers of a real Sheriff Deputy, which are to carry out the orders of the Sheriff,” Stoffehel said in a statement. “Right now, his only orders are to get better." A Camp for Kids Who Don't Feel Pain Boys Who Like Pink Have Their Own Camp Camp Teaches Kids to Lose Weight Stoffehel said the Sheriff's Department had planned to host Wyatt at a local camp run by different law enforcement personnel, but changed their plans after Wyatt returned to the hospital with an infection. Instead, the department cut a uniform shirt down to Wyatt’s size and gave him a special certificate. Dr.
100 Times Vegetables Were The Most Delicious Thing On The Table It's easy to get stuck in a vegetable rut. Once you've got your go-to salad recipe or have found the perfect way to stir-fry broccoli, there's no need to look any further, right? WRONG. Guys, you're selling your veggies short. There's so much more you can do with an artichoke than steam it. There are countless recipes for corn off of the cob. If you've been cooking squash the same way for the past year (or decade), today is the day you should branch out. From pickled asparagus to fennel gratin, we have found every reason you need to eat vegetables. Tina Rupp/Food&Wine
Take BuzzFeed's Clean Eating Challenge, Feel Like A Champion At Life Zumo antiestrés de kiwi, espinacas y lechuga | Blog nutrición y salud Gracias a la composición de algunos alimentos, podemos ayudar a combatir el estrés. Hoy te propongo un zumo verde de kiwi, espinacas de lechuga. ¿A qué esperas para relajarte? Ingredientes: 2 kiwis, 5 hojas de espinacas, 5 hojas de lechuga y 1 cucharada de miel de abeja. Preparación: 1. 2. 3. 4. Propiedades del Kiwi El kiwi tiene un gran valor para nuestra salud ya que contiene más vitamina C que una naranja y es una excelente fuente de potasio. Propiedades nutricionales de las Espinacas Las espinacas son una fuente excelente de hierro, potasio, carotenos y vitamina C. Propiedades de la Lechuga La lechuga tiene un efecto tranquilizante, ya que ayuda a calmar los nervios, controlar las palpitaciones y como consecuencia podemos dormir mucho mejor por las noches, por eso es recomendada para las personas que padecen de insomnio, También protege nuestro estómago ya que facilita la digestión, es diurética. Propiedades de la Miel de Abeja
10 plantes pour mieux dormir Des difficultés à trouver le sommeil, réveil nocturne, agitation… Pour éviter la prise de somnifères, penchez-vous sur des méthodes douces et naturelles, inoffensives pour l’organisme. Certaines plantes se révèlent très efficaces contre les insomnies. Découvrez lesquelles et comment les consommer. La camomille L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) reconnaît l’usage de la camomille pour soulager l’agitation nerveuse et l’insomnie mineure. La valériane La valériane était employée par les romains dans l’Antiquité pour combattre les palpitations et l’arythmie. Posologie : la valériane peut être consommée de différentes façons : en tisane, à base de racines séchées (l’odeur est cependant désagréable), en gélules, en teinture ou en granulés homéopathiques. La mélisse Une étude1 révèle que la combinaison de mélisse et de valériane serait aussi efficace que le triazolam, un somnifère chimique, en raison de leurs propriétés calmantes, sédatives et hypnotiques. Le tilleul Source :
Les protéines végétales complètes - Toute la nutrition La protéine de qualité ne doit pas venir nécessairement du poulet ou de la viande. Il y a de nombreux avantages à manger plus de repas sans viande. Ces repas sont souvent moins chers, plus pauvres en calories et meilleurs pour l’environnement. Il est facile d’avoir suffisamment de protéines sans manger d’animaux. Le terme de protéine complète se réfère aux acides aminés, qui sont les chaines de la protéine. Ces acides aminés essentiels doivent être ingéré parce qu’on ne peut les produire nous-même. Afin d’être considérée comme complète, une protéine doit donc contenir ces 9 acides aminés essentiels. Oui, la viande et les œufs sont des protéines complètes, les noix et les haricots non. Si certains veulent malgré cela des protéines complètes, les œufs et les laitages feront l’affaire car ils restent une solution rapide et simple pour les végétariens. Quinoa Protéine : 4.4 g pour 100 g Le quinoa ressemble à du couscous mais est beaucoup plus nutritif. Soja Protéine : 36 g pour 100 g
5 Superfoods You Can Easily Add to Your Meals Superfoods — we’ve all heard of these, and sometimes they seem to be unrecognizable, weird-tasting things you try to shove down your throat because somebody on Twitter was raving about their great micronutrient contents, amino-acids, or whatever. However, if you want to make a slow change to a healthier lifestyle without thrashing your entire pantry tonight, there might be just a few healthy superfoods that you can easily stock up and incorporate into your diet. You can simply grab a few bags from the grocery store to add some extra oomph to your meals. These superfoods are easy because you can sprinkle them over your food — no need to soak, cook, prepare a separate dish, or experiment in your kitchen. 1. Flaxseed Filled with omega 3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber, flaxseed can be easily sprinkled over your breakfast cereal, added to your pancake batter, mixed into your smoothies, or used as a topping to your lunch grain. 2.Goji berries 3. 4. 5. Do you add superfoods to your diet?
Top Ten Foods for Building Muscle Use these ten foods in your diet to support protein synthesis and build muscle in conjunction with a resistance training program. Building muscle is not about bulking up by adding useless non-contractile fat tissue. Rather, it is about applying the right training stimulus and providing the body with adequate nutrients to support the following processes: • Protein synthesis and tissue repair • Anabolic hormone response to training • Post-workout clearance and overall management of cortisol • Enhanced insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake • Accelerate the removal of waste products for a more alkaline pH • Boost the immune system and improve gut health • Support the entire detoxification process and counter inflammation by enhancing the antioxidant cascade Muscle building is a highly complex process, but eating for it doesn’t have to be. Any discussion of muscle building foods requires a spotlight on meat. Bonus: Bison has 21.6 grams of protein per 100 grams versus 19.6 grams for beef.
Workout Drink Recipe: Avocado Mango Green Smoothie This smoothie makes a great pre or post workout recovery drink after a workout or run. Exercise food needs to contain carbohydrates, some fat, and some protein. If you eat it before exercise, it also needs to be light enough that it won’t weigh you down. Ingredients 1 Banana1/2 Cup of Mango (85 grams)1/2 of an Avocado – after taking out the pit. (100 grams)3/4 Cup Greek Yogurt – I used vanilla flavored (170 grams)1 1/3 Cup Water (Add more if you think it’s too thick. Instructions Add all ingredients into the blender and mix until fruit is pureed and ingredients are well combined.To impress, always garnish with a piece of fresh fruit. Makes (2) 12 ounce Smoothies. Key Components That Make This A Great Pre or Pro Workout Drink: Bananas are one of the most perfect pre and post workout foods as they are full of complex carbs, minerals such as potassium and fiber. Avocado is full of good monounsaturated fats. Chia Seeds are optional but if try to add them! Spinach (Think Popeye!)