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Brooke shaden

Brooke shaden
Related:  PORTFOLIO_4

Carl Kleiner fleurs installations Chanel / No 5 - Ylang ylang, neroli, lemon, iris, vanilla, sandalwood and amber. Collaboration w. ANDREW STELLITANO The Downside of Art Going Viral West Point photographs by Kristine Potter in her Greenpoint studio, 2010 (photo by the author for Hyperallergic) I first encountered Kristine Potter‘s work in her studio in Greenpoint in 2010. I remember her West Point series, known as The Grey Line, which consisted of large black and white images of cadets at the military academy. She came across as protective of the images and allowed me to photograph them only obliquely, and from a slight distance. The above photo conveys a great deal about the work and its scale. Kristine Potter (photo courtesy the artist) Potter, who still lives and works in Brooklyn, comes from a family of military men, so the project was very personal. Then, last week, Buzzfeed writer Gabriel H. The comments on the Buzzfeed article don’t come across as particularly offensive compared to the usual banter and taunts found online, but they were enough for Potter to request that the images be removed. Nevertheless, people react when an article gets “censored.”

Jarrett Murphy Landscape Photography - nuit, lumière Nicolas Dhervillers Des projections publiques nocturnes L’artiste et photographe français Philippe Echaroux utilise un projecteur pour placer des images lumineuses géantes sur des bâtiments, des arbres et/ou des espaces publics qu’il photographie ensuite en pose longue pour créer des oeuvres de street art temporaires et invisibles. [Via] Les photos surréalistes de Cal Redback Une sélection des jolies photographies surréalistes de l’artiste français Cal Redback, basé à Paris, qui explore les relations entre nature et individu, mais aussi la fragilité du corps humain et de l’esprit à travers des compositions et des montages poétiques. Images © Cal Redback

Sasha O Photography Sasha O is a portrait photographer based in Belgium. Her “365” project depicts self portraits ranging from beautiful to disturbing and everything in between. They leave the viewer wanting more while taking them into a place of self discovery. When I saw these images I could not help, but be inspired. I found Sasha’s face to be completely captivating with her expressive eyes and cupid bow lips. She reminds of a character from one of my favorite books as a child, it was a copy of my mother’s “Beauty and the Beast” from 1963 written by Marie Leprince De Beaumont. More info: Flickr | 500px | Facebook

« Le philosophe », imagé par le duo EPECTASE EPECTASE est un duo crée en mars 2012, par le photojournaliste Corentin Fohlen et son ami documentariste performer Jérôme von Zilw. A deux, ils parcourent les lieux absurdes et les paysages étriqués pour en donner une seconde vie et « apporter de la poésie dans un monde sinistre ». Né par hasard, d'une idée de transformer un décor attristé, le duo applique leurs idées. Pourtant opposés mais complémentaires, les artistes forme un vrai duo. Issu du grec, "epectase" désigne un terme théologique. « Epectase » est une tension intérieure vers Dieu ou la mort pendant l'orgasme. Ils choisissent pour décor, une architecture sinistre, des zones pavillonnaires, des forêts alignées, un univers banal qu'ils reconstruisent. « En traction, en suspension, en imminence de chute, un corps que nul artifice ou trucage ne vient seconder. Amours mièvres (31 mars 2012. L’impact (13 décembre 2013. Le lecteur peut se demander ce que le duo cherche à partager. Le mambo du caniche (19 mai 2012. Ah bon ?

The Stars of Spring will Carry You Home - Kirsty Mitchell Photography <div style="position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:3000; height:100%; width:100%; background-color:#FFFFFF"><br></br><div style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 14px; background-color:#FFFFCC; border: 1pt solid Black; padding: 10pt;">Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! See instructions <a href=" The Stars of Spring will Carry You Home 2014 / Wonderland Detail Archival pigment print 150 x 150cm, edition of 5 120 x 120cm, edition of 5 100 x 100cm, edition of 7 Further information: -The making of ‘The Stars of Spring will Carry You Home’ -Artwork Enquiry Share

Mad Money Photography Le photographe Jacopo Lorenzo Emiliani et l’agence italienne Apart Collective ont été commissionnés par la Monnaie de Paris pour rafraichir l’image de cette institution française. Dans un style pop, les photos et le set design jouent avec des euros de manière graphique. Une série à découvrir dans la galerie. Credits : Client: Monnaie de Paris Agency: Apart Collective Set designer: Silvia Spinetta Stylist: Vanessa Rizzi Make Up – Hair Stylist: Lorenzo Zavatta

Classical Paintings Covered with Colorful Elements Influencé par le courant dada et les collages en tout genre, l’artiste Zeren Badar ré-interprète des photos de peintures classiques en les recouvrant d’éléments colorés tels que des bonbons, des élastiques ou des gateaux. Avec ces juxtapositions inattendues, il donne naissance à un nouvel univers pictural, créant de nouveaux graphismes et des effets texturés insufflant une vision définitivement contemporaine. Main : Yijun Liao Susan Swihart - Twin Daughters For About Face, Los Angeles-based photographer Susan Swihart chronicles the evolution of her identical twin daughters as they transition from childhood into adolescence. Beginning when the girls were eight-years-old, she has spent the last three years discovering and exploring the complexities of their bond as well as her own relationship to them. Swihart explains that as a parent, she understands her role in both encouraging her children’s bond as well as supporting their distinct passions, interests, and personalities. Over the course of the project, she has seen the pair evolve from the enmeshed intimacy of their youth to a more flexible friendship. Where they one depended acutely on one another for security and comfort, the mother has witnessed each gradually venture out into the world in her own separate way. Swihart’s images are staged in collaboration with her daughters, whose relationship with the camera shifts just as their relationship with one another has done.

Gregg Segal - 7 Days of Garbage Rotator powered by <strong>EasyRotator for WordPress</strong>, a free and easy jQuery slider builder from Please enable JavaScript to view. All Images © Gregg Segal Artist’s Statement: “7 Days of Garbage is a series of portraits of friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances with the garbage they accumulate in the course of a week. – Gregg Segal Artist’s Bio: Altadena, CA Gregg Segal studied photography and film at California Institute of the Arts.

Qu'est-ce que j'aime Brooke Shaden... Sans doute une de mes photographes préférées. by missgeorgette Jun 27
