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RSS Feed Search Engine - Real-Time Search Powered by FeedRank®

RSS Feed Search Engine - Real-Time Search Powered by FeedRank®

RSSMotron - RSS Directory Beginner's guide to mixed martial arts terms - UFC If you are one of the thousands of new fans to watch get into the sport of mixed martial arts, there are a lot of terms you might not know about. Here are ten that will certainly help you understand Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg while watching the UFC. Takedown: A takedown is when one fighter brings the other fighter to the mat. Pull Guard: This is when one opponent, who might be better at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is within close range of the other fighter and jumps to his back, while attempting to drag the opponent with him. Full Guard: This is when one fighter is on his back and the other fighter is on top of him. Butterfly Guard: In the same situation as above, the fighter on the bottom has their feet on the inside of the other fighter's legs. Full Mount: Is when the top fighter gets passed your guard and is basically sitting on the opponent's chest with their knees on the mat. Clinch: When both fighters are standing. Lay and Pray: What I call stalling. More from this contributor:

Combiner ses flux RSS : 12 services Plus besoin de présenter l’intérêt qu’ont les flux RSS. Pouvoir être prévenu automatiquement des nouveaux billets publiées sur les blogs ou des nouvelles pages d’un site est indéniablement un gain de temps, plus vous suivez des blogs/sites et plus ce gain sera important. Par contre si vous suivez plusieurs dizaines ou centaines de flux vous savez aussi bien que moi que cela devient vite « lourd » à gérer, en effet nous avons souvent tendance à nous surcharger de sites que nous n’aurions surement pas été vérifier régulièrement si le RSS n’avait pas existé. De plus au fil du temps pas mal de blogs stoppent leurs publications ou passent à une vitesse de publication plus ou moins aléatoirement. L’autre avantage de ce genre d’outil est de pouvoir créer un flux thématique à partir de plusieurs blogs. Voici donc 12 services qui vont vous permettre de combiner ces différents flux en 1 seul. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pour utiliser pleinement Feedoor vous devrez vous créer un compte sur le site. 8. 9.

How To Discover The RSS Feed Of A Webpage If The Feed Link Isn’t There Hmm”¦The Case of the Missing RSS Feed. My RSS feed reader is primed up and ready to go but there’s no feed button on the site. Just when I thought that this lovely website was going to solve my information lust. Well, we will try to solve the problem of the missing RSS link but like all good case histories here’s a brief sketch about the guy who’s missing ““ RSS or Rich Site Summary (also commonly called Really Simple Syndication). RSS is quite simply a document which sums up an updated web page in a standardized format and delivers it to those who want it. The benefit is lots of saved time and saved mailbox space. Every site or blog worth its salt has a feed and now it is a must-have just like an internal search bar. Is it just the RSS link button missing or is it the entire RSS XML code? If you can’t locate the RSS icon – Use the Common Feed Icon The first task is to just look up towards the browser’s address bar. If you got it but it isn’t working – check with a RSS Validator Feed43

Feed Digest : Mix, convert, and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds PLAZOO - News and Blog Search Engine The MMA (@mmazone) sur Twitter Reeder ou la lecture des flux RSS réinventée NetNewsWire, NewsFire, Google Reader, les lecteurs de flux RSS sont légion sur un marché menacé par l’apparition d’applications et web services d’un nouveau genre : les magazines personnalisés tels que, Flipboard. Pourtant le lecteur de flux RSS “traditionnel” reste un formidable outil de veille, particulièrement efficace lorsqu’il s’agit de gérer de grandes quantités d’informations. Alors qu’on croyait cet outil devenu obsolète avec l’arrivée des Flipboard, Pulse, Flud & co, Silvio Rizzi entend bien donner une nouvelle jeunesse aux agrégateurs de flux RSS. Présent sur iPhone, iPad et désormais Macintosh, Reeder s’impose aujourd’hui comme la référence en la matière. Plus intéressant encore, Reeder redéfinit notre expérience de lecture et de navigation sur le web. Grâce au support de Readability, le confort de lecture et la capacité de concentration sont grandement améliorés. Reeder pour iPhoneReeder pour iPadReeder pour Mac

Auto HTML-RSS Update with FTP Support What is RSS? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML format designed for sharing web content like news headlines. An RSS service (also known as an RSS channel) consists of a list of items, each of which contains a headline, description, and a link to a web page. To use RSS, you will need a special RSS news reader or aggregator that will allow you to collect and display RSS service. Auto HTML-RSS Update is a utility that will read an xml page, convert the RSS data, and import it in to an existing web page. For an example, check out my home page at The xml files are downloaded, the links are converted to HTML, and then added to the page. Here is a picture of the main screen: The RSS pages will be read every 30 minutes, converted, and then added to an HTML web page between tags that you set. Here is an explanation on setting up an HTML document to automatically update. HTML & RSS Links tab RSS Headers tab Update Options tab FTP Information tab
