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Quick Key Mobile

Quick Key Mobile
Related:  A creuser

Journey Map JourneyMap is a JavaScript library for the Leaflet.js mapping platform. The library can help you create a story map where interactions on the map are triggered as the user scrolls down the page. This demonstration map shows you some of the interactions you can create with the library. The demo shows how you can add a marker to the map, move the map to a different location and zoom in and out on the map. Add a Marker Using JourneyMap you can add a marker to the map to highlight a specific location. To create a marker you need to add this function to your JavaScript: $('.marker').waypoint(function(direction) { if (direction === 'down') { var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219]) .addTo(map) .bindPopup("A Marker This is a marker.") .openPopup(); } }); The 'direction === down' condition ensures that the marker event is called as you scroll down the page. To call the marker event you simply need to add an element to this left hand text column named 'marker' Polyline Change the Location

Testmoz - The Test Generator Plickers Hit On Head By Falling Baby - Twice! Hit On Head By Falling Baby - Twice! There once was a man hit on the head by a fallingbaby, twice! According to Time Magazine, the first event occurred in 1937. Joseph Figlock, a local street sweeper in Detroit, Michigan, was walking down the road when a baby fell from a 4th story window. The following year, 2 year old David Thomas fell from a window. Please Note: The use of inappropriate or offensive language can result in your account being deleted.

Apps That Rise to the Top: Tested and Approved By Teachers Michelle Luhtala/Edshelf With the thousands of educational apps vying for the attention of busy teachers, it can be hard to sift for the gold. Michelle Luhtala, a savvy librarian from New Canaan High School in Connecticut has crowd-sourced the best, most extensive list of apps voted on by educators around the country. “I wanted to make sure we had some flexibility because there’s no one app that’s better than all the others,” Luhtala said. 30Hands allows a user to make pictures, annotate them, record a voice explainer and then packages it all into a video. Adobe Voice is a recently released education product from Adobe that allows students to narrate a story over an array of digital images. Book Creator is only available for iPads, allowing kids to easily create their own iBook by importing images, multimedia, text, and audio. Tellagami is a tool to share quick animated messages. ExplainEverything is another tool for creating video like tutorials. Symphonizer is great for music classes.

Teacher's Aide (Attendance & Gradebook) France Université Numérique - FUN | 28678 Ressources pédagogiques Keywords: peinture, fissure, rupture, faïençage Author(s): ESPCI Paris Tech Avec Ludovic Pauchard et Véronique Lazarus (FAST, Université d’Orsay) Que ce soit dans le vivant (gerçure, fracture,...), nos aliments (comté, caramel...), nos logements (jointure, peinture qui s’écaille...), nos musées (La Joconde...), la nature (colonne basaltique, écorce...), ou encore dans des ... Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs Learn more aboutComplete descriptive sheet Entity providing the document (university, school of higher education, other) Publisher(s): ESPCI Paris Tech Subject classification in the Dewey "domains" Dewey classification: Mécanique, matériaux, acoustique... Document content nature (text, video, service, ...) Content type: moving image Close this pane

Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons
