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How to choose your news- Damon Brown

How to choose your news- Damon Brown

Jogo sobre Fake News Teacher-Librarians Here's a MEGALIST for my fellow media specialists/teacher-librarians. It's taken a while to gather all the information and I will continue to add to this page. Currently there are close to 185 sites listed. Library Media Center Management- covers policy manuals, management, patrons with disabilities, volunteers, ideas for new school librarians, library promotion and advocacy; long list BLOGS (Teacher-Librarians, Media Specialists) Bibomatic- for books only; enter the ISBN number of a book for the citation CiteBite- link directly to specific quotes on web pages CiteFast- covers MLA, APA, Chicago and newspaper, magazine, web site, journal, book EasyBib*- also now has an iPhone app where you can scan the ISBN number on a book GoBiblio- free bibliography and citation generatorKnightCite- enter the information in the blank fields and your citation is generated; covers MLA, APA, Chicago OttoBib- for books only; enter the ISBN number of a book for the citation Mr. What is Plagiarism?

15 Blogs américains sur le Marketing Digital à suivre en 2022 Dans beaucoup de domaines, la culture américaine lance les tendances. Et le reste du monde suit – quoi qu’en Asie de plus en plus de pôles d’influence majeurs émergent. Et pour le Marketing Digital, c’est aussi la règle. Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn… toutes ces entreprises leaders dans leur secteur sont américaines. Alors en écoutant Laurent parler avec passion de Neil Patel et d’autres blogueurs américains, je me suis dit que vous seriez peut-être intéressés, chers lecteurs, de découvrir tous ces experts ! Lisez quotidiennement des blogs anglophones. Je rajoute que la lecture devrait faire partie de la vie quotidienne d’un entrepreneur pour progresser chaque jour dans différents domaines selon vos besoins du moment. Voici quelques questions que vous vous posez sûrement : Connaissez-vous les grandes tendances du Marketing Digital ? 1er de mon classement : Neil Patel pour générer du trafic Devenu millionnaire, il se relance un défi : 2. Une pointure donc. 3.

Truth, truthiness, triangulation: A news literacy toolkit for a “post-truth” world We were guaranteed a free press, We were not guaranteed a neutral or a true press. We can celebrate the journalistic freedom to publish without interference from the state. We can also celebrate our freedom to share multiple stories through multiple lenses. But it has always been up to the reader or viewer to make the reliability and credibility decisions. It is up to the reader or viewer to negotiate truth. News literacy is complicated. Professional journalists themselves face new practical and ethical challenges relating to anonymity, privacy and safety, as well as reliability in their attempts to verify sources of breaking news from social media and user-generated content in all media formats. Even news that is vetted by editors and publishers sometimes emerges from that process a bit processed, perhaps leaning in a particular direction. And word choice itself is connected to truth. On news literacy Our kids need new types of filters. s disciplines. What’s going on? Fake news

#PICCLE recurso para trabalhar com os alunos o tema da desinformação. 1.- O que é? a divulgação da Internet, a expansão das redes sociais e as possibilidades que temos agora de desenvolver e publicar conteúdos (texto, fotos, vídeos), partilhá-los ou modificar os existentes (com cópia, colagem e remistura), tem aumentado acentuadamente a presença do que é popularmente conhecido como fake news ou notícias falsas, ainda que não seja o melhor nome. O termo mais correto para se referir a esta prática é desinformação, (disinformation em inglês) o oposto de "informação". Também tem sido chamado de manipulação informativa ou manipulação mediática, uma vez que um dos propósitos mais proeminentes para a desinformação é garantir que os leitores não acedam a um determinado conteúdo e permaneçam ignorantes sobre o tema. Muitas vezes pensamos que os autores da desinformação têm apenas motivação política: favorecer um determinado partido ou candidato, divulgar ideias a favor ou contra alguma coisa, etc. 2.- Exemplos 1. 2. 3.- Recomendações 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4.- Exercício

The Definitive List of 176 Fake News Sites on Facebook Fake news is unavoidable. While the idea of “fake news” was born out of the very real instances of fake news stories helping sway the election in favor of now-President Donald Trump, it has since been co-opted by Trump’s administration to be used as a weapon to sow doubt in legitimate media stories that they find unappealing. But real fake news—not the kind Trump likes to point out on Twitter virtually every day—is pervasive. And if you care about reading truthful stories, you need to be on high alert. Facebook, a primary driver of traffic to publications, came under fire late last year for allowing the promotion of fake news sites that deal in conspiracy theories rather than facts. Both Facebook and Google have responded by cutting these sites out of their advertising networks and otherwise making their stories harder to find. But fake news sites are still out there, and someone on your Facebook friend’s list is probably sharing one of their stories right now. 1. 3.

Réseaux Sociaux - Influences : les dernières actualités - Page 1 - Avec nos partenaires, nous traitons les données suivantes :Données de géolocalisation précises et identification par analyse de l’appareil, Publicités et contenu personnalisés, mesure de performance des publicités et du contenu, études d’audience et développement de services, Stocker et/ou accéder à des informations sur un appareil

Did Media Literacy Backfire? - Data & Society: Points Update: On March 9, 2018, I gave a talk expanding on my ideas in this post after a year of reflection/research. You can read the talk crib and watch the video at here: “You Think You Want Media Literacy…. Do you?” Anxious about the widespread consumption and spread of propaganda and fake news during this year’s election cycle, many progressives are calling for an increased commitment to media literacy programs. I remember a casual conversation that I had with a teen girl in the midwest while I was doing research. For years, that casual conversation has stuck with me as one of the reasons that we needed better Internet-based media literacy. Understanding what sources to trust is a basic tenet of media literacy education. Students are also encouraged to reflect on economic and political incentives that might bias reporting. We’ve been telling young people that they are the smartest snowflakes in the world. Combine this with a deep distrust of media sources. The path forward is hazy.

Jornalismo, Fake News, & Desinformação | manual Para entender melhor os casos que envolvem manipulação exploratória do idioma e convenções de géneros de notícia, esta publicação trata esses atos de fraude pelo que são – como uma categoria particular de informação falsa em formas cada vez mais diversas de desinformação, inclusive em formatos de entretenimento como memes visuais. Nesta publicação, o termo desinformação é comummente usado para se referir a tentativas deliberadas (frequentemente orquestradas) para confundir ou manipular pessoas por meio de transmissão de informações desonestas. Isso geralmente é combinado com estratégias de comunicação paralelas e cruzadas e um conjunto de outras táticas, como hackear ou comprometer pessoas. O termo “informação incorreta” frequentemente refere-se a informações enganosas criadas ou disseminadas sem intenção manipuladora ou maliciosa. Referência: Manual de Combate à Fake News. (2020).

The Course Pack for Fall 2017 | Stony Brook Center for News Literacy The full News Literacy course, developed at Stony Brook University, organizes the material into 8 concepts that are spread amongst our 14 week course that take students from the first information revolution of Johannes Gutenberg's printing press to the Digital Age of Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook. Each lesson stands alone or can easily be integrated into your program. Below, find a summary of each of those lessons, and a link to the most updated version of the teaching materials for each from our professors at Stony Brook University. You will notice as the semester progresses, the name of some of our lessons change, along with the sequence of the lessons. Updated Course Syllabus for Fall 2018 Lesson 1: What is News Literacy? News Literacy Lesson 1 Course Pack - Updated FALL 2018 In the wake of the latest information revolution, it is up to the consumer to determine whether information is reliable and whether to publish it. Lesson 2: The Power of Information Lesson 4: What Makes News Different?

Glossaire des médias sociaux : toutes les définitions à connaître en 2021 Le secteur des médias sociaux est en constante évolution, et il est parfois difficile de maîtriser les nouvelles définitions qui voient le jour pratiquement tous les mois. C’est pour cela que nous avons créé ce glossaire complet de termes relatifs aux médias sociaux. Ajoutez cette page à vos favoris ! Ce glossaire des médias sociaux est un document vivant qui évoluera à mesure que nous ajouterons et supprimerons des entrées, développerons nos définitions et apporterons davantage de contexte pour les termes les plus importants. Cerise sur le gâteau : bénéficiez d’un modèle de stratégie sur les Médias Sociaux gratuit pour développer votre propre stratégie facilement et rapidement. Abonnés Les abonnés sont des personnes qui ont aimé vos comptes sur les médias sociaux ou s’y sont abonnées. Pour en savoir plus : Acquérir des abonnés Instagram sans devoir mettre la main à la poche : 27 conseils (en anglais) Algorithme Pour en savoir plus : AMA (Ask Me Anything / « Demandez-moi ce que vous voulez »)

S.O.S. for Information Literacy Desinformação e Fake News | Internet Segura O que é? Face à velocidade atual, com que qualquer informação, fidedigna ou não, é veiculada através da Internet, está cada vez mais presente a preocupação sobre a disseminação de conteúdos não validados colocando em causa o debate livre e informativo e, consequentemente, fragilizar a estabilidade das sociedades democráticas. A desinformação é o termo usado para definir qualquer tipo de conteúdo e ou prática que contribua para o aumento de informação falsificada, não validada ou pouco clara/ transparente e/ ou para afastar os cidadãos do conhecimento factual da realidade. Este fenómeno assume diferentes formatos, nomeadamente: Notícias falsas e/ou falsificadas ou globalmente designadas por Fake News, que podem indicar a vontade deliberada de distribuir informação falsa ou rumores, independentemente dos meios de comunicação e motivações associadas à sua criação. A quem pode afetar? Todos podem ser afetados! Como se Propagam? Através de qualquer meio de comunicação. Como Identificar? Dica:
