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Here's The Schedule Very Successful People Follow Every Day

Here's The Schedule Very Successful People Follow Every Day
All too often, productivity tips are a dime a dozen. Some even conflict with each other. What we need is a system. What schedule do the pros use? What’s key is feeling in control and making sure your energy levels are matched to the importance of the task at hand. Let’s assemble the expert ideas and research we’ve covered into a more cohesive schedule you can apply to your day. How do you do that? 1) The Morning Ritual Laura Vanderkam studied the schedules of high-achievers. You need to wake up before the insanity starts. If you want to achieve work-life balance you need to determine what is important and focus on that. Having concrete goals was correlated with huge increases in confidence and feelings of control. Via The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People: People who construct their goals in concrete terms are 50 percent more likely to feel confident they will attain their goals and 32 percent more likely to feel in control of their lives. – Howatt 1999 But does this really work? Sum Up Related:  Studies in consciousness

The Procrastination Matrix Note: To best understand this post, you should first read Part 1 of Wait But Why’s previous post on procrastination. PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. Back in high school, if you had asked me if I was a procrastinator, I would have said yes. Except I wasn’t. There was definitely an Instant Gratification Monkey in my head, but he was cute more than anything. One day, high school ended, and so did my life as a somewhat normal-acting person. Without deadlines to occupy him, my Panic Monster, who can’t think too far ahead, began to spend a lot of time in hibernation. The more the Panic Monster slept, the more confidence the monkey gained. The RDM would slip further into despair, and only the times when things reached their most dire would anything change. It didn’t matter how obvious a decision seemed to the RDM, it was becoming clear that he was totally unable to control the monkey without the Panic Monster’s help. 1) The Disastinators

10 вещей, о которых ты пожалеешь лет через 10. Мы все совершаем ошибки, но, возможно, в данный момент мы вовсе и не догадываться, что это ошибки, а через 10 лет можем сильно пожалеть. Не позволяй словам вроде «я бы хотел...» и «если бы только...» проникнуть в твой словарный запас в будущем. Воспользуйся этими жизненными советами для того, чтобы избежать сожалений. Facebook ВКонтакте Одноклассники 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. В целом, ты должен сконцентрироваться на том, чтобы быть собой, и не давать другим контролировать твою жизнь. Поделись этими полезными советами с друзьями, не позволь другим сожалеть. Источник: Marc and Angel Hack Life

The Truth About Religion in America: The Founders Loathed Superstition and We Were Never a Christian Nation Once they begin to circulate, falsehoods—like counterfeit currency—are surprisingly tenacious. It doesn’t matter that there’s no backing for them. The only thing that counts is that people believe they have backing. Then, like bad coins, they turn up again and again. One counterfeit idea that circulates with frustrating stubbornness is the claim that America was founded as a Christian nation. Unlike some of the wackier positions taken by evangelicals—think Rapture—the claim that America was founded as a Christian nation has gone relatively mainstream. So the notion that America was founded as a Christian nation is widespread. There are three primary candidate groups, and each is regularly invoked by the Christian Right. Puritans as Founders Cynthia Dunbar is among those who believe that the Puritans who began migrating to New England in the first half of the seventeenth century are our nation’s founders. This sounds good on a first run-through. Christian Majority as Founders

13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. About the Author Carol Morgan has a Ph.D. in communication and is a professor at Wright State University. Credits: Life hack

Say Yes To The Stress In relationships, you can have identical actions that generate vastly different consequences. Kind of like watching “Say Yes To The Dress.” Which is to say that my wife adores watching fluffy wedding shows where the bride tries on a zillion froofy outfits, parading this latest dress in front of her family, before finally settling tearfully on the perfect dress. The bride flutters her hands in front of her face. And sometimes, when Gini is having a bad day, she needs to curl up and watch a “Say Yes To The Dress” marathon. We have one big television, so if she watches it, then I can’t spend my Saturday ferociously trying to beat the new Dragon Age game on the Xbox. Yet I recognize watching silly wedding shows makes Gini happy, and as such it’s a worthy thing to do. Which is to say that I occasionally get emails like, “Hey, I’m polyamorous, but I want my monogamous partner to be happy. And it’s okay that sometimes, you’re going to be uncomfortable in this relationship.

Õnneliku pereelu 10 saladust - Pere ja Laps 27. juuli 2014 09:00 Kui peres juba lapsed kasvamas, siis unustavad partnerid tihtipeale nii enda kui kaaslase vajadused ära ja esikohale sätivad ennast töö, laste logistika ja majapidamine. Kui sa sellisest robotielust rõõmu ei tunne, siis loe, kuidas oma pereellu sära tagasi tuua. 1. Jah, teie kaks olete eespool lapsi ja majapidamist. 2. Tähtis on, et nad üldse koos aega veedavad. 3. Uuringud näitavad, et üksteisele jaatavaid sõnumeid saatvad paarid on õnnelikumad. 4. Sa võtsid ta ju oma kaaslaseks sellepärast, et temaga koos edasi liikuda, mitte selleks, et teda igal võimalusel maha teha ja tema seisukohti ümber lükata. 5. Ühised rattasõidud, mere ääres käimised ja ka lihtsad jalutuskäigud ja looduses koos perega matkamised tagavad nii hea tervise, kui rõõmsa meele koosveedetud ajast. 6. Seks on suhtes tähtsal kohal. 7. 8. Inimestel on erinevad isiksuseomadused ja lõpeta oma kaaslase pidev ümberkasvatamine. 9. 10. Loe ka seda: Kui tahad, et sinu lapsest kasvaks õnnelik inimene, siis...

Food Timeline: food history research service Lihtsaid nippe, kuidas laisk mees kodutöödesse ja lastekasvatusse kaasata - Pere ja Laps 29. juuli 2014 17:00 Võibolla sa ei lootnudki, et sinu mees jagab kodused kohustused sinuga 50/50 pooleks, aga et see kujuneb 80/20 sinu kahjuks, seda ei osanud sa kooselu alguses ka karta. Karjuv ebaõiglus koduses elus ei pea sugugi igavasti kestma, kui järgid allolevaid nõuandeid. Tegelikult ei tee paha juba kooselu alguses omavahel arutada, kuidas pereeluga kaasnevaid igapäevaseid kohustusi jagada. Kui sa pole rahul, siis ütle see välja Alustuseks tõde, et sinu mees pole selgeltnägija ja kui sa pole talle seda öelnud, et kohustustekoorem sind hulluks ajab, siis sinu silmist ta sinu rasket olukorda ka välja ei loe ja järelikult ei märka ka abi pakkuda. Ole konkreetne Muidugi ajab sind vihale, kui mees arvab, et nõud on pärast sööki alati ise kraanikaussi roninud ja seal ennast ka ära pesnud ning et lapsed õppisid tema meelest täiesti iseseisvalt potil käima ja riidesse panema. Esimesed 15 sekundit on määrava tähtsusega Ära süüdista, vaid tee ettepanek, ära ründa, vaid palu abi

The Political Compass Why Trying to Find Your Life’s Purpose Is a Waste of Time (and What to Do Instead) Waiting to discover your purpose? That’s a stupid strategy. Blogs, courses, and coaches all over the internet claim that we each have one perfect reason for existing. That we need to lock ourselves in a room until we find it. That once we do, everything will make sense and we can finally be fulfilled. This type of thinking is a huge problem, and it needs to be addressed. Here are three reasons why you should stop trying to find your purpose: 1. The biggest issue I have with the idea of a life purpose is that most people will never find it. Telling someone that there is only one perfect thing that they were put on this earth to do is like telling them that there is only one perfect person for them. There is no one perfect thing. The idea of a purpose probably came about as the agnostic’s attempt at spirituality. How do I know you are here for a reason? When we tell people that they need a purpose in order to be fulfilled, it makes them feel empty until they have found it. 2. 3.

The Sunk Cost Fallacy The Misconception: You make rational decisions based on the future value of objects, investments and experiences. The Truth: Your decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you invest in something the harder it becomes to abandon it. You can learn a lot about dealing with loss from a video game called Farmville. You have probably heard of this game. In 2010, one in five Facebook users had a Farmville account. Farmville has shrunk since then. So, it must be really, really fun. In psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking Fast and Slow, he writes about how he and his colleague Amos Tversky through their work in the 1970s and ‘80s uncovered the imbalance between losses and gains in your mind. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely adds a fascinating twist to loss aversion in his book, Predictably Irrational. In one of his experiments, Ariely set up a booth in a well-trafficked area. When you lose something permanently, it hurts.

Ära ela unistustes: õpi olema see naine, keda kõik kadestavad! - DELFI Naistekas Mida tähendab olla naiselik, tõeliselt lummav naine — selline, kelle sära paistab nii kaugele, et kõik läheduses viibijad, sealhulgas ka naised vaikselt või isegi endamisi sositavad — kes ta on ja mida ta küll teeb, et ta niimoodi särab? See ei ole tema riiete ilu, ega ka mitte hoolitsetud olek. See on midagi palju enamat. Kogu see sisemine ilu, mis temast kiirgab, teeb ta tõeliselt eriliseks. Ma usun, et olete kõik selliseid naisi kohanud ja salamisi unistanud selline olla. Mõnikord on selle sära vallapäästmiseks väga vähe vaja, mõnikord natuke rohkem. Mis aitab kaasa sinu naiselikule arengule, et leida üles jumalanna enda sees? Naise teeb kauniks see, kui ta on enesekindel ja mõtleb ilusaid, positiivseid mõtteid ning räägib asjadest, mida ta armastab- siis tekib see eriline säde silmadesse. iigu ringi enesekindlalt ja graatsiliselt. Õpi ennast armastama. Tea, et sa ei pea olema pidevalt tugev ja kõigega hakkama saama. Puhasta oma meeled — tunneta erinevaid lõhnu, maitseid ja tundeid.

How to Name a Baby The first time a friend of mine had a child, it was intensely jarring. I’d be living my normal day, and then the thought would hit me—”Matt has a son”—and my whole world would get turned upside down. Three years and six friend babies later, I’m 32 and have numbed to the whole thing considerably. It’s still weird. But not jarring. This new phenomenon in my life has introduced several new experiences—things like “having your feelings hurt and losing self-confidence because your friend’s toddler doesn’t like you” and “learning that talking about the baby as a ‘toy’ or a ‘pod’ and commenting on ‘it not having a brain yet’ is less funny to the baby’s parents than it is to you.” (Note: definitely best to keep the name candidates a secret until after the baby’s born—no name will please everyone and other peoples’ opinions really shouldn’t be part of the process for something so personal. Parents choosing a name have a few options: 1) Go Timeless Drawbacks: It’s kind of boring. 2) Go Super Weird
