Clementine International Cabinet de recrutement informatique, ec Recruitment for Events, Marketing, Office, Secretarial and Sales, | London , UK | Regan & Dean. Kelly Group Bienvenue sur le site de I'ME - Cabinet de recrutement et agence Hospitality Guild - UKSP The benefits of the Hospitality Guild portal The Hospitality Guild will have all of the FREE tools and features previously on UKSP, bringing together individuals, employers and training providers in the industry, including - • Career tools - an interactive career map, personality test and a whole host of career stories to showcase the exciting opportunities in hospitality and tourism. • The employer guide - showcasing employers in the industry committed to the training and development of their staff • Vacancy search - promoting the latest opportunities in the industry • Talent Search - bringing together recruiting employers and individuals looking for work • Training guide - promoting the training available and where to get it - refreshed version coming soon! How can you access all of these career tools? If you’re already registered with UKSP your profile will have automatically migrated to the Hospitality Guild portal. Not yet registered?
Imagine Recruitment Recherche d’emploi simplifiée Upper School Prize Giving JobsDB Select jobs in: Remember my choice Job opportunities in China | Hong Kong | Indonesia | Malaysia | Philippines | Singapore | Thailand Guide des Cabinets de Recrutement Fondé, il y a plus de 35 ans, PRAXION puise ses racines dans le domaine des Ressources Humaines. PRAXION, membre de Syntec, a obtenu la certification NF RECRUTEMENT en 2012. La philosophie de départ de l’entreprise est restée intacte, et encore aujourd’hui PRAXION propose uniquement des services “PRATIQUE & ACTION”. L’activité Conseil en Recrutement s’est fortement développée dans les années 1990. Dans le même temps, une spécialisation s'est opérée dans les domaines de l'énergie et du bâtiment. PRAXION est présent à Paris, Lyon, Nantes et Caen. Les moyens du cabinet se sont étoffés et au fil des ans, PRAXION est devenu le 1er cabinet conseil en Ressources Humaines totalement dédié au secteur de l'énergie et du bâtiment. Praxion a souhaité renforcer ses compétences dans le domaine des Ressources Humaines et a acquis, en 2009, la société ALIZE CONSULTANTS, spécialiste dans la réalisation de bilans de compétences et de gestion de carrière. Contact Clients :
Archikids - Details - Open-City Archikids is Open-City's flagship Family Festival of Architecture 'Education through Enjoyment' Open-City believe that the best way to understand and appreciate the value of good design is to visit the actual physical buildings and places. Inspiring the next generation of Londoners about the great buildings of their city, Archikids is a weekend programme of fun and free architectural activities in the heart of the city. The programme was piloted in 2012 as Open House Junior and following a fantastic public interest (over 2,158 children) Open-City launcged the weekend as a flagship programme in 2013 called Archikids Festival. What is Archikids? Who is involved? Who will attend? What is the value of Archikids Festival? Creates the first free and inclusive festival of architecture for children. Get Involved? "Education through Enjoyment" - Examples of Activity Solid Void with PRP Architects and HTA Design A material experiment of how space is created using cast moulds. On your Scooter!