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Beginners. Free Printable ESL materials.

Beginners. Free Printable ESL materials.
These are materials that will probably be suitable for students in the first half of their first year of English studies. For more information on the level classification used on esl lounge, go to our level description page. The lesson materials have been divided into the following categories for Beginners. Click any one to go to the resources. Pairwork Activities, Surveys, etc These are the resources which will most successfully get your students talking. Flashcards and Role Cards These are called flashcards, prompt cards or role cards, depending on your teacher training and the specific purpose they are used for. Worksheets These can take a variety of forms. Reading Here, you will find some simple texts for beginners level with very basic vocabulary requirement. Come and join esl-lounge Premium. High quality PDF lesson plans. Premium Home Page | Free Samples | Why Join | FAQ | Sign Up! ★ Autumn/Winter Coupon Discount★$8 off Lifetime Membership. Games Error Correction Vocabulary Structure Related:  Inspiration och idéer

Teachers The Zimmer Twins is a fun way to incorporate technology into the classroom. Watch your students expand their vocabulary, practice proper writing habits, and become junior movie producers all at the same time! Take a few minutes to explore the Zimmer Twins and so you are familiar with the site before using it with your students. Getting Started The best place to start is the help area. Accounts To save movies visitors need to get a nickname and password by joining the site. Setting up accounts in a classroom can present challenges. Use the site without accounts. Remember that students are welcome to set up their own accounts at home with the help of their parents. English lessons online: Beginner grammar exercises and tests: Present Simple or Present Continuous? - put the verbs in the correct tense Have got or has got? - complete the sentences with have got or has got Make Present Simple sentences - use the given words to make sentences in the Present Simple tense Present Simple, jumbled sentences - put the words in the correct order to make Present Simple sentences:1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 Present Simple or Present Continuous? - which tense is correct in these sentences? Beginner vocabulary exercises and tests: Beginner crosswords: Beginner reading exercise: Guess the word - read the text and guess what the replaced words are Pre-intermediate grammar tests: Past Simple or Past Continuous? Pre-intermediate crosswords: Parts of a house - read the definitions and guess the parts of a house to complete this crossword Intermediate listening exercises: Intermediate grammar tests: Passive or active voice? Intermediate vocabulary exercises: Intermediate reading tests:

Sagging Pants Banned In US Town Like other New Jersey shore towns, Wildwood is trying attract visitors after Hurricane Sandy ravaged the region in October. It just doesn't want to see their underwear. The Cape May County municipality has banned sagging pants on its boardwalk in hopes of making the resort community more family-friendly. Those caught with trousers that sink 3 inches below the hips, exposing either underwear or bare skin, are subject to fines of as much as $200 and 40 hours of community service. The ordinance also prohibits bare feet and shirtlessness after 8pm. "I'm not the fashion police and I do realize there are societal changes," Mayor Ernest Troiano said in an interview. Sagging, as the trend is called, began in prisons and spread via hip-hop artists to a wider audience of teenagers in the 1990s. Sandy struck October 29, wreaking havoc along the shore from Belmar in the north to the mansions of Mantoloking and south to Atlantic City. 'Do Something' Not Fake Thug Life About Decency Bloomberg

Formativa arbetssätt för engelskundervisningen Jag samlar länkar för att utmana mig själv i det formativa arbetssättet och för att variera undervisningen och hitta rätt inlärningsstil för eleverna. Jag såg att vi är fler som vill utmana oss i det på blogghubben. Här kommer ett litet bidrag med de länkar eller arbetssätt jag just för tillfället kan bidra med. Nedan har jag kategoriserat mina länktips efter rubrikerna muntligt (gäller både tala och samtala), skriftligt, lyssna, och läsa, men även grammatik och ordinlärning då det är centralt i språkinlärningen, samt övrigt: Muntligt För muntligt kan man testa Mystery Skype, Silent viewing eller att spela in sig själv på diverse program på datorn är kul, som Quicktime eller iMovie om man har tillgång till surfplattor. Här finns ett inlägg om att göra egna podcasts. Skriftligt Lyssna Att lyssna på olika nyhetsinslag är bra och gärna ihop med en text och då vid andra lyssningen om man ska följa lyssnarstrategierna. Läsa Läsning kan du också arbeta med online. Grammatik och ord Övrigt

English Language Centre Study Zone: Welcome! About the Study Zone The Study Zone is for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria. ELC teachers create the English language lessons and practice exercises. The site is designed for our adult English language learners, but all are welcome to read the lessons and use the exercises. News and Feedback The comments on the Study Zone blog have been great! Who visits Study Zone? This map shows the visitors to this page only. All levels: Grammar Index What do I do? First, choose your level. Study Zone is made up of levels. Where am I now? The menu at the top of each page tells you where you are. Belfast riots: 56 police officers injured during parade protests 10 August 2013Last updated at 11:53 ET Northern Ireland Chief Constable Matt Baggott condemned the rioters. The number of police officers injured during loyalist protests against a republican parade in central Belfast is 56. The police fired 26 plastic bullets and made eight arrests on Friday evening amid sustained rioting in Royal Avenue. Northern Ireland's Chief Constable Matt Baggott described the violence as "mindless anarchy" and "thuggery". He praised his officers, saying they had put their lives on the line to protect the rule of law. "I want to, as ever, commend my colleagues for their immense courage last night. Officers hospitalised He added that those who attacked police had "no intention of peaceful protest". Bricks and fireworks were thrown at officers, and they were also attacked with scaffolding poles and paving stones ripped from the city's streets. A PSNI spokeswoman said four of the injured officers needed hospital treatment and one of them remained in hospital. Shops damaged

The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Activities English as a Second Language (ESL) Lesson plans & ideas for teachers: eslflow index & home page
