English Language Test, Intermediate level At english-test.net you can not only test but also improve your English. At the same time you can meet new people, exchange experiences on how to learn languages and a whole lot more. You will find hundreds of interactive grammar and vocabulary tests as well as other useful resources such as short stories, articles and interviews with business people.In addition, you can subscribe to a free email ESL course that provides useful information about the English language in a lighthearted way.
Science Games and Videos | Educational Games for Kids Download free sample material from onestopclil Try before you buy with these free CLIL resources. Free Young Learners worksheets and teacher's notesFree Secondary worksheets and teacher's notesFree wordlistFree methodology articlesFree CLIL fact sheetFree colour imagesFree animation on the Greenhouse Effect Free Young Learners worksheets and teacher's notes Experiments: Gone with A Bang This comprehensive lesson by Adrian Tennant pupils make a banger and use this to learn how energy can be released and turned into sound waves. Question Loop Speaking Activity - Human Skeleton and Muscles A fun speaking, reading and listening activity that really gets pupils talking! Arts and crafts - A shape exhibition Uses coloured pencils and cut-outs to introduce or review shapes. Science - Food groups A useful food pyramid clearly shows young learners the major food groups. Science - The Human Body - Muscles and bonesMatching and information gap activities to introduce the human muscle and bone system. Geography - Symbols on maps Free wordlist
Grammar Guides, Quizzes A new quiz (No. 78) is up. The questions include a hodgepodge of usage issues, and I’ve experimented with question… Read more » I have a new Grammar Guide quiz (No. 77). “But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good. I have a new Grammar Guide quiz (No. 76) for you to try. I’ve posted a new quiz (No. 75) that has six multiple-choice questions and four fill-in-the-blank questions with images. I have a new Grammar Guide quiz for you to try, No. 74. I have written a new Grammar Guide quiz (No. 73) that is all about the often confused words affect and… Read more » I’ve created a quiz that I hope will work for those using iPads. The quizzes are working again. At last, this blog has a spiffy new look that matches the rest of the ACES site. I often use published mistakes for my Grammar Guide quizzes, but today I was inspired by writers and editors who… Read more » Today is National Grammar Day. Copy editors need to keep their eyes on verbs. New words pop up all the time.
Aulas Bilingües DNL Discovery School Muchos materiales para profesores y para niños. Science-class.net NUEVO Recursos para profesores de ciencias. Discovery School Life Science Discovery School Earth Science National Geographic para niños E-Nature Guías de campo sobre flora y fauna. Incluye algún quiz, por ejemplo sobre la estructura celular Human anatomy online Lab Bench Main Glossary of Biological terms Nature (de la TV pública PBS) National Geographic Animals CLIL: A lesson framework Underlying principles Classroom principles Lesson framework Conclusion Underlying principles The principles behind Content and Language Integrated Learning include global statements such as 'all teachers are teachers of language' (The Bullock Report - A Language for Life, 1975) to the wide-ranging advantages of cross-curricular bilingual teaching in statements from the Content and Language Integrated Project (CLIP). The benefits of CLIL may be seen in terms of cultural awareness, internationalisation, language competence, preparation for both study and working life, and increased motivation. While CLIL may be the best-fit methodology for language teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe, the literature suggests that there remains a dearth of CLIL-type materials, and a lack of teacher training programmes to prepare both language and subject teachers for CLIL teaching. Classroom principles Some of the basic principles of CLIL are that in the CLIL classroom:
Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz 1 <div class="banner-container -notice" data-banner="noscript" hidden><div class="banner-block"><h6 class="banner-title title"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> Enable<br>JavaScript</h6><p class="banner-text text">Uh oh! It looks like you have JavaScript turned off. While most of our site should function with out, we recommend turning it back on for a better experience. Remembering Jane Straus | May 18, 1954—February 25, 2011 | Author of the original Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz 1 1. Top Five Grammar Blog Posts
History - 1 ESO Geography and History The presentation about the Paleolithic is on the link below. Remember that these are just the basic concepts. You need to study from your book, too. The link to the presentation about the Metal Age: Click on this link to watch the presentation about the Egyptian gods: The presentation about Rome is online. I uploaded the presentation about some aspects of Roman culture. Clilstore - Teaching units for content and language integrated learning First visit to Clilstore? Clilstore, like virtually all other interactive sites, needs to use cookies to work properly. Got it If this message persists when you click “Got it”, then your browser must be refusing cookies, or have Javascript disabled. Clilstore is a well-behaved, responsible website. See our short and simple privacy policy. Teaching unitsfor Content and Language Integrated Learning HelpAbout Clilstore Select the language you are learning and then your level to see the available units. Level AllBasicA1A2B1B2C1C2Advanced A new website is available at clilstore.eu with a new user interface and the same data Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Vocabulary and grammar exercises | Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Learn English online for free with hundreds of interactive English exercises on this site. Practise grammar, prepare for exams, learn English words and do listening practice. Find a lot of information about what words mean and how they are used in our English dictionary. Vocabulary Browse hundreds of vocabulary exercises to help you learn more English collocations, synonyms, idioms and phrasal verbs as well as other aspects of vocabulary. Intermediate grammar Grammar exercises for intermediate learners at the B1–B2 level of the CEFR. Advanced grammar Grammar exercises for advanced learners at the C1–C2 level of the CEFR. Listening and pronunciation These exercises focus on sounds, syllables and stress in words to improve your listening and pronunciation skills. Exam preparation Are you preparing for a major English language test such as TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson Test of English or Cambridge English qualification?
Social Sciences | CLIL Teachers´ Web Guide According to Voltaire, history consists of a series of accumulative imaginative inventions. Let´s discover some of these inventions in the following websites. Explore The British Museum website, which offers extensive information and pictures about the ancient civilizations. The British museum website where you can study different world civilizations. Visit the Bristish Museum website specially designed for schools where you can search differents students´ages and different items of the curriculum, including good games and vitual visit to the museum. Meet the Celts during the Iron Age in Wales visiting a funny animated website with stories and games with cartoon characters. In this interesting web game you can find out whether you have the skills to make fire, bake bread and so survive the Iron Age. From the Palaeolithic to the Norman Conquest, explore archaeological sites and treasures from the past, then test yourself on the eras and events in the Ages of Treasure game.
CLIL Learning Activities Repository Contents A list of what is available on this blog. For songs and posts related to songs, see the Songs page For exercise generators etc., see the Teacher tools page For posts related -ize / -ise verbs, see the -ize / -ise page For explanations and exercises for learners, see next section. For posts about usage, controversies, history, and language in general, see the General sections For students of English Common errors learners make Collocations and finding language in context Quick quizzes - multiple choice Sounds and the human voice Quick quizzes - sorting Quick quizzes - matching Vocab games - matching and memory games Random quizzes - multifunctional exercises Random vocab quizzes - multifunctional exercises Vocab quizzes - multifunctional exercises Exploring grammar These are not so much lessons as my attempts to understand quite big topics of grammar. Random stories - exercises Grammar - verb types Grammar - verb forms Grammar - modal verbs Grammar - verbs - the passive Grammar - non-finite verb forms