The Lancet: Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest Pim van Lommel, Ruud van Wees, Vincent Meyers, Ingrid Elfferich Division of Cardiology, Hospital Rijnstate, Arnhem, Netherlands (P van Lommel MD); Tilburg, Netherlands (R van Wees PhD); Nijmegen, Netherlands (V Meyers PhD); and Capelle a/d Ijssel, Netherlands (I Elfferich PhD) Correspondence to: Dr Pim van Lommel, Division of Cardiology, Hospital Rijnstate, PO Box 9555, 6800 TA Arnhem, Netherlands ( Summary Introduction Methods Results Discussion References Background Some people report a near-death experience (NDE) after a life-threatening crisis. Methods In a prospective study, we included 344 consecutive cardiac patients who were successfully resuscitated after cardiac arrest in ten Dutch hospitals. Findings 62 patients (18%) reported NDE, of whom 41 (12%) described a core experience. Interpretation We do not know why so few cardiac patients report NDE after CPR, although age plays a part. Lancet 2001; 358: 2039-45 See Commentary
The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience Explanations Life After Death Libraria Radio Vocea Evangheliei De ce anume aveti nevoie pentru a receptiona Radio Vocea Evangheliei prin satelit: - o antena parabolica ( ce se monteaza in afara casei) - un receiver ( ce va fi conectat la televizor sau la difuzoare) - Televizor sau difuzoare - cabluri necesare - specialist care sa execute montarea Toate acestea, de mai sus, le puteti procura de la magazinele care comercializeaza antene parabolice. Parametri satelit: - pozitie orbital = 1 grad vest - Satelit = Thor 6 - Transponder = 23 - Polarizare downlink = verticala, liniara - Frecventa downlink = 12149 Mhz - Symbol Rate = 28.000 - Modulatie = QPSK - FEC (Forward Error Correction) = 7/8 Parametri de codare: - Audio stereo 1 x 164 = 164kbit/s.
Children of the Law of One | Where all religions meet, there is one God. Expériences de mort imminente (Les) Yves Bertrand a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en sciences des religions en août 1997 à l’Université du Québec à Montréal sur le thème : « Le chant du signe : expériences de mort imminente et voie mystique occidentale ». Il nous propose une approche originale des NDE (Near Death Experiences) et de leur empreinte sous un titre significatif. Il est aussi l'auteur de Expériences de mort imminente en quatre tomes.Quoique Raymond Moody ait affirmé dans son premier livre, La vie après la vie, que son but n’était pas de prouver la survie de la conscience après la mort, il a néanmoins (ré) ouvert le champ d’un vaste questionnement métaphysique. Ce qu’il y avait alors de nouveau résidait beaucoup moins dans la «découverte» de l’étonnante vitalité de la psyché alors même que l’organisme physique s’affaisse (1), que dans le changement du statut épistémologique de l’expérience de la mort imminente elle-même. Les données du problème [...] 1. 2. La question de la preuve [...] NOTES 1.
War and Globalization: The Truth Behind 9/11 (Lecture) In this lecture by Michel Chossudovsky, he blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by Islamic terrorists. Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration. According to Chossudovsky, the war on terrorism is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The war on terrorism is a war of conquest. Glottalization is the final march to the New World Order, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Watch the full documentary now
PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND SURVIVAL AFTER DEATH - PSYCHICAL RESEARCH - LIFE-AFTER-DEATH - SURVIVAL - HEREAFTER - APPARITIONS - OBE - NDE - PHYSICAL PHENOMENA When the Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.) was founded in 1882 research into phenomena and experiences suggesting personal survival of man after death took a high priority. Its findings were constantly under fire from the scientific establishment, which frowned even upon the notion psychical research being considered a science - after all paranormal phenomena did not exist at all! A belief still cherished. Investigators of the S.P.R. became so influenced by these attacks and were so eager to find favour in the eyes of their antagonists that they began to take over their condemning attitude. A common psychological trait - the oppressed identifying themselves with the worst characteristics of their tormentors. Supernatural phenomena are still being dismissed by the academic community. Like in all other areas of science, parapsychology has narrowed down its research to specialist sectors, hardly anyone daring to voice an opinion on general issues. Let us examine these: Prof. Literature:
O descoperire zguduitoare. O revelatie divina despre iad - | Biblii, literatura si muzica crestine, cadouri, video/dvd, predici... Kathryn Baxter s-a nascut in Tennesee. A fost crescuta si educata intr-o casa crestina. Inca pe cand era mica, mama ei a inva-o despre Isus Hristos si mantuirea prin El. Kathryn a fost nascuta din nou la varsta de 19 ani. Pe la mijlocul anului 1960, Kathryn s-a mutat cu familia la Detroit, Michigan, unde a inceput sa aiba vedenii din partea Domnului. Pastorii, conducatorii si sfintii Domnului vorbesc de bine despre ea si slujba ei. Kathryn este casatorita de peste 24 de ani cu Bill Baxter. Ea este cu adevarat o servitoare dedicata Domnului. In 1976, pe cand traia in Belleville, Isus i-a aparut in forma umana, in vise, vedenii si descoperiri sau revelatii. In timpul unei perioade din viata ei, Isus a venit la ea in fiecare noapte, timp de 40 de nopti. Cuprins Cuvant inainte De la autoare 1. 26. Cuvinte de incheiere O vedenia a iadului
Consensual Hallucination When William Gibson coined the term cyberspace in 1984 in the book Neuromancer, he described it as “a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators in every nation.” Decades later, Gibson declared that cyberspace was everting. Which is to say, entering the next phase of its evolution by creeping out of the virtual boundaries that once defined it and into what we consider “real life.” Sure enough, about 5 minutes later, the world proved him right, again, and the Internet of Things began to erode the distinction between the virtual and the real. Most descriptions of the possibilities of the Internet of Things have centered on things like RFID-tagged Starbucks cups that let the company trace your steps through its corporate universe, both real and virtual. The study, which will appear in the next issue of the International Journal of Cyber Behaviour, Psychology and Learning, looked at the psychological consequences of hardcore gaming. Image credits:
Veridical OBE Perceptions in a "Standstill" Operation Research News Neuroscience researcherDr. Mario Beauregard and colleagues recently reported a 2008 case of veridical (real, verified) perceptions in a patient undergoing a deep hypothermic cardiocirculatory arrest or "standstill" operation similar to Pam Reynolds' operation in 1991. The 31-year-old patient J.S. underwent emergency surgical correction of an aortic dissection. She did not see or talk to members of the surgical team. University of Montreal researchers Mario Beauregard, Évelyne Landry St-Pierre, Gabrielle Rayburn and Philippe Demers recently published a letter to the editor in the journal Resuscitation, reporting a retrospective study at Hôpital Sacré-Coeur, a research hospital affiliated with the university, of cases of deep hypothermic cardiocirculatory arrest from 2005-2011. One case is particularly noteworthy. Book by Mario Beauregard and Denyse O'Leary: The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul Interview with Mario Beauregard. Reference: