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Le freelance saucisse-after-effect-expressions

Le freelance saucisse-after-effect-expressions

LeBlog2Rom1 MotionScript AE ENHANCERS • View topic - Distribute layers in shape of sphere This expression spreads layers in a 3D space to form a sphere. How does it do it? Simply by cutting a sphere in circular slices. These slices are, in my expression, the "rows". The "middle" slice is row 0, the slice above is row 1, and so forth. The sphere is symetrical to the place (x/z) containing row 0. Let's take a closer look : The Null object "A" is in the middle of the sphere and is the parent of all the other layers. The value "a" allows to manage the space between two layers. For the sphere to be perfectly homogeneous, this space has to be identical for all layers. The radius of the "middle" slice (row 0) is d, the radius of the sphere. Code: d*a=d*cos(a*i)*x Where x is the spacing angle to row i. So we get : x=a/cos(a*i) The second difficulty is the amount of layers per slice. 2*Math.PI/spacing angle For it to always be an integer, I added the Math.round function : s=Math.round(2*Math.PI/(a/Math.cos(a*i))) From there one has to adjust the spacing angle for each row, which becomes : and

LeCollagiste InTeRacTiF Expressions/Contrôle/Boucle Méthodes de boucle After Effects propose quatre méthodes pour lire en boucle un segment d'animation. Cela permet de contrôler efficacement et rapidement une propriété dont la valeur est amenée à boucler, sans avoir à copier-coller une série d'images clés. On présente ici la boucle loopOut() qui est sans doute la plus fréquemment utilisée. Pour les trois autres méthodes, qui sont loopIn(), loopInDuration() et loopOutDuration(), on pourra se référer à l'aide d'After Effects. Boucler une composition Le premier exemple va répondre à l'une des questions les plus souvent posées sur les forums, à savoir "comment faire pour boucler une composition ?". loopOut("cycle",1); La boucle loopOut() de type cycle sert à répéter un ou plusieurs segment d'animation dans le même sens que se fait la lecture. Boucler une propriété Le deuxième exemple va illustrer une boucle sur la propriété d'un effet. Prolonger un mouvement loopOut("continue");

After Effects Expressions Yenaphe - Geeky Stuffed Animal Graymachine | My Top 5 After Effects Expressions 1. Intertial Bounce v1.2 Essentially, Inertial Bounce creates a bouncing motion of any parameter from one keyframe to the next, based on its velocity. Being that true “velocity” includes the vector (or traveling direction in 3D space), the bounce happens in whatever direction the object is traveling. This also accounts for scalar or array values, so you’ll find that this expression works just as well on 2D rotation as it does on 3D position. It’s very cool! amp = .1; freq = 2.0; decay = 2.0; n = 0; time_max = 4; if (numKeys > 0){ n = nearestKey(time).index; if (key(n).time > time){ n--; }} if (n == 0){ t = 0; }else{ t = time - key(n).time; } if (n > 0 && t < time_max){ v = velocityAtTime(key(n).time - thisComp.frameDuration/10); value + v*amp*Math.sin(freq*t*2*Math.PI)/Math.exp(decay*t); }else{value} 2. This is nothing brilliant, but it is something I wrote and use all the time. //Autofade: Add to opacity 3. This is a cool expression to use on text. 4. 5 . toComp

Expressions - Reference Tables Layer Parameters These are the layer parameters to which you can apply expressions. (You can also apply expressions to effect parameters and to some mask parameters.) Use this table to know what each parameter expects from your expressions: how many dimensions, what kind of units, and common value ranges. Global Objects This table lists all of the global objects available in After Effects, and the type of objects they return. Comp Attributes and Methods This table lists all of the attributes, methods and sub-objects belonging to comp objects. Layer Attributes and Methods This table lists all of the attributes, methods and sub-objects belonging to layer objects. Footage Attributes and Methods Property Attributes and Methods These are the attributes and methods belonging to Property objects such as 'rotation' and 'opacity'. Vector Math Methods Interpolation Methods
