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Cultural Engineering Group Weblog

Cultural Engineering Group Weblog

Narrativas Transmediáticas My Modern Metropolis Club Innovation & Culture CLIC France Is YouTube Killing Music Piracy? For years the top record label executives have been claiming that it's impossible to compete with free, but YouTube is proving them wrong. With billions of views every month the major record labels are making millions by sharing their music for free. For many people YouTube takes away the incentive to 'pirate,' but at the same time it may also cannibalise legal music sales. The music industry has witnessed some dramatic changes in recent years, even when piracy is left out of the picture. In just a decade the Internet and the MP3 revolution have redefined people’s music consumption habits. We’ve previously documented how people moved from buying albums to buying singles. If we go back in time 5 or 6 years, people had only one option if they wanted to listen to their favorite artists online without paying for the pleasure. Although true music aficionados are hard to please, the majority of the public appreciates the option of listening to their favorite tunes for free on YouTube.

About | FlowingPrints My name is Nathan Yau, and I'm a statistics PhD candidate at UCLA. My statistics and visualization blog is FlowingData. I like data. Here are some answers to common questions about FlowingPrints. How can I be first to know when new prints are released? Sign up for FlowingPrints updates. Where do you ship? Everywhere USPS lets me ship. What kind of paper do you print on? All posters are printed on HannoArt Silk Cover from Sappi with a matte finish. How often do you release new prints? Not often. Can I buy a subset of the series? No, why would you want to do that? How do you choose the designers you work with? I go off recommendations from people I trust. Can I work with FlowingPrints? If you think you have the skills, send me a link to your portfolio at nathan [at blah blah spam] flowingdata dotdotdotdot com. Where do the data come from? FlowingPrints uses open data sources found all over the Web.

VisualCV • Get a better resume, online. Knowledge Cartography KissKissBankBank : investissez dans des projets d'artistes confi Les nouvelles formes du travail sont-elles solubles dans le management Les nouvelles formes du travail (travail mobile, travail à distance, travail collaboratif…) peinent à se développer en France, estime Xavier de Mazenod (@xm), responsable de l’agence Adverbe et animateur de ZeVillage, un réseau social qui interroge les nouvelles formes du travail. Malgré l’enthousiasme des salariés pour un travail qui s’adapte à leurs modes de vies, ces nouvelles formes achoppent sur la difficulté du management à remettre en question les principes qui le fondent : la compétition, le caporalisme, la hiérarchie, le cloisonnement… Alors, oui, « à quand la révolution du management ? » Les réactions de peur dans le débat posé par Newsring sur la généralisation du télétravail sont très éclairantes sur la manière binaire d’aborder le sujet. On met toujours en cause l’efficacité du travail à distance et le risque de l’atomisation de l’entreprise. Ces peurs, ce retard culturel expliquent en partie un certain retard du développement du télétravail en France. Xavier de Mazenod
