The Mercury Theatre on the Air WEB SITES FOR POLITICAL SPEECHES Collections of Political Speeches; Audio Sites; Generic Link Sites; Specializd Genre Sites; Individual Presidential Sites; Convention Speaking; Political, Vice President, Debates; Miscellaneous Speech Collections Last Modified: Tuesday, 08-Sep-2009 23:33:43 EDT Natation pour tous : vidéos, cours et entrainements Skeptical Inquirer Index Famous Speeches in History - The Speech Archive Browse the Speech Archive A lot of people said a lot of things throughout history. Some of the countless lectures, sermons, talks, discourses, and addresses have been preserved. In other words, No poet or orator has ever existed who thought there was another better than himself. End quote. Image Above Cicero addressing the Senate. The Speech Archive This speech collection is indexed alphabetically by topic, alphabetically by speaker, chronologically, and then some. Terminology Oratory is the art of public speaking. What is the difference between eloquence and rhetoric? The word eloquence stems from the Latin term eloquentia, referring to the readiness, elegance, fluency, and persuasiveness of speech. The word rhetoric is equivalent to the Greek word ritoriki, which in turn stems from the Greek term ritoras, meaning orator. At the end of your oration, you probably want to repeat your message in a nutshell and combine it with a call for action. Outstanding Masters of Rhetoric in History
Philosophie et spiritualité Utilisation des données personnelles Envoi d’e-mailings personnalisés SFR peut utiliser vos informations personnelles pour vous proposer des offres adaptées, directement sur le site SFR.fr ou lors de communications par e-mails. Dans ce cadre, au clic sur un des liens de ces e-mails, SFR vous permet d’être reconnu sur l’intégralité du site SFR.fr, avec un accès à des offres spécifiques. Gestion des cookies Lors de la navigation sur le site SFR, des cookies sont implantés dans votre navigateur. Nous vous informons que vous pouvez vous opposer à l'enregistrement de cookies en configurant votre navigateur de la manière suivante : Pour Microsoft Internet Explorer :1. Gestion des cookies de publicité ciblée de nos partenaires Des sociétés partenaires (gérant des serveurs de publicité ou des réseaux de sites) peuvent utiliser des cookies ou des technologies assimilées dans le cadre de la délivrance de publicités ciblées sur le stite SFR. Mémorisation de votre identifiant de connexion:
Wonderopolis liens Swiss Household Panel at a glance. The principal aim of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is to observe social change, in particular the dynamics of changing living conditions and representations in the population of Switzerland. The SHP is a yearly panel study following a random sample of households in Switzerland over time, interviewing all household members. The SHP constitutes a unique longitudinal database for Switzerland. The “Living in Switzerland” survey covers a broad range of topics and approaches in the social sciences. Data collection started in 1999 with a sample of 5,074 households containing 12,931 household members. The Swiss Household Panel is run by FORS, the Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences. The data from the Swiss Household Panel are freely available for the scientific community (see acquiring the data). Supported by the Swiss national science foundation.
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