HUM: National Geographic Magazine National Geographic Magazine Tales of the Giant Subscribe to National Geographic North America’s most valuable resource is at risk See how the Great Lakes food web is in trouble 31 Power Tips for Chrome That Will Improve Your Browsing Instantly Google Chrome is a fast and easy-to-use browser with a simplistic and minimalistic design. Many features have been added over the years to make your browsing experience easier and more enjoyable. Today we’ll cover power user tips for making the most of Chrome’s features and some extensions that will expand Chrome’s functionality. Chrome contains many experimental features that are not enabled by default. These are features being tried out and some may make it into the main browser program. These experimental features, or flags, may not work perfectly and may be removed at any time.
Tips for Searching the Google News Archive Google News Archive offers a wealth of digitized historic newspapers online—many of them for free. The Google newspaper archive project was discontinued by Google many years ago but, although they stopped digitizing and adding new papers and removed their useful timeline and other search tools, the historical newspapers that were previously digitized remain. The downside of this is that, due to poor digital scanning and OCR (optical character recognition), a simple search of the Google newspaper archive rarely pulls up anything but major headlines. Study: Writing Help Purdue OWL This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. Copyright ©1995-2018 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use.
40 Stunning Color Photographs Capture Daily Life in Poland in the Early 1980s In the early 1980s, while Gdansk and Warsaw were in the midst of a sociopolitical upheaval of great impact on a European scale, Bruno Barbey took the occasion to embark on a journey of almost 40,000 kilometers over an eight month period. Accompanied by his family and living in a camper, he managed to detour the stern surveillance prevalent at the time. This was an approach that allowed him to discover a tormented people in battle and a country torn between Catholicism and Communism, where the word “solidarity” really means something. Bruno Barbey insists, “Poland was the page in History that was being written and it was the memory of an ancestral society on the verge of disappearing.”
Monoskop Digital libraries Arts, humanities and social sciences[edit] Libraries[edit] See above See also Conferences, workshops, exhibitions[edit] RE: World Wide Study Bible: Genesis Bringing Christian classic books to life College Computer Science World Wide Study Bible: Genesis The Study Bible developed and located around the world! Japanese Aesthetics 1. Introduction Two preliminary observations about the Japanese cultural tradition to begin with. The first is that classical Japanese philosophy understands the basic reality as constant change, or (to use a Buddhist expression) impermanence. The world of flux that presents itself to our senses is the only reality: there is no conception of some stable “Platonic” realm above or behind it.
Who’s Afraid of AAARG? Image by Flickr user Mark Zastrow After my first year of graduate school, I developed a chronic illness and had to withdraw from my program. For the next two years, I was homebound and cut off from the communities of intellectual exchange I had been part of, as well as the resources (the libraries, the online databases) they provided. Access to academic materials is notoriously expensive: a single journal article may cost thirty-five dollars for someone without institutional support, and the average price of an academic monograph is approaching eighty dollars. My research would have stagnated were it not for an open-access database that remains available to the ever-growing ranks of scholars who, by choice or necessity, make their home outside the university.
RE: Sacred contexts: Essentials of Three Faiths Each religion has a book of divine revelation, providing moral teachings and spiritual guidance. In Judaism, it is the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh). In Christianity it is the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments. Travel - Japan’s unusual way to view the world Withdrawing my hands reluctantly from the slowly spinning bowl, I watched its uneven sides slowly come to a stop, wishing I could straighten them out just a little more. I was in the ancient pottery town of Hagi in rural Yamaguchi, Japan, and while I trusted the potter who convinced me to let it be, I can’t say I understood his motives. Smiling, he announced, “it has wabi-sabi” – and whisked the bowl away for firing.
Electronic Poetry Center We've updated all our links! Following the existing EPC structure, to locate resources, use the top tabs (e.g. author pages & digital library, etc.), fill in the custom search bar at the foot of this page or, for a known URL, substitute "" for "" in the address bar above. Poetry in the Making: A Bibliography of Publications by Graduate Students in the Poetics Program, University at Buffalo, 1991-2016, by James Maynard, first issue of Amond the Neighbors (2017): pdf NEW AUTHOR PAGE Bill Keith FTVNM/ENG - Film Techniques Toolkit All about the Film Techniques Toolkit Films take us on journeys; we become immersed in worlds beyond our own. The best films lead us to ask questions about our world as well as ourselves.
Enter an Archive of 6,000 Historical Children's Books, All Digitized and Free to Read Online We can learn much about how a historical period viewed the abilities of its children by studying its children's literature. Occupying a space somewhere between the purely didactic and the nonsensical, most children’s books published in the past few hundred years have attempted to find a line between the two poles, seeking a balance between entertainment and instruction. However, that line seems to move closer to one pole or another depending on the prevailing cultural sentiments of the time. And the very fact that children’s books were hardly published at all before the early 18th century tells us a lot about when and how modern ideas of childhood as a separate category of existence began.