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The KDE Education Project - The KDE Education Project 10 Word Cloud Generators You Have Probably Never Tried A few days back, we looked at five great ways to incorporate word cloud generators into your classroom. There are obviously many more uses out there for them – but that is a discussion for another post. We’ve mentioned most of these before – in a post from way back when – so I won’t go into too much detail about each individual one, but we’ve added a few notable ones to the list. (Of note, the list is in no particular order). The vast majority of them work the same: plug your text into the box, select a few options, and you’ve got yourself a word cloud. If you do a quick search for word cloud, you’ll see so many different types. Do you have a favorite word cloud generator from the list below? Wordle Jason Davies’ Word Cloud Generator WordSift WordItOut Tagul TagCrowd Yippy WordMosaic AbcYa Tagxedo VocabGrabber

GoConqr - Changing the way you learn Open Office 4 Kids: versione semplificata di Open Office per bambini e ragazzi Pubblicato da Alberto Open Office 4 Kids (OOo4Kids) è la suite di Open Office pensata per bambini e ragazzi. Si tratta di una versione di Open Offce pensata infatti per la fascia di età che va dai 7 ai 14 anni. Disponibile per ora in Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Tedesco e Portoghese, si spera possa essere distribuita gratuitamente presto anche in Italiano. Al momento è disponibile solo la release 0.5, vale a dire una versione ancora acerba che col tempo sarà migliorata e ottimizzata per renderla sempre più “amichevole” ai bambini. Le differenze principali tra Open Office e Open Office 4 Kids sta nella leggerezza e nella mancanza delle funzioni più complicate (meno barre e bottoni, interfaccia grafica più pulita, rapidità di esecuzione). E’ dunque una suite semplificata derivata dalla principale che per la sua facilità d’uso potrebbe piacere anche agli adulti e soprattutto potrebbe essere gradita al mondo della scuola e agli insegnanti Correlati 31 luglio 2010 In "blog" 19 maggio 2009

Experimentskafferiet Downloadable resources - For teachers - Pearson Longman - best English courses. Christmas trees - for students Traditions of taking branches and leaves from trees into the home in the winter are very old indeed - much older, in fact, than Christmas. Christmas trees - for teachers Teacher instructions and answer key Da Vinci - for students When people talk about greatness, Leonardo da Vinci is often described as the greatest person who has ever lived. Da Vinci - for teachers Dealing with stress - for students We have all felt it many times. Dealing with stress - for teachers Films you will never forget - for students Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner is... Films you will never forget - for teachers Guy Fawkes - for studens Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder, Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes - for teachers Hurricane - for students Severe and extensive damage; the air is filled with spray, it is almost impossible to see. 118 km/h and Hurricane - for teachers New Year is Here - for students

TPT - Fonts 4 Teachers Charles Darwin | Allt om Historia Under en världsomsegling insåg Charles Darwin hur livet på jorden hade utvecklats. Hans teori om evolutionen var lika enkel som genial, men kastade samtidigt Bibelns skapelseberättelse över ända och mötte hårt motstånd. Text: Anna Larsdotter I augusti 1831 fick Charles Darwin ett brev som skulle förändra hans liv. Avsändare var hans vän John Stevens Henslow, professor i botanik i Cambridge. Av Henslow hade Darwin lärt sig massor om sitt stora intresse: djur och växter. I brevet frågade Henslow om Darwin ville följa med på en forskningsseglats runt jorden. Så gav sig Charles Robert Darwin den 27 december 1831 av på sitt livs resa. Darwin växte upp med en äldre bror och fyra systrar. Charles Darwin var inte av riktigt samma skrot och korn som sin far och farfar. Han hade lärt sig att stoppa upp djur och byggt upp en imponerande samling skalbaggar. Darwin fascinerades av de arter han hittade på ögruppen. Darwins anteckningar från resan med Beagle var fyllda av entusiastiska utrop.

Cooperative Learning: Assigning Individual Tasks to Group Members Introduction When I first started using cooperative learning in my classroom, it was truly on a trial and error basis. And I'm here to tell you, I made LOTS of errors. I finally figured out that I was not giving my students sufficient directions and organizational tools. On their own, my kids determined who was going to talk (everyone), when the talking was to occur (constantly), and just exactly WHO was going to do WHAT (no one). Clearly, I had not given sufficient forethought to this. What follows on this page, as well as the Overview to Cooperative Learning and Grouping Strategies pages, is what I've learned from all my trials and errors. I'm not saying that I've covered everything here, but I am saying that this is certainly a much better way to start this endeavor than what I chose. Quick Links for THIS Page You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page. Preparing Students for Group Work Return to Top of Page Members of each group should TRY to...

HTML5 Tutorial - Audio Let's have something fun to start with. We are now talking about web browser supporting audio file in native, just like how <img> tag is supported since 1994. HTML5 is likely to put an end to audio plug-in such as Microsoft Windows Media player, Microsoft Silverlight, Apple QuickTime and the infamous Adobe Flash. If you don't see a audio player control in the dotted box above, your web browser probably don't support the audio tag. Above is a gallery of audio players by major web browsers. If you are using Safari for Windows but without QuickTime, your Safari is not going to support media tag (both <audio> and <video>) in "native". How to? In order to make your web page plays music, the html code can be as simple as Unfortunately, the most popular audio format MPEG3(.mp3) is not an Open standard, it is patent encumbered. On the other hand, the open standard Vorbis (*.ogg) is not supported by Safari and IE9. What you can do is ... Attributes of <audio> (This is completely unneccessary!)

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative New Padagogy Wheel Helps You Integrate Technology Using SAMR Model Sometimes a visual guide comes along and it just makes total sense. That’s how I felt about Allan Carrington’s clever ‘Padagogy Wheel‘ which we featured on Edudemic last week. Check out the previous version then view the one below to see the differences. From what I can tell, putting the wheel on this site has generated a bit of buzz and I’m glad we could help spread the knowledge. But I was quite amazed this morning when I saw that the Padagogy Wheel had been updated. This new Padagogy Wheel (which honestly is less about iPads and more about technology integration now) should encourage you to focus on redefining your current standards, the current role tech plays in your classroom, and just about everything else. Want to print out the poster? The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

luglio 2016 Powtoon è una piattaforma online in versione free e a pagamento che permette di realizzare brevi presentazioni video in pochi clic. Powtoon offre la possibilità di usare modelli o di partire da un foglio bianco; mette a disposizione set grafici animati e non, effetti testuali con animazioni molto interessanti come l’effetto scrittura a mano, font particolari e simpatiche transazioni tra slide. Tutti questi elementi possono essere aggiunti con un semplice clic dal pannello dedicato e la durata delle animazione sia del singolo elemento che dell’intera slide può essere regolata in modo molto semplice dalla timeline sotto alle slides. Con Powtoon abbiamo tutto a portata di mano si può decidere di inserire immagini direttamente dal nostro pc, di aggiungere la musica (dal pc o scegliendo tra la libreria messa a disposzione dalla piattaforma) o la propria voce, regolando i volumi nel caso in cui debbano essere presenti entrambe.
