Mindmapping April 30, 2014 There is nothing that beats mind maps when it comes to increasing one's retention rates. Mind maps enable our minds to visually process information creating thus strong neural pathways to hold the learned information for an extended period of time. I have always used the power of mind mapping both in my personal studies and also with my students in class. With the proliferation of web 2.0 technologies, you no longer have to depend on pen and paper to draw your mind minds, there are now a number of great web tools and iPad apps that you can use to create mind maps. Here is a great mind map which highlights 6 benefits of mind maps. OrganizeBrainstormUnderstandRecallNote-takeCommunicate Here is another similar visual but this time on the Laws of Mind Maps Thank to Edudemic for the heads up
7 Tips To Integrate Storytelling Into Your Next eLearning Course This article will help you integrate storytelling in your eLearning design and development process in order to create a highly effective and engaging eLearning experiences for your learners. There are a number of reasons why storytelling is so effective in eLearning. Not only does it help to motivate learners and create a more immersive experience, but it also allows them to feel more emotionally connected to the subject matter. 7 Storytelling Tips and Tricks for eLearning Professionals Make the storyline and characters relatable and relevant. Why not give these tips for storytelling in eLearning a try in your next eLearning deliverable. Storytelling in eLearning Resources Photographs taken by J.C. Burrow show Cornish miners digging for tin in 1890s | Daily Mail Online Photographs taken by J.C. Burrow use early flash techniques to capture life undergroundMr Burrow was commissioned by mine owners to capture the once-thriving industryBut the frank photographs show the precarious constructions of the mines - which were prone to collapseThe collection of photographs will go on sale at auction this weekend and could fetch £2,000 By Kieran Corcoran Published: 11:05 GMT, 20 May 2014 | Updated: 14:33 GMT, 20 May 2014 These rare photographs show the hard labour of Victorian miners digging for tin deep below the earth in extremely dangerous conditions. The images, taken in the darkness of four separate mines in Cornwall, were captured with the help of very early flash technology, which allowed photographer J.C. Published in 1893, Mr Burrow's photographs show the miners clambering through the warren of tunnels, held up by precarious wooden beams, as they dug out tin and copper and to fuel industrial Britain. Illuminated: Photographer J.C. Technology: J.C.
MyStorybook - A Good Platform for Creating Picture Books MyStorybook is a nice online tool for creating short storybooks. MyStorybook provides blank pages on which you can type, draw, and place clipart. Your storybook pages can also include pictures that you upload. To get started on MyStorybook you do need to create an account (you can test it without an account, but your work won't be saved). After signing into your account you can start creating your first book. Click on the text fields to edit any existing text in the title and author fields. When you have completed your MyStorybook story, click the publish button. Applications for Education One way that teachers might use MyStorybook is by creating a story template and publishing it for their students to follow in the construction of their own stories. There are a couple of drawbacks to MyStorybook. Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for sharing MyStorybook last week.
Shakespeare First Folio found in French library | Stage A rare and valuable William Shakespeare First Folio has been discovered in a provincial town in France. The book – one of only 230 believed to still exist - had lain undisturbed in the library at Saint-Omer in the north of France for 200 years. Medieval literature expert Rémy Cordonnier was searching for books to use in a planned exhibition of “Anglo-Saxon” authors when he stumbled across the 1623 tome in September. Cordonnier, a librarian, said that at first he had no idea that the battered book in his hands was a treasure. “It had been wrongly identified in our catalogue as a book of Shakespeare plays most likely dating from the 18th century,” he said on Tuesday. Cordonnier contacted one of the world’s most eminent authorities on Shakespeare, Prof Eric Rasmussen of the University of Nevada in Reno, who – as luck would have it – was in London working at the British Library. “He was very interested by the elements I had sent him by mail and said he would come over and take a look.
Storytelling con Scratch di Andrea Patassini Attorno uno strumento come Scratch è possibile costruire tantissime attività differenti tra loro. Solitamente quando ci si approccia ad un’opportunità simile la prima considerazione che emerge è quella del suo (più che valido) contributo ad apprendere i concetti del pensiero computazionale. Ed è vero, l’apporto di Scratch a comprendere il linguaggio per programmare una macchina è immediatamente individuabile ed è, di fatto, l’obiettivo principale nello sviluppo del software. Ma è altrettanto vero che alla base di un’applicazione simile c’è la possibilità di creare contenuti e quindi di avere margini creativi enormi. Insomma, Scratch può essere adottato per scopi differenti e integrato in molteplici attività. Una delle possibilità da esplorare in Scratch è quella dello storytelling: costruire storie attorno un tema specifico per mettere a fuoco alcuni concetti, non appesentire il carico cognitivo e rendere ovviamente più interessante ciò che si sta studiando. Mi piace:
Feast Your Eyes on This Beautiful Linguistic Family Tree 552K 18.4KShare337 When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor. An ancient source (say, Indo-European) has various branches (e.g., Romance, Germanic), which themselves have branches (West Germanic, North Germanic), which feed into specific languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian). Lessons on language families are often illustrated with a simple tree diagram that has all the information but lacks imagination. Also worth checking out is the page before the tree, where she gives a comparison chart of words in the Nordic languages, and illustrates what an outlier Finnish is with the concept of “meow.” You can order a poster version here. October 23, 2014 - 5:00pm ©2016 Mental Floss, Inc.
Cos'è lo storytelling - FullHDemy Lo storytelling è interattivo Lo storytelling richiede un’interazione bidirezionale tra lo “storyteller” ed uno o più ascoltatori. Le risposte degli ascoltatori quindi influenzano il racconto della storia. Infatti, lo storytelling nasce dall’interazione e dalla coordinazione e cooperazione tra il narratore ed il pubblico. In particolare, lo storytelling non deve mai creare barriere tra il relatore e gli ascoltatori. Culture e situazioni differenti creeranno infatti situazioni differenti sia per il narratore che per gli ascoltatori (es: Chi interviene, quante volte, in che momento della storia) ed inoltre si creeranno forme differenti di interazione. La natura interattiva dello storytelling spiega in parte la sua immediatezza ed il suo forte impatto. Lo storytelling usa le parole Lo storytelling fa uso del il linguaggio, che si tratti di una lingua parlata o di un linguaggio gestuale. Lo storytelling utilizza vocalizzi, movimenti e gesti Lo storytelling racconta una storia