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The Smoffice: The World's Smallest Office frontline: merchants of cool: what teens think Teenagers are not generally viewers of FRONTLINE reports. And that's why we wanted to make an effort to get their views about this one, "The Merchants of Cool." Because it's about them--how they're the target "demo" for the media marketers of popular culture today. So here are the reactions of just one small group of teens after watching this FRONTLINE documentary. There were about a dozen who viewed it, all high school juniors and seniors at Milton Academy, an independent school in the Boston area. We hope their views might elicit more comments from their peers about this FRONTLINE report, which we will post in our "Join the Discussion" area of this site. So what did you think?" Tor: I got interested in it. Willis: . . . Laura: I really do feel I was being studied like some kind of specimen. Was what the media executives were saying about teenagers true to your experience? Laura: I think it was accurate, but it wasn't me telling them. . . . . Adia: Is pop culture trying to help people?

Resumes Are Bullshit. HireArt Is Better. HireArt, a newly launched Y Combinator-backed company, is working to solve a major problem that all employers face today: resumes are bullshit. Job candidates often like to fluff up their experience, and sometimes they even outright lie about their abilities. Other times, potentially great employees are overlooked because they have unorthodox backgrounds that don’t match up with what an employer thinks they need in terms of experience. Sometimes these kinds of things are realized during the in-person interview. Unfortunately for many employers, they often don’t discover how much a particular candidate may have oversold themselves until they’ve been hired and can’t perform to expectations. With its new applicant screening system, HireArt thinks it may have a solution: have the employees actually do the work first. Here’s HireArt’s pitch in a nutshell: “You really can’t bullshit anymore.” That’s per co-founder Elli Sharef, in explaining why the traditional resume system is broken.

nick burcher Kiip, a new model. Real rewards for virtual achievements Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters | Journal of the mental environment Kinobi Will Use Kinect To Teach You Yoga, Dancing Or Maybe Even Surgery YouTube makes it easy to find instructional videos on practically any topic. There are 18,600,000 search results for “how to” on the site at the moment. Obviously not all of them are relevant, but that’s a staggering number. Kinobi wants to solve this problem by using the Microsoft Kinect device to monitor your activity and give you real-time feedback. Kinobi will sell a selection of instructional videos, filmed in 3D, delivered through a web application. The company was founded by Chapman Snowdan, who started the project while he was a fellow at 4.0 Schools. “When I was a kid, I tried everything,” Chapman says. After the 4.0 Schools fellowship Kinobi joined the Launch Pad Ignition incubator in New Orleans in March 2012. Currently Kinobi only works with major muscle movements, but Chapman’s vision is to eventually be able to capture fine motor movements so that it could be used to teach many professional skills, up to and including surgery. Q: couldn’t you still have a live instructor?

Tired of Getting Burned Out? Yeah. Us too. Burnout is a media concept. It’s what happens when consumers get so sick of seeing an advertiser’s TV commercial, print ad or shelf talker they start to tune it out, or, worse, they respond with what can only be described as primal, visceral rage. If you’ve ever seen that “Saved By Zero” campaign Toyota used to air then you know exactly what I’m talking about. If not, click the link, crank your speakers, and I’ll see you back here in ten minutes. Products get purchased once. The fact is, people tend to recommend brands they love. So, in an age where advocacy drives business results, how do we turn “marketing” into a sustainable endeavor? The modern marketing funnel relies on the power of advocacy to generate true brand buzz and purchase intent. 90% of people trust reco’s from their friends. The key difference is value. Digital deployments are dynamic. Good examples of what I mean include: Nike+, the iPhone, Eco:drive, World of Warcraft, Pokémon, Kindle, and Webkins.

Fine Art & Design Consulting, Maricela Sanchez Art, Bespoke CratesMaricela Sanchez Fine Art Why The Dark Knight's Viral Marketing is Absolutely Brilliant « by Alex Billington March 28, 2008 A few days ago as I was writing our latest update on The Dark Knight's ever-growing viral campaign, I got in a fight with a good friend about viral marketing in general. He believes that viral marketing on the whole is an entirely ineffective waste of money. I will admit that I am not a marketing professional nor do I consider myself to be the utmost authority on marketing, however that doesn't mean I still can't have an educated opinion. It is allowing fans to become even more passionate and it's empowering them - pretty much as actual citizens of an entire working fake city. It is dividing fans into three separate groups: Joker supporters, Harvey Dent supporters, Bruce Wayne / Batman supporters. It is introducing the movie to a demographic that would have otherwise not had an interest. Radical marketing ideas that are both new and successful earn the attention of the media and industry experts. Header rally photo courtesy of placenamehere on Flickr.

Trouble waking up? This ejector bed should fix that If you're one of the 7 billion people in this world, you probably have trouble waking up in the morning. An impetuous inventor from the UK has just solved this problem. YouTuber Colin Furze built what he's calling a "High Voltage Ejector Bed," and the name pretty much says it all. Furze built a metal frame which resembles a Murphy bed, except instead of folding backwards to be flush with a wall, it pushes the bed forward away from the wall. In an email sent to Mashable, Furze said it only took two weeks to build and it worked on the first try. Anyone who could still stay asleep when this goes off is not human Anyone who could still stay asleep when this goes off is not human," said Furze in regards to the bed's effectiveness. If this seems dangerous, that's because it probably is. Colin Furze is clearly a man who knows no fear. Waking up in the morning is definitely a challenge, but this solution seems just a little bit extreme. Have something to add to this story?

Marketing Jobs | Advertising, Media, Digital & Design in Asia | Brand Republic Penny Is A Chat-Based Personal Finance Coach Have you ever wondered why being financially responsible can be so difficult? Maybe it’s because most money management tools are too complicated and overwhelming for the average user. Penny, a new personal finance app, is fixing this by giving users personalized financial advice via a simple chat interface. As soon as you open the app for the first time, Penny starts talking to you, almost as if you were just texting your banker. Even the traditionally tedious process of linking your bank account to a new app is done by just chatting with Penny. After your account is tied to the app, you can talk to Penny and ask her to do thing like show how much you spent on food in October, or show you a graph of your income vs. spending over the past two months. Penny also will push out information to you, doing things like reminding users how much they spent this week on food, etc. One downside with Penny is that users can’t just type requests.

75 Award Winning Creative Advertisements Modern advertisements allow for almost anything imaginable in the world of advertising, due to the combined power of photography, photomanipulation, and computer graphics. However, not all ads are equally as interesting or creative, and even though companies spend billions of dollars each year on advertising for major events, only a few ads stand out. This post showcases 75 award winning advertisements from advertising firms and companies around the globe, and were selected for being interesting, clever, or in some cases, outright strange. Enjoy! Please help us promote this post on your favorite social network!
