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32 Ways to Use Google Apps in Your Classroom

32 Ways to Use Google Apps in Your Classroom
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How to Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls: 35 Steps Edit Article Edited by Jessiicahhalala, Lulu370, Flickety, Sweetlittlechicken and 41 others Girls do not want to have a bad day in school. Ad Steps 1Get a small cute bag that can hold everything needed for the kit. 35Think about what you really need in this list and place in bag ready for school. Tips If you are going to be putting in any personal items make sure to keep them in a safe compartment where nobody can see them.If you are going to get everything on that list, it's probably better to buy everything travel size or mini size - it will save you a lot of room! Warnings Don't buy big things or nothing will fit in your bag.Be careful about wearing perfume.

Google for Teachers: 100+ Tricks It's Google's world, we're just teaching in it. Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and projects–not to mention your social life–time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google for teachers has to offer? From super-effective search tricks to Google for teachers tools to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these Google for teacherstricks will surely save you some precious time when using technology in the classroom. Google for Teachers Search Tricks These search tricks can save you time when researching online for your next project or just to find out what time it is across the world, so start using these right away. Convert units. Google for Teachers From Google Scholar that returns only results from scholarly literature to learning more about computer science, these Google items will help you at school. Google Scholar. Using Google Docs in the Classroom 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

IKT-skafferiet Formativa arbetssätt för engelskundervisningen Jag samlar länkar för att utmana mig själv i det formativa arbetssättet och för att variera undervisningen och hitta rätt inlärningsstil för eleverna. Jag såg att vi är fler som vill utmana oss i det på blogghubben. Här kommer ett litet bidrag med de länkar eller arbetssätt jag just för tillfället kan bidra med. Den absolut bästa länksamlingen är gjor av IT-mamman, men även den på IKT-skafferiet är väldigt bra. Nedan har jag kategoriserat mina länktips efter rubrikerna muntligt (gäller både tala och samtala), skriftligt, lyssna, och läsa, men även grammatik och ordinlärning då det är centralt i språkinlärningen, samt övrigt: Muntligt För muntligt kan man testa Mystery Skype, Silent viewing eller att spela in sig själv på diverse program på datorn är kul, som Quicktime eller iMovie om man har tillgång till surfplattor. Här finns ett inlägg om att göra egna podcasts. Skriftligt Lyssna Läsa Läsning kan du också arbeta med online. Grammatik och ord Har du koll på de vanligaste orden i engelskan?

15 Lesson Plans For Making Students Better Online Researchers Your students are probably Internet authorities. When it comes to Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, they might know far more than you. All of that time spent tweeting and chatting doesn’t necessarily translate to deep learning though. As students progress through school, online research skills become more important — for good reason. Both college professors and employers will expect young people to know their way around the academic side of the Internet; a skill that for many students, needs to be taught. In a Pew survey, a majority of teachers said that their students lacked patience and determination when doing difficult research. Image via Flickr by Brad Flickinger For many students, doing research means typing a word or two into a Google search and using information from the first link that pops up. Common Sense Media You will find lesson plans to teach strategic searches to middle school and high school students. Google Do you have a complicated relationship with Wikipedia?

A New Fantastic Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for iPad Apps March 21, 2014 Today while I was browsing through my Twitter feeds I came across this fabulous Bloom's Taxonomy wheel of apps shared by Anthony. If you still recall, some previous versions of this wheel have already been featured here in Bloom's Taxonomy for Teachers section . As you can see, the wheel outlines a wide variety of verbs and activities related to each thinking level of Blooms taxonomy coupled with iPad apps that go with it. Create Evaluate Annalyse Apply Remember/understand This wheel is originally discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin's education consultancy site adopted by Allan Carrington.

ActivePrompt Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum – Know your web – Good to Know – Google At Google we believe in the power of education and the promise of technology to improve the lives of students and educators -- leading the way for a new generation of learning in the classroom and beyond. But no matter what subject you teach, it is important for your students to know how to think critically and evaluate online sources, understand how to protect themselves from online threats from bullies to scammers, and to think before they share and be good digital citizens. Google has partnered with child safety experts at iKeepSafe, and also worked with educators themselves to develop lessons that will work in the classroom, are appropriate for kids, and incorporate some of the best advice and tips that Google's security team has to offer. Class 1: Become an Online Sleuth In this class, students will identify guidelines for evaluating the credibility of content online. We are always looking to improve these classes.

Skapa QR-kod enkelt här! | Education – Google Maps Lite om begrepp i allmänhet och om begreppet flippat klassrum i synnerhet I diskursen kring skolan florerar massor av begrepp som vi alla har vårt unika förhållande till, och som dessutom kan bli värdeladdade utifrån hur vi definierar dem och hur vi känner inför dem. Begrepp som klassrum, läromedel, raster och läxor är för många självklara när man pratar skola. Sedan har vi nya begrepp som uppkommit under senare år och som ofta används som om det vore självklart vad de står för; och som dessutom ofta behandlas som om de självklart ska ha en positiv laddning. Här har vi begrepp som en-till-en, omdefinierat lärande, The Big Five och flippat klassrum. Jag har tidigare skrivit om en-till-en-begreppet, Jan Svärdhagen har ifrågasatt begreppet omdefinierat lärande och Joel Rudnert har ifrågasatt The big five. Flippat klassrum För många handlar flippat klassrum om att läraren filmar sin genomgång så att eleverna kan titta på den i förväg hemma för att sedan föra diskussioner eller laborera utifrån den i klassrummet. Att filmatisera matematikgenomgångar är populärt.

iPad Paperless Workflow for Educators | K-5 Computer Lab Distribute, Submit, Grade and Return Assignments Teachers and students can create a paperless workflow with iPads and Google Drive. Teachers and students will need gmail accounts. iPads will use the Google Drive app (free). Teachers and students will share folders with each other. Teachers will share a folder with students to give them access to assignments and other materials. Each student will share a folder with the teacher. A) Initial Setup To get started you need to have a few things setup: 1) Students need Gmail accounts. 2) Students create and share a folder with the teacher. 3) Teacher creates a class folder with subfolders as necessary. 4) Teacher creates a shared materials folder. B) iPad Paperless Workflow - How it Works 1) Teachers place assignments in the folder they shared with students. 2) Students use Google Drive app to access assignments in the shared folder. 3) Students place completed assignments in the folder they shared with the teacher. Setup Student Gmails Done!

Beautiful web-based timeline software Self-Check Quiz Templates Want to give your students a quiz and then have the computer grade it for you? Then check out these templates! Students can take the quizzes on any online device – a computer, an iPad, a tablet, a smart phone, etc! Self-Check Quiz Templates I have completely redesigned and updated my self-check quiz templates! They should be much easier to use and they offer some new features as well! ☞ 5 Question Self-Check Quiz ☞ 10 Question Self-Check Quiz ☞ 15 Question Self-Check Quiz ☞ 20 Question Self-Check Quiz (If you are fond of the old ones and want to keep using them, you can still find them at my old site.) Screenshot with sample students and data: Overview: Students take a quiz using the provided form.Their answers are collected into a Google Spreadsheet.The teacher enters the answer key answers.The quizzes are automatically scored! Using the Self-Check quiz templates: Make sure you are logged in to your Google/Gmail account.Click one of the links below.Click the “Make a copy” link. Cool New Features:
