Librarians Answer Reference Questions With Text Messages - Wired Campus For a student who doesn’t want to swing by the reference desk, there are plenty of other ways to ask a librarian a question—instant messaging, e-mail, a phone call. And now, on a growing number of campuses, students can ask questions with text messages. Oregon State University is among the institutions that have recently added “text a librarian” services. Students text a question to an advertised number during library hours, and an alert appears on the computer screen of any librarian who is signed into the library’s instant-messaging service. Margaret Mellinger, an assistant professor and engineering librarian at Oregon State, said the library staff expected that students would ask only questions with quick, simple answers. “We weren’t thinking that they were going to ask serious research questions,” Ms. Students have also asked about checking out laptop computers and locating library books. Return to Top
University at Buffalo Libraries Le projet | Ce Serious Game a pour objectif d’amener les 12-17 ans à porter un regard critique sur leurs usages d’Internet fixe et mobile, à travers une démarche ludique. Au fil des différents épisodes des jeux, leurs usages des réseaux sociaux, d’internet mobile, des blogs, de la recherche d’information ou du chat sont passés au peigne fin… Il aborde l’ensemble des usages des jeunes sur Internet en posant les questions : De la responsabilité et de l’impact de leurs actions sur le web De la dimension temporelle du web Du rapport entre vie privée et vie publiqueDe la responsabilité individuelle et collective Il ne diabolise pas le media, approche les questions des risques liés aux usages dans un contexte positif de socialisation et invite à une réflexion prospective sur l’Internet de demain.
Home | Princeton University Library Expérience pédagogique avec des iPod - TIC et éducation au Canada : l'Infobourg L’application eClicker a été spécifiquement conçu pour répondre aux besoins de l’éducation. Elle permet aux enseignants de questionner les élèves par le biais de questions à choix multiples. L’enseignant doit se doter de l'application « hôte » de eClicker (25 $) pour pouvoir envoyer les questions aux élèves. Quelques jours avant de vivre l’activité en classe, M. Martel avait donc demandé à ses élèves de lui soumettre des questions à choix multiples sur la langue française en général ; une trentaine de questions qu’il avait ensuite intégrées dans son application hôte. Finalement, la journée de l’activité, M. Regroupés en équipe, les élèves avaient 15 secondes pour répondre à chaque question. Une fois le questionnaire complété par tous, il a pu s’envoyer l’ensemble des résultats par courriel. « Je n’ai jamais vu personne répondre à des questions de français avec autant d’enthousiasme », ajoute-t-il. L’enseignant a définitivement aimé l’expérience et il souhaite bien recommencer.
Online seminar 2010 - Games and public libraries This seminar is over, the information is being left as a record of the training. Time : 9.30 am - 12.30 pm 24 June 2010, Australian Eastern Standard Time. (hints for other times zones ) Cost : For new players US$34.98 (or approximately Australian $38.00) Note this is paid directly to Blizzard. To participate in this seminar you will need an Alliance toon in Saufang as the seminar is taking place in World of Warcraft. The seminar will explore options of using online games environments to provide library services, especially in the area of readers advisory services. To find out more check out the slide share presentation shown left (use the right arrow key to move through it, or you can look at it here ), pre-seminar preparation and frequently asked questions . You will need to do about twenty to sixty minutes of preparation before participating in this seminar.
Blog U.: Puzzled by Patron-Driven Acquisitions - Library Babel Fish The buzz at the recent Charleston Conference (and practically every other recent conference at which academic librarians have gathered) is a combination of new formats and a new collection development philosophy, shifting from print collections with titles chosen by librarians and faculty to making thousands of e-books available and letting the purchasing choices be made by "patrons"--an old-fashioned term for library users of all stripes, a large contingent of which are undergraduates writing "research papers" that are mostly papers synthesizing other people's research. (Though one might think the "research paper" that has little to do with genuine research should have disappeared sometime after 1982, when Richard Larson famously skewered it as a "non-form of writing" that gives authentic research a bad name, but in fact this kind of expository writing from sources is more prevalent than ever. But I digress.) I'm not faulting the companies that are making these products available.
An Evaluation of Library Instruction Delivered to Engineering Students Using Streaming Video Jack M. Maness Engineering Reference and Instruction Librarian Gemmill Engineering Library University Libraries University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, Abstract This paper evaluates the use of streaming video applications in the delivery of information literacy instruction to engineering students. Introduction CAETE is the distance education entity of the University of Colorado's College of Engineering and Applied Science. The lectures are recorded using Tegrity software, a program that captures the lecturer's desktop, physical image via a digital camera, and audio of the classroom (see Literature Review The use of streaming video technology is not new in librarianship, and while a fairly extensive literature regarding its feasibility exists (cost, technical requirements, etc.), little has been written on its viability (how users perceive and use it) and efficacy (how well it imparts instructional content). Methods Results Conclusion
ACRL | Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education The Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (originally approved in 2000) were rescinded by the ACRL Board of Directors on June 25, 2016, at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, which means they are no longer in force. This document (and the PDF) will remain on the website until July 1, 2017 to allow for the transition to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. ACRL is developing resources to assist librarians in using the Framework. Introduction Information Literacy Defined Information Literacy and Information Technology Information Literacy and Higher Education Information Literacy and Pedagogy Use of the Standards Information Literacy and Assessment Standards, Performance Indicators, and OutcomesStandards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators: A Practical Guide Information Literacy Defined Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. Information Literacy and Information Technology Notes
Project Information Literacy: A large-scale study about early adults and their research habits Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval - Formation documentaire Trouver avec Ariane 2.0 Recherche de livres, thèses, CD, etc Voici les tutoriels créés par la Bibliothèque pour vous aider à utiliser le moteur de recherche Ariane 2.0 Recherche de livres, thèses, CD, etc. Comment utiliser les plateformes d'EBSCO et de ProQuest EBSCO et ProQuest offrent leurs propres interfaces de recherche pour interroger leurs bases de données. Journal de recherche Le journal de recherche est un outil pratique vous guidant tout au long du processus de la recherche documentaire et vous permettant de conserver les traces de chacune des étapes de ce processus. Journal de recherche Autres tutoriels La Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval et les bibliothèques des cégeps de la région de Québec ont créé le site Web DIAPASON qui répertorie plusieurs tutoriels en ligne sur la recherche d'information. Guide d'utilisation de Google Scholar Consultez le Guide d'utilisation de Google Scholar Guide d'utilisation de LaTeX Consultez le Guide d'utilisation de LaTeX Cours à distance