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Wikis in Plain English

Wikis in Plain English

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Wikispaces - Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers Blogs Versus Wikis Blogs and Wikis have some common denominators:  They are both websites Policy Reviews of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Adult Learning The economies of OECD countries need specific occupational skills - in professional, managerial and technical jobs, in expanding fields such as health care, as well as in traditional trades like electricians. Vocational education and training (VET) systems, which supply these skills, are now under intensive scrutiny to determine how they can best deliver the skills required, ensuring that they adapt to fast-changing needs. The team is currently undertaking studies on: This work builds on two landmark studies: Learning for Jobs looking at inital VET, often at upper secondary levelSkills beyond School covering VET at the postsecondary level

3 Pressing Questions Facing the Future of Social Media Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, which brings together staff from Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga along with Zen teachers and others to explore living with awareness and wisdom in our modern age. He is SorenG on Twitter. The conversation about social media in our society is shifting significantly. We're no longer asking questions like, “Will people use social media?” or “Are sites like Facebook and Twitter simply trends that will soon lose steam?” Answers Grockit Answers is just-in-time Q&A for video lectures. In Grockit Answers, interactions happen around video lectures, and participants ask and answer questions about specific points in the lecture. Since every question is attached to a specific point in time in the video, Grockit Answers displays a question and its answers at the point in the lecture that they are most relevant. And since the things that confuse you are likely to be the same things that confuse others, you'll find that answers to your own questions pop up on the screen just as you're starting to get confused.

Picjumbo: A New Collection of High-quality, Commercial-use Photos for Totally Free Photos are what web designers need in massive amounts. Yet, shooting each and every needed photo by yourself would soon become a full-time occupation in itself. Compromises are to be made. Assessment in Vocational Upper Secondary Education Pupil/students assessment Internal assessment Internal assessment of students' achievements involves assessing the level of knowledge and skills and the progress made in relation to the requirements based on the curricula. Internal assessment covers learning achievements and behaviour. It is formative assessment. The internal assessment aims at: Safely Show YouTube with SafeShare The video above shows how easy it is to convert a YouTube video to a video SafeShare is a website that takes YouTube videos and gets rid of almost ALL of the advertisements and junk around the main video. Safeshare even removes the ads that are often showed before popular videos. Using it is VERY simple and I really don’t know why I did not convert all my videos before now.

Blog Discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users who did not have much experience with HTML or computer programming. Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been required to publish content on the Web, and early Web users therefore tended to be hackers and computer enthusiasts. In the 2010s, the majority are interactive Web 2.0 websites, allowing visitors to leave online comments, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2] In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers not only produce content to post on their blogs but also often build social relations with their readers and other bloggers.[3] However, there are high-readership blogs which do not allow comments. History

The Architecture of Innovative Apprenticeship Introduction Benefiting from the support and involvement of two major international research networks, this collection features the latest research findings in TVET. Members of INAP, the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship, and VETNET, the Vocational Education and Training Network, have contributed key research findings to this detailed survey of the field. Featuring the inclusion of the internationally recognized memorandum released in April 2012 by the INAP Architecture Apprenticeship Commission, the volume covers a wealth of issues relating to technical and vocational education and training, including exemplar architectures such as successful school-to-work transitions, competence assessment and development models, and governance, including the role of stakeholders.

‎Instagram on the App Store Honestly, who cares about new updates on Instagram? Just because people get attached to easily does not mean that Instagram is not allowed to change. What I am concerned for is that it has become so incredibly fake. Everyone who posts on Instagram, posts their best pictures of themselves or posts to make money. Influencers have changed this entire platform and turned Instagram into a money making, promoting surgery, lowering everyone else’s self esteem. It used to be such a fun app where people didn’t care about what they posted.
