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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Death

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Death
By Annie Kagan, OmTimes When my brother Billy woke me three weeks after he died, describing what was happening to him in the afterlife, I thought maybe I had gone a little crazy. How could my bad-boy brother, who died a tragic death, who had problems with addiction all his life, who didn’t live what most people would call a successful life, how could he be sharing secrets about life’s greatest mystery from another dimension? The List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. About the Author When she was sixteen, Annie Kagan was signed by a producer from Columbia Records.

How to be Anything and Everything in Existence It’s not as hard as you might think to see yourself as everyone and everything all around you. In truth, there is no separation. The appearance of individuality and isolated-ness comes from the filters we’ve set up inside the left hemispheres of our brains, as i’m sure if you’ve seen Jill Taylor describe it, when that part of the brain goes away, those laws of separation goes away with it. It’s actually quite remarkable, as the awareness of the interconnectedness flows through you to the depth and core of who You really are, you begin to see and recognize the Truth in it, and the old ideas of the way things are begin to break down. You are a part of everything, you are One with everything, and everything you observe and experience in your external reality is a reflection and a part of what is inside you. Being anything and everything you desire is not necessarily difficult, it simply takes an awareness, practice, and focus on the thing it is you are trying to achieve and create.

The Upper OT Levels | Martin Luther Marty Rathbun has been emphatic in stating that there are no OT levels above OT VIII. He “knows” this for two reasons. First, Pat Broeker claimed, during his original power struggle with David Miscavige, that he had access to the LRH notes on the upper OT levels, and was using this as a vehicle to hold sway over Miscavige. Marty subsequently engaged in three forcible searches of places where Pat Broeker might have hidden such notes, and found nothing. Second, Marty questioned Ron’s last auditor, who said that Ron had “nothing intelligible” to say about any levels of OT beyond OT VIII. This claim by Marty has always rankled me, as I remember statements to the contrary, made by LRH or posted on copies of the Bridge as far back as 1976, when I got into Scientology. There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII* fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more people’s full attainment of OT VI and VII. Marty has doubtless read the above reference. Like this: Like Loading...

How To: Change Your Karma We hear people talking about having good or bad Karma all the time but what really is Karma? Does it affect my soul? How can I change my Karma? First things first, What is Karma? kar·ma noun (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.informal destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. Check out this awesome video by Shunyamurti from the Sat Yoga Institute about Karma and how we change our Karma. Karma is attached to our EGO. When we are in a deep state of meditation you can access these higher levels of consciousness and change your Karma if you wanted to. How can we change it from our current state of consciousness? There are two main ways to change our Karma here on earth. 1. When you are in meditation focus on sending love to everyone and everything in existence. 2. What do you think about Karma? Thank you for reading, Kirsten Team Spirit

The OT Club | Martin Luther There’s a lecture in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course which tends to stand out among the rest (and there are other lectures of this caliber in the PDC). It pinpoints the reasons why a thetan stays in a body, what keeps him there, and what it takes to bring him from that state into a state where he can operate as a thetan without a body (theta clear). In fact, the processes needed to produce a theta clear are all explained in this lecture series, and in lecture 54, Ron even says you could theoretically run all this on yourself. From that lecture: … But if you were to sit down and do this [yourself], theoretically you could then attain theta clear….” But I’m getting ahead of myself. From PDC #50 SOP: Spacation Step III, Flow Processing I quoted all the information above just so you get an idea of the profundity of that last sentence. I won’t go into the ramifications of this. But what if we could begin to resolve that situation? There must be no sharing of “case data”. Like this:

The Three Love Mantras that Open Your Heart By Marci Shimoff The first time I fell in love I couldn’t believe what happened to the world. The sky had never been that blue before! The trees looked like works of art! We’ve all been there, haven’t we? That was the question I set out to answer in my latest book, Love for No Reason. Three Love Mantras that Open Your Heart Love Mantras – #1: Love is Who We Are. Instead of walking around with a little cup, begging for a few drops of love from others, recognize that you’re the huge ocean of love. Solo NOTs Win | Oasis for Personal FreedomOasis for Personal Freedom We are all very lucky that Ron came along and gave us the Tech. We are especially lucky that he gave us the OT levels. Here is a win that expresses that: “When I got into Scientology many years ago I had one major ruin that I wanted to handle. After getting up the Bridge and through OT 7 it still wasn’t handled, but, I attested because I didn’t think it could get handled on Solo Nots. I feel so lucky and so grateful to LRH and the tech he gave us and to have help like Ingrid gave me. Here are a few words from Ron: “Now, you’ve been on the track for many trillions of years, and you have been going downhill with great regularity until Scientology, this is for sure. I want everyone to win on NOTs and Solo NOTs.

Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Ch What I was Shocked to Find Out About Out-Tech on OT VII | dave fagen (Section 12 of Part 3 – Why I Left the Church) For many years I had a fixed idea that RTC, Snr C/S Int Office and the Flag Service Org, could be trusted with the tech. I began to find out, while looking into what some people (no longer in the church) were saying they experienced while trying to go up their OT Levels, that I was very mistaken. As part of my gathering information from sources now outside of the church (in order to help resolve my doubts), I saw a video on Youtube where two people, a husband and wife who lived in Clearwater, named Greg and Debbie Barnes, gave a detailed verbal account of severe injustice that they experienced in response to their bringing up a MAJOR point of out-tech that has been occurring in the church for years and years. I won’t go into full detail of what happened because if you are interested, you watch the video. But did you know that these “6-month checks” or “refreshers” for OT VIIs, where they get Sec Checked every six months, are out-tech? “b.
