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List of speakers in Plato's dialogues
Unnamed speakers Notes[edit] Bibliography[edit] Debra Nails.
On Terminal Goals and Virtue Ethics
Introduction That was an impossible-to-resist pitch, and I saw the movie. The thing that resonated most with me–also the thing that my friend thought I had in common with the main character–was the idea that you could make a particular decision, and set yourself down a particular course of action, in order to make yourself become a particular kind of person. Tris didn’t join the Dauntless cast because she thought they were doing the most good in society, or because she thought her comparative advantage to do good lay there–she chose it because they were brave, and she wasn’t, yet, and she wanted to be. Bravery was a virtue that she thought she ought to have. If the graph of her motivations even went any deeper, the only node beyond ‘become brave’ was ‘become good.’ (Tris did have a concept of some future world-outcomes being better than others, and wanting to have an effect on the world. My twelve-year-old self had a similar attitude. Virtue Ethics Terminal Goals Why write this post?
What Is User Experience Design? Overview, Tools And Resources
Advertisement Websites and Web applications have become progressively more complex as our industry’s technologies and methodologies advance. What used to be a one-way static medium has evolved into a very rich and interactive experience. But regardless of how much has changed in the production process, a website’s success still hinges on just one thing: how users perceive it. User experience design is all about striving to make them answer “Yes” to all of those questions. What Is User Experience? User experience (abbreviated as UX) is how a person feels when interfacing with a system. Those who work on UX (called UX designers) study and evaluate how users feel about a system, looking at such things as ease of use, perception of the value of the system, utility, efficiency in performing tasks and so forth. UX designers also look at sub-systems and processes within a system. Compared to many other disciplines, particularly Web-based systems, UX is relatively new. Why Is UX Important?
Il n'y a plus rien à espérer après Hiroshima
La parution simultanée de deux ouvrages de Günther Anders permet de mieux saisir l'originalité et la radicalité des positions défendues par le philosophe sur le nucléaire, mais aussi sur la Shoah. Visite dans l'Hadès Anders Gunther Acheter La violence : oui ou non ? Acheter Les lecteurs de Günther Anders, lesquels sont de plus en plus nombreux, semble-t-il, attendaient de pied ferme depuis quelques années la traduction des deux ouvrages qui viennent de paraître respectivement aux éditions Le bord de l’eau et Fario. Une réserve sur la Shoah Qu’apportent au juste à la connaissance de la pensée anderssienne l’un et l’autre ouvrages, et pourquoi faut-il se réjouir de leur publication? L’un des grands intérêts de Visite dans l’Hadès est qu’il permet enfin de comprendre les raisons de cette réserve. Les pages les plus importantes, nous semble-t-il, sont celles qui portent directement sur Auschwitz. Hiroshima, pire qu'Auschwitz Mais Hiroshima fut «infiniment pire» qu’Auschwitz aux yeux d’Anders.
Uppånervända världen för Claudio, 37
Mot oddsen har Claudio Vieira de Oliveira, 37, tagit examen som revisor och är aktiv som föreläsare. Oddsen? Hans huvud sitter på fel håll – bakom ryggen. – Men jag ser inte allting upp och ner, säger han till Mirror. När Claudio var nyfödd sa läkarna till hans mamma att sluta amma honom. De trodde inte det fanns några möjligheter för den brasilianske pojken att överleva. Men 37 år senare har Claudio Vieira de Oliveira motbevisat dem. ”Har inte varit beroende av andra” Hans nacke är dubbelvikt, så att huvudet sitter upp och ner på ryggen. – Sen jag var ett barn har jag gillat att hålla mig upptagen och jobba. Trots svårigheterna har han tagit sig genom högre studier och jobbar deltid som revisor. – Vi försökte aldrig bota honom utan ville att han skulle göra samma vanliga saker som alla andra. ”Är en vanlig människa” På grund av sin ovanliga kroppsform kan Claudio inte sitta i rullstol. – Genom livet har jag kunnat anpassa min kropp till omvärlden.
Beards Are Over
By Peter Lawrence Kane It’s suddenly possible to see past the beard, because the beard is everywhere. It’s found its way onto the chin of just about every cultural context out there: Hollywood A-listers, Orthodox rabbis, organic farmers, Goldman Sachs CEOs, faux-lumberjacks, actual lumberjacks, television duck hunters, daddy bears, al-Qaeda jihadis, baseball players, and Matt Lauer. Once a rare, religious adornment that also had an extreme anti-establishment vibe, a beard can now be anything you want it to be. But the beard’s days are numbered, at least in terms of any badass quotient. Maybe this was inevitable. And beards could eventually become totally uncool, just as tattoos are arguably passé. In Gay World, beards are even more complicated. What seems likely is that the mainstream fascination with beards will eventually play out, and the subcultures that have embraced it all along will keep doing so – or at least continue evolving out of phase with the rest. Photo via Thinkstock
English-Bisaya Grammar
Page 1 In Twenty Eight Lessons. Abridged from the Grammars Fathers, Guillen, Nicolas and Zueco R. P. Cebú—1904 IMPRENTA DE «EL PAIS» Page 2 Por el tenor de las presentes y por lo que á nos toca, damos licencia para que pueda imprimirse y publicarse la Gramática Anglo-Visaya escrita por el R.P.Fr. Dadas en Cebú, firmadas de nuestra mano, selladas con el de nuestro oficio y refrendadas por el infrascrito Secretario de Gobierno á treinta de Enero de mil novecientos cuatro. (Hay un sello) (Hay una rúbrica) Por mandado de SS. el Sr. JUAN P. In presenting this English-Bisaya Grammar I do not pretend to be considered an author, my only aspiration is to be useful to my Américan brethren in the priesthood, in order that they in turn, may be so to the Bisaya people. Page 4 The letters made use of in the Bisaya alphabet, are twenty in number as follows: The vowels are A, E, I, O, U, and Y at the end of a word. Page 6 4.a The article of the proper names is si for both masculine and feminine. Page 7 Declension.
Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, And The Power Of Humility In Leadership
Before he became one of America’s ultimate success stories--inventor, scientist, diplomat, and the consummate connector of people and ideas--Benjamin Franklin was convinced that he was a moral mediocrity. Disgruntled with the disorder of his life, frustrated by his lack of productivity, and bent upon becoming more frugal, Franklin set out on a project he called “moral perfection.” Having made a list of 12 areas of attitude and action that needed improvement, the 27-year-old Philadelphian asked a friend to look over his list. What his friend told him had to hurt a little, for as Franklin wrote in his Autobiography, the man “kindly informed me that I was generally thought proud; that my pride showed itself frequently in conversation.” Not many friends--let alone business colleagues--are quick to confront arrogance in those around them. Of all the virtues vital for successful leadership, humility elicits the most lip service--and the least decisive action. --David J.