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GlassFish - Open Source Application Server —

GlassFish - Open Source Application Server —

Netty - the Java NIO Client Server Socket Framework WebSphere Application Server - France - Français - Produits Accélérez la distribution des applications de manière plus productive, plus fiable, plus sûre et plus maîtrisée IBM Impact 2014The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV | Avril 27 - Mai 1 IBM WebSphere Application Server propose des solutions pour mettre en place un environnement d'exécution de serveur d’applications Java plus rapide et plus flexible, avec une fiabilité et une résilience accrues. WebSphere Application Server vous aide à : Accroître la productivité des développeurs avec des normes ouvertes et un grand nombre de modèles de programmation, y compris des options légères pour les déploiements Web.Déployer et gérer les applications et services sans les contraintes liées au moment, au lieu et au type de périphérique.Exploiter le profil Liberty, un profil de serveur d'applications dynamique fortement composable.Renforcer la sécurité et le contrôle avec des outils de gestion et d'administration intégrés. En savoir plus Fermer Accroître la productivité des développeurs Vous souhaitez contacter IBM

jetty - Jetty WebServer Jetty provides a Web server and javax.servlet container, plus support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations. These components are open source and available for commercial use and distribution. Jetty is used in a wide variety of projects and products, both in development and production. The current recommended version for use is Jetty 9 which can be obtained here: Jetty Downloads. The Jetty project has been hosted at the Eclipse Foundation since 2009. You can benefit from committer knowledge and get training, consulting services, professional support and even production SLAs, just ask us about it!

Application Server 7 JOnAS OpenSource Java EE Application Server - Main - WebHome The OW2 development community includes many academic institutes (Grenoble University, INRIA, LIFL, Peking University, UPM, ...) working with JOnAS; this fastens technology transfers and make JOnAS a top level product in term of technology innovation. JOnAS 5 is designed with an OSGiTM based services architecture to provide a dynamically adaptable application serverJOnAS implements the full Java EE 6 Web Profile execution stack and provides, with EasyBeans, an efficient, pluggable and easy to use EJB3 containerThe OW2 JASMINe project contains tools for creating, deploying and monitoring JOnAS clusters; it will include self-management features Read the White Paper for details about these aspects. JOnAS is a mature project (started in 1998), providing a production ready application server, already used within many critical operational applications. Meet the users' needs Developments priority Reactivity JOnAS is the basis of a more global middleware suite delivered within OW2. Unknown macro: jira

Apache Tomcat - Welcome! Jelastic — Top Java Host, Rock-Solid Java in the Cloud, Java Server Hosting, Java Cloud Computing Top 7 Features in Tomcat 7: The New and the Improved — Tomcat 7 introduced a number of new features as well as enhancements to existing features. Several articles list the new Tomcat 7 features, but most don't explain them in detail, critique them, or provide working code examples. Rather than just list the new features, this article will identify the seven most notable Tomcat 7 features and enhancements, critique them, and present examples of working code that you can use to get a better understanding of each feature/enhancements. The features are categorized as either "New Tomcat 7 Features: Revolutionary Changes" or "Tomcat 7 Enhancements: Evolutionary Changes" as follows: New Tomcat 7 Features: Revolutionary Changes 1. 2. 3. 4. Tomcat 7 Enhancements: Evolutionary Changes 5. 6. 7. According to Mark Thomas, Release Manager and Committer for Tomcat 7, the three most compelling features of Tomcat 7 are Servlet 3.0, memory leak prevention and detection, and improved security. New Tomcat 7 Features: Revolutionary Changes 1. Before: After: 2. 3. 4.

Selecting Your Java EE 6 Application Server The number one question I get asked is: ‘Which Java EE Application server should we use?’. With the growing adoption of Java EE 6 new compatible application server get certified. The current official compatibility and certification matrix lists 12 different products certified for the Full Profile, the Web Profile or both. The Players What does the bouquet to pick from look like? Looking at your Requirements The good message first. A simple example set of metrics could be the following: - Source Code License (OSS or Commercial) - License Costs (free for development and production) - Support (development and/or production support available) - Certified Java Version (6.0, 7.0 / HotSpot / Proprietary JVM) - Java EE 6 profile (Full or Web Profile) This is by far too less if you are doing a full blown product selection . The Selection Process Lets do it: On to the selection process in this simple example. We are looking for an OSS server which supports the Java EE 6 Full Profile. Five left. Remark:

Ergh....leery of appserver based on fundamo experience. But it will support EE 7 soon and I believe the grizzley lib for web related work is performant IIRC by superunknown Apr 10
