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Poor Man's Polygraph Part 1

Poor Man's Polygraph Part 1
Poor Man's Polygraph - Part 1 The Well... Technique Imagine you think your spouse is having an affair. Imagine your child comes home late and you suspect shenanigans. Imagine your clients or employees mislead you. The Poor Man's Polygraph consists of a series of techniques that increase the probability of detecting deception, The Poor Man's Polygraph provides deceptive indicators, not proof of deception. Well... When you ask someone a direct Yes or No question and they begin their answer with the word "Well," there is a high probability of deception. Dad : Did you finish your homework? Dad need not wait for his daughter to finish her answer because he knew by her use of the word "Well" that she was about to give him an answer she knew he was not expecting. In another example, I interviewed a person who I thought witnessed a murder. Me : Did you see what happened? I asked the witness a direct Yes or No question to which he knew I expected a "Yes" answer.

Poor Man's Polygraph Part 5 Poor Man's Polygraph Part 5 Parallel Lie People tend to tell the truth except when the truth prevents them from achieving a desired outcome. The Poor Man's Polygraph provides indicators of deception, not proof of deception. The Parallel Lie technique is the last part in the five part series presenting the Poor Man's Polygraph. INVESTIGATOR : Did you rob the bank? SUSPECT : No. INVESTIGATOR : Believe it or not people have lied to me in the past to get out of trouble. SUSPECT : Because there was no way I could have been at the bank that day because I was at a friend's house. INVESTIGATOR : I didn't ask you if you if you could have been at the bank that day. SUSPECT : You don't have to believe me. INVESTIGATOR : Well, I don't believe you. The failure to respond "Because I'm telling the truth or some derivation thereof increases the probability of deception. The Parallel Lie provides an additional indicator of veracity. SUSPECT : INVESTIGATOR : I knew you were lying to me. Example 1:

Tapping our powers of persuasion Most psychologists will read this “Questionnaire” with Robert Cialdini, PhD. That may or may not be true, but according to Cialdini, that statement is powerfully persuasive because we tend to go along with our peers. Cialdini, who retired last year from a teaching and research position at Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz., is a renowned expert in the science of swaying. In his seminal book on the topic, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” (Quill, 1984), he went undercover to learn the tricks mastered by used-car dealers and Fortune 500 executives alike, bringing persuasion research to psychology’s forefront. Cialdini distilled his findings into six “weapons of influence,” each grounded in how we perceive ourselves or others: Reciprocity: We inherently want to return favors. In recent years, Cialdini has been leveraging those weapons to address major world problems such as climate change by persuading people to reduce energy use. I think it’s a little too early.

Become a Better Liar and Live a Better Life Getting caught manipulating the truth can be embarrassing. Researchers have spent countless hours studying nonverbal, verbal, and paralinguistic cues to detect deception, but little research has been conducted to identify the characteristics of a good liar. Becoming a better liar can reduce the number of those awkward "got ya" moments when you are caught prevaricating. Assimilating the characteristics of a good liar will help you become a better liar and live a better life. Good liars control their emotions The fear of getting caught in a lie triggers the fight/flight response, which mentally and physically prepares the body for survival. The fight/flight response presents two major obstacles for liars. The second obstacle caused by the fight/flight response is cognitive overload. Tip: to become a more effective liar you must recognize the onset of the fight/flight response and then take action to prevent the fight/flight response from engaging. Good liars have outgoing personalities

Intensi-Toddy! There are many things to love about winter: extra blankets on the bed, sweatshirts, fuzzy slippers and boots, scarves and mittens, oh my! There are also many things to despise about winter: shorter days, dry skin, the blistering cold, and oh yes, getting sick. Being prone to respiratory infections, I always panic when I feel the symptoms coming on. Stuffy nose, tender and swollen throat, head congestion—I’ll rush to chug packets of Emergen-C and chug glass after glass of hot water with lemon but sometimes it’s just too late. The Mighty Respiratory Monster prevails and wastes no time making your entire body feel like a listless lump of coughing, sniffling, icky snot glob. I hocus pocused a magical concoction that will now be my go to cure-all for all future cold symptoms. Make sure it’s really hot, add more honey to the recipe if you want it sweeter, and don’t be a baby when it comes to the cayenne because that’s the magical stuff that does the ass kicking.

Statement Analysis Insight If we eliminate system one, system two isn't going to get the job done because you can't live by system two. There are people who try, there are people who have had various kinds of brain lesions that create disconnects between their emotions and their decision-making process. Damasio has written about them. It can take them 30 minutes to figure out what restaurant they want to go to. Their performance on intelligence tests isn't impaired, but their performance in living their lives is greatly impaired; they can't function well, and their lives go downhill. So we know that trying to do everything purely rationally, just following Bayesian statistics or anything like that isn't going to work. Too often it's treated as a real dichotomy, and too many organizations that I study try to encourage people to just follow procedures, just follow the steps, and to be afraid to make any mistakes. Rather than perform standard research and manipulate variables, we said, "Let's talk to the experts."

Text Bridges Lying by omission is the preferred method to lie. Liars tell the truth up to the point where they want to conceal information, skip over the withheld information, and tell the truth again. Successful liars construct sentences that allow them to skip over withheld information to make the story appear truthful. Constructing a sentence to span the information gap replicates building a bridge across a river. Text Bridges allow people to transition from one topic to another without detailing tedious, lesser-included activities. Text Bridges comprise three categories: subordinating words, adverbial conjunctives, and transition words. Adverbial conjunctives connect two complete ideas. Transitional words connect themes and ideas or establish relationships. The following example illustrates how transition words create information gaps. The most commonly used Text Bridges include , and . "I arrived at 7:45 a.m. with Jenna. : What did you do last night?

List of thought processes Nature of thought[edit] Thought (or thinking) can be described as all of the following: An activity taking place in a: brain – organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals (only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain). It is the physical structure associated with the mind. mind – abstract entity with the cognitive faculties of consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory. Having a mind is a characteristic of humans, but which also may apply to other life forms.[1][2] Activities taking place in a mind are called mental processes or cognitive (see automated reasoning, below) – general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Types of thoughts[edit] Content of thoughts[edit] Types of thought (thinking)[edit] Listed below are types of thought, also known as thinking processes. Lists

Push-Pull Words Push-Pull Words require two or more words to complete their definitions. The word "upstairs"cannot be defined without the word "downstairs." The word "hot" cannot be defined without the word "cold." The following excerpt from a legal deposition, illustrates how an attorney identified and exploited the Push-Pull Word "straight." : So, you left your home at 6:00? : Yes. : And what time did you get to the hospital? : And you left the hospital when? : 6:22, maybe. : So you just dropped your friend off? : Yes, dropped him off and went straight home. : And the accident happened at 7:00? : Uh-huh. : Where did you stop on your way home? : My friend's house. : So, you weren't going directly home, you were going by your friend's house first? : Yes, that was my intention. The Push-Pull Word "straight" pushes off "not straight" or "crooked." Push-Pull Words and other verbal deception detection techniques are presented in a booklet titled .

Quick and Light Tiramisu Recipe | Delicious and Easy Dessert This week’s recipe is a fun favorite I learned while watching a Gordon Ramsay cooking show. My fiance and I enjoy a sweet dessert after dinner, but I don’t enjoy spending hours preparing it. This tiramisu recipe is easy to prepare ahead of time and a snap to put together when you’re ready to indulge! Gordon Ramsay sums it up: “A good tiramisu makes a heavenly dessert but it is undoubtedly very rich and indulgent, for this quick, lighter version, light cream replaces eggs, though you can use whipping cream for a richer texture.” TIRAMISU RECIPEIngredients 2/3 cup heavy whipping cream 4 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar 1 cup mascarpone 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons Marsala (or brandy or Tia Maria) 1/3 cup strong coffee or espresso, cooled to room temperature 16-20 lady fingers Unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting (or grated chocolate) Directions Sweeten the coffee with the remaining 1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar; stir to dissolve, then add the rest of the Marsala. Makes 4 servings.

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