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Chez Sweety Tutoriaux Photoshop Tutos Tutoriels

Chez Sweety Tutoriaux Photoshop Tutos Tutoriels
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Comment choisir un objectif ? L’objectif (objo, caillou dans le jargon) est l’élément dont la qualité a le plus d’incidence sur le piqué d’une photo (netteté, contraste, définition). Il est caractérisé par sa focale (en mm), son ouverture (la luminosité), et son angle de champ (compatibilité avec un capteur plein format ou un petit capteur APS-C/DX). L’offre est pléthorique et le choix d’un ou plusieurs objectifs dépend du type de photographie à réaliser (sport, paysage, photos familiales, reportage…) et bien sûr du budget, sachant qu’il faudra débourser au grand minimum 400 euros pour acquérir un bon objectif (exemple un 50mm f/1.4).Une règle à retenir : il est toujours préférable d’utiliser un bon objectif avec un boitier bas de gamme, plutôt que l’inverse, donc mettez le paquet sur votre ou vos objectifs. D’autant que contrairement au boitier dont la technologie évolue très vite, l’objectif est un investissement durable et peu assujetti à l’obsolescence. La focale de l’objectif L’ouverture Le stabilisateur d’image

70 Excellent Photoshop Resources By Kawsar Ali Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice for many designers and artists. Photoshop can be used for almost every little task that involves graphic design. In this massive collection of resources, you’ll find all sorts of resources including: tutorial sites, Photoshop Brushes, patterns, Photoshop Actions, showcases/collections, and much more. Photoshop Tutorial Sites 1. Psdtuts+ is a weblog and Photoshop site that features high-quality Photoshop tutorials. 2. Tutorial9 is a website that publishes excellent Photoshop tutorials such as “Draw a Classy 3D Poker Chip in Photoshop” and “Render a Realistic CD in Photoshop“. PSDFAN publishes high-quality tutorials, Photoshop freebies, and interviews with designers and artists. 4. Photoshop Ninja is a site dedicated to Photoshop. PSHERO shares Photoshop tutorials in categories such as Graphic Design, Photo Effects, and Tips & Tricks. 6. You Suck at Photoshop is a funny – but very educational – video series of Photoshop tutorials. 7. 8. 9.

Doc Corsair F4U 1 650+ Free Photoshop Patterns Resources 650+ Free Photoshop Patterns May 26, 2010 by Steven Snell 71 Comments 74981 views The use of repeating patterns in Photoshop can help to produce attractive website backgrounds with very little effort, and of course patterns have other uses as well. In this post we’ll feature some of the best free patterns that are available. You’ll find some individual patterns as well as many packs of multiple patterns. Seamless Subtle Patterns (15 patterns) Powered by Shutterstock Paisley Photoshop Patterns (8 patterns) Skull Patterns (2 patterns) Floral Photoshop Patterns (4 patterns) Flower Photoshop Patterns (6 patterns) Different Texture (1 pattern) Hand-Drawn Scrolls (1 pattern) Antique Engraved (1 pattern) Stylized Clouds (1 pattern) Grungy Natural Beige Patterns (6 patterns) Grungy Natural Beige Patterns 2 (6 patterns) Floral (1 pattern) Leafy Set (3 patterns) Gypsy Garden (1 pattern) Late Bloomer (3 patterns) Hexagonal Patterns (72 patterns) Damask (1 pattern) Charcoal Damask (1 pattern) 0 shares

Clairounette cuisine... - Carbonnade flamande | La carbonnade est un plat qu'on trouve aujourd'hui dans beaucoup de restaurants et de brasserie. Il y a la traditionnelle (boeuf + bière), mais elle se décline également selon les envies (carbonnade au cidre, carbonnade de sanglier, etc...). Personnellement, j'adore ! Pour un premier jet, je reste dans le classique, donc ce midi, c'est carbonnade flamande... Préparation : 30mn / Cuisson : 2h30-3h Ingrédients (pour 3 à 4 personnes): - 1kg de boeuf à braiser- 75 cl de Leffe brune- 250g de lard fumé ( ne pas le prendre sous vide, mais plutôt chez le boucher, ça rend moins de gras)- 2 oignons- 1 échalote- 1 gousse d'ail- de la vergeoise brune (sucre)- un bouillon de boeuf- un bouquet garni- de la moutarde à l'ancienne- de la farine- du vinaigre de vin Découper le lard en lardons et le faire revenir dans poêle pendant quelques minutes. Dans une cocotte minute, faire revenir dans un peu d'huile d'olive le boeuf, coupé en morceaux, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit coloré.

Reader Tutorial: Easy Digital Painting in Photoshop | Abduzeedo | Graphic... - StumbleUpon This tutorial will walk you through the simple steps used to turn a regular photograph into an interesting digital painting illustration, using Photoshop's Filter Gallery and the Smudge Tool. Depending on the photograph you choose, it shouldn't take you more than a couple of hours to complete. Before I begin, I must give a huge thanks to @kidhelios / George Auckland (my old boss from the BBC) as the source for this illustration. Preview The first thing to do is to resize the photo to your desired output size. Next we need to drop out the background, fix any problems and prepare the photo for the filters. Now we are finished with our basic image adjustments, it's time to apply the filters. Load your Layer Mask as a selection (hold down the Apple key and click the Layer Mask) and Copy Merged (Apple-Shift-C), then Paste into a new layer. Select the bottom layer of the three and apply the 'Poster Edges' effect from the Filter Gallery. On the next layer up, apply the 'Accented Edges' effect.

er9x - Custom firmware for the Eurgle/FlySky/Imax/Turnigy 9x r/c Transmitter IMPORTANT NOTICE - TURNIGY 9XR Hobbyking/Turnigy ave just released a radio called 9XR which has a port for a programmer and an installed backlight. This is a very welcome addition since it makes programming the radio very easy for the novice. That being said, they have not given credit to the originators and contributors and they have not released the code as required by the GNU 2.0 software license. So while we are very happy to see them make the 9XR radio we do want them to acknowledge the hard work and the effort made by all the contributors. Please let them know how you feel about this. We have tried to contact them but have not been able to receive any response. The Eurgle/FlySky/Imax/Turnigy 9x r/c Transmitter is a nicely built unit basically copied from a more recognized manufacturer. The unit itself hosts an Atmel AtMega64 8-bit MCU. This project aims to replace the software that comes with the standard transmitter with a more powerful and flexible version. Like er9x?

20 PSD Tuts That Will Turn You Into A Photoshop Guru :: Reflex Stock Pho... Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Learn all the methods in the 20 tutorials below and you’ll be well on your way to joining this elite. Rather than focus on tuts for beginners, intermediates or advanced users, we’ve simply chosen ones which produce jaw-dropping effects. All of them are easy to follow, although most do require at least some prior knowledge and experience. 1. Follow this tutorial to create dazzling, multi-layered, semi-transparent lettering, with a Perspex-like quality. 2. 3D Pixel Stretch Effect File this tutorial under “simple but effective”. 3. Turn a simple cityscape into a torrentially flooded wasteland. 4. Become the master of light and glow on Photoshop with this brief, easy-to-follow guide. 5. Use masking tools, layers, gradients and lines to turn your favorite piece of 3D text into something more colorful and commercial. 6. Mental waves do not exist, but if they did they’d look rather like this. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

WeTransfer Get more out of WeTransfer with Plus For the people who love WeTransfer, and asked us for more. Whether it's for business or personal use. 10GB transfers The ability to transfer entire HD videos, huge sets of photos and work files. Make a greatimpression Present your downloads in style with your own backgrounds and a personal URL. Password protected transfers Some files are confidential. Long term storage Easily find back any transfer in a nice overview. Friendly pricing Plus is priced at just $10 a month (paid yearly). Photoshop CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words - Layers Magazine | Layers... I love Photoshop techniques that offer all kinds of possibilities for experimentation—and the following tutorial is a perfect example of one of those techniques. In this issue, we’re going to take a portrait and replace the person’s image with text (think 2009 Grammy posters). Pick a portrait that offers good contrast—a photo that’s very dramatic and dark probably won’t work as well. I’ve had the best success with straight-on head and shoulder shots, but again, feel free to experiment with all types of photos. For the best results, choose a photo that has a light background (or select the background around the person and make it lighter). Create a new document (File>New) in a size that’s smaller than your photo: the specifics don’t really matter. Switch back to the photograph. Then, press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to copy the selected pixels onto a new layer. Go back to the Select menu and choose Color Range again. Click the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.

Finres Group / the performance polymer centre 80+ Photoshop Actions for Giving Your Pictures a Vintage Look | Freebies - StumbleUpon Photoshop actions are great. With just a click of a button you can apply a complicated effect to a photo instantly. One of the most popular type of actions is the vintage or retro style. With the popularity of vintage-inspired Instagram filters and film emulation, the older style is desired with many photos. Instagram Filters (13 actions) Lomocam (10 actions) Lomo Action Hard Lomo Action Holgarizer Vintage Light Leak Action Vintage Heaven Action Vintage Dream Action Retro Cross Action Vintage Matte Action Faded Film Action Old Film Action Retro Style Actions (10 actions) Instant Hipster (10 actions) Prestalgia (10 actions) Vintage Gold Action Aged Black & White Action Glory Days Vintage Actions (7 actions) Muted Colors Vintage Action Old Tones (6 actions) Vintage-Inspired Actions (4 actions) Minty Tint Vintage Action

Nouvelle page 1 Retour TELECHARGEMENT de Fichiers pour usinage DXF du Vicomte DXF du Ferber DXF Stab et Derive Ferber (même méthode de construction que le Vicomte) DXF Stab et Derive SDW Fichier Cambam Ferber STAB Derive Plan du Vicomte Stampe Depron Rafale Depron Méthode de construction. Eclaté du fuselage Vicomte Eclaté de la Dérive et Sat la partie bord de fuite n'est pas doublée (inutile) car il faut poncer pour avoir le profil adapté.

Photoshop Light Effect Tutorials | @designshard - StumbleUpon I’ve selected various Photoshop tutorials that I’m liking at the moment for light effects, some have quite cool techniques on how to achieve the end result that can be applied to a million different designs (try and experiment with them), check them out below. You might also enjoy: Design a Vista Styled Wallpaper Windows Vista Aurora Effect Design a Vibrant Blackberry Inspired Ad NoPattern “Jumper” Effect Mysterious Lighting Effect How to Create Brilliant Light Streaks Creating a Mac-Type Background Luminescent Lines Create a Glowing Light Painting Effect Abstract Dust And Spray Effect Make a dreamy abstract background Digital Bokeh effect Abstract Lines Background Abstract Light Rays Drawing an Abstract Lightbulb How to create 3D abstract circles Comments Do you have any favourite tutorials that you have seen for light effects?
