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Clay Shirky's Internet Writings

Clay Shirky's Internet Writings

metacool A few of my Principles for Innovating are more popular than others. When I give a talk on those principles, the first six are received with a lot of enthusiasm, which is to be expected, because they're all about design thinking, always an empowering subject. People who get excited about principles seven through twelve tend to be in management positions, because that collection deals with innovating from a manager's point of view. Principles fifteen through eighteen make organizational design aficionados salivate, and nineteen and twenty always make me want to cheer when I talk through them.

blog - Clay Shirky Fifteen years ago, a research group called The Fraunhofer Institute announced a new digital format for compressing movie files. This wasn’t a terribly momentous invention, but it did have one interesting side effect: Fraunhofer also had to figure out how to compress the soundtrack. The result was the Motion Picture Experts Group Format 1, Audio Layer III , a format you know and love, though only by its acronym, MP3.

Et si l'infobésité était un faux débat ? Un point de vue de l'agence ELAN Chaque mois, « Infolab » traitera d’une grande thématique autour des enjeux de l’information. Nous démarrons le projet avec les conséquences d’un monde toujours « connecté » à l’ère des smartphones, tablettes et autres objets connectés. 3ème contribution du mois, cette fois-ci par un binome de l’Agence ELAN une agence de Conseil en Stratégies d’Influence. Marion Darrieutort est Présidente de l’Agence ELAN, experte en stratégie d’influence auprès des entreprises et de leurs dirigeants.

The World is Flat Chances are good that Bhavya in Bangalore will read your next x-ray, or as Thomas Friedman learned first hand, “Grandma Betty in her bathrobe” will make your Jet Blue plane reservation from her Salt Lake City home. In “Globalization 3.0,” Friedman contends, people from far-flung places will become principal players in the marketplace. In his latest book, The World is Flat, Friedman describes the unplanned cascade of technological and social shifts that effectively leveled the economic world, and “accidentally made Beijing, Bangalore and Bethesda next-door neighbors.” Today, “individuals and small groups of every color of the rainbow will be able to plug and play.” Would you like to put a link to this lecture on your homepage? Go ahead!

The Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits – A Guided Tour By Leo Babauta I know a lot of people who fall into a slump, losing the habit of exercise, procrastinating with work, slipping into a bad diet, and generally not feeling motivated. It’s hard to get out of a slump like that. It’s hard to get going again, to get started when all the forces of inertia are against you. Here’s how to get started, in just a few easy steps. Pick one thing. Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky Every single year for the second half of the 20th century, the amount of television watched by humanity increased. Collectively, we now watch more than one trillion hours of television every year – something not entirely unlike, as Clay Shirky sees it, tipping the free time of the world's educated citizenry (their "cognitive surplus") down an intellectual plughole. It's not that television is evil, or even bad. It's just that, as a medium, it's incredibly good at soaking up leisure and producing very few tangible results. It tells stories, it makes people feel less alone, it passes the time. It is, Shirky ventures, a little like gin in 1720s London, helping people cope with modernity by gently blurring the edges of their reality.

Infobésité : Interview de Jérémie Rosanvallon Bonjour, Jérémie Rosanvallon. Pouvez-vous vous présentez en quelques mots ? Bonjour, je suis docteur en sociologie et je travaille actuellement au Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi sur les questions de travail à distance, d’usages des NTIC en entreprise. Le premier hôpital pour drogués d'internet ouvre ses portes en Pennsylvanie Le premier service entièrement dédié aux addicts d’internet vient d’ouvrir au sein du Bradford Regional Medical Center en Pennsylvanie. Cette unité est placée sous la direction du Dr Kimberley Young, psychologue spécialiste de la cyberdépendance et propose des cures de «cyber désintoxication» étagées sur dix jours. Ces cures commencent par une «digital desintoxication» et embrayent sur des groupes de parole. Mais quels sont les syndromes de cette nouvelle addiction? Pour le Dr Dan Véléa, psychiatre addictologue interviewé par le site Atlantico, il s’agit d’abord d’une incapacité à «gérer l’ennui» et la frustration qui l’accompagne nécessairement : «Cette dimension est largement commune à nos patients qui sont frustrés face à l'inaction, l'absence de stimulation et cherchent ainsi à se stimuler dans des situations virtuelles.»

Futurist Speaker Thomas Frey – Celebrity Keynote, Futurologist, Writer, & Author, of Future Trends & Emerging Technology Author of the 2011 book “Communicating with the Future,” Futurist Speaker Thomas Frey is a powerful visionary who is revolutionizing our thinking about the future. “The greatest value in understanding the future comes from spotting the major cultural, demographic, societal, and economic shifts early and translating them in to viable business strategies,” says Tom. Thomas continually pushes the envelope of understanding as part of the celebrity speaking circuit by creating fascinating images and understandings of the world to come. He has been fortunate enough to headline events along with some of today’s most recognizable figures: Tom Peters, Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Yunus; former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch; former New York City Mayor Rudy Giulliani; Former President of Colombia, Andrés Pastrana; Prime Minister of Spain, Felipe González Márquez; Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz; Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal; and former World Bank President James Wolfensohn.

" Internet nous rend généreux parce qu'il réduit les coûts du partage " - archives L'auteur, consultant et professeur Clay Shirky. Photo : James Duncan Davidson L'auteur, consultant et professeur qui a le don de la formule choc s'intéresse à l'impact social d'Internet sur les entreprises et sur la société. infobesité Cara-Mel Intranet et travail collaboratif – Article publié dans VeilleMag Mardi 7 Mars 2011 Aux Portes de Versailles et pendant trois jours s’est tenu le salon du travail collaboratif et des Intranet 2011. Parmi les nombreuses conférences et ateliers proposés j’ai suivi celle intitulée : Cara-Mel Intranet et travail collaboratif, d’une durée de 30 mn. L’intervenant Eric Merle, Président de Cara-mel, nous a présenté son point de vue et ses conseils sur la mise en place d’un intranet/extranet dans le cadre du travail collaboratif (travail en équipe). 1.

The Edge of Tomorrow - Standing on the verge of a technologically educational revolution. Quality leadership is an essential factor for making change in education. Just ask any classroom teacher who has had a particularly good, or bad, building principal, and they will tell you stories. Stories of triumph or tragedy, depending on which of the leaders they were paired with. In Project RED’s study of nearly 1,000 schools involved in a major technology implementation, they state “the principal’s ability to lead change is critical.” Block a Website for Everyone But You Quick little .htaccess trick today for ya'll. This snippet will redirect any visitor who is not at at one of the provided IP addresses. You can use as many or as few as you would like.
