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Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries of Science

Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries of Science
Despite what cable news may tell you, scientists don’t really squabble over if evolution is real (it is) or if the climate is changing faster than can be explained by naturally-occurring phenomena (it is) or if vaccines are regarded as safe and recommended for most children (they are). Sure, there may be fine points within those categories that are debatable, but not to the extent that is commonly described by talking heads on TV. However, that’s not to say that scientists perfectly understand everything about the ways of the Universe. Physicist Brian Cox once said: “I'm comfortable with the unknown—that’s the point of science. There are places out there, billions of places out there, that we know nothing about. And the fact that we know nothing about them excites me, and I want to go out and find out about them. So what are some of the top mysteries keeping scientists busy? Why is there more matter than antimatter? Where is all the lithium? Why do we sleep? How does gravity work? Related:  Paranormal And Weirdin between two worldsthe theory of everything

6 Legendary Lost Treasures That Are Still Up for Grabs Video games and old movies give us the impression that the whole world is filled with treasure chests, tombs full of bling, and random pockets of riches here and there just waiting to be picked up, but that's ridiculous -- only some parts of the world are like that. That's right -- lost treasures do exist. And plenty of them. However, if gold coins were as easy to get as Mario makes it look, someone would have done it already. That's why awesome finds like the following are still unclaimed after centuries ... or at least they were, before we posted this article. #6. Alexandre-Olivier Oexmelin Florida gets a bad rep, what with all the heat, humidity, and overall Floridaness of the place. Schmitt family"And they called us crazy after the first 12 years of random, fruitless searching!" The best part is that there's way more where that came from ... although the 1,000 Spanish sailors who had to drown for that treasure to get there probably don't see it that way. And then it wasn't. #5. #4.

Spiritual Number Sequences Explained Have you ever wondered why certain number sequences show up throughout your day? For example, perhaps you are in the habit of frequently awakening exactly at 3:33 a.m. or 4:44 a.m. It seems curious, right? If you are experiencing this phenomenon of number sequences popping up everywhere you go, just know that you are not alone. Also, seeing repeating numbers is not isolated to just on your clocks and watches. The numbers will also grab your attention on price tags, sales receipts, invoices, caller ID, license plates, billboards, everywhere! What the Angels Say About What the Numbers Mean Here is what the angels and the Light beings from the Higher Realms tell us this is about. The angels tell us that our universe vibrates to what in its simplest forms here on Earth are math and geometry. There are many theories, books, and articles on what these number sequences mean. 111 - Manifestation Seeing 111 means, you're in a moment where you can create change in your life. 222 - Shine Your Light

Astronomers capture the first Image of the Mysterious web that connects all Galaxies By DNA | For the first time, astronomers were able to see a string of hot gas known as a filament that is thought to be part of the mysterious underlying structure that dictates the layout of all the stars and galaxies in our universe. Scientists believe that matter in the universe is arranged into a gigantic web-like structure. This is called the cosmic web. There are signatures of this structure in the remaining radiation from the Big Bang and in the layout of the universe itself. We can see that galaxies are found in groups and those groups come together in larger clusters. Computer models tell us that those galaxy clusters are linked by long filaments of hot gas and dark matter — a mystery substance that we can’t see because it doesn’t radiate or scatter light but that makes up most of the web. It’s believed that gas and dark matter flow along the filaments to form clumps of galaxies where the strands intersect. Read more Leave Comments Comments

Brazil’s Secret History of Southern Hospitality I pressed the buzzer to the gate on the crest of a steep hill and waited, not knowing who or what to expect. I hadn’t written or called, and didn’t really expect to find anyone home. Within seconds, though, a dapper white-haired man with black metal-frame glasses came walking down the yard's path in a chipper sort of way. He looked like Colonel Sanders’s twin, but without the goatee and moustache. After I fumbled something in Portuguese about my being an American and that I had come to write a story but wasn't sure that this was the right place, the man flashed a great big smile. “Well, yaw cum raht in,” he chirped excitedly. Say what? Six months earlier, I had moved to Brazil to work as a fledgling editor for an English-language newspaper in São Paulo, a sort of International Herald Tribune for Latin America. Surely, that account was more science fiction than real. What I was hearing didn’t sound like it came from someone of this generation, even of this century. With Mrs. “Dog?”

Researchers Found That Human Evolution Is Driven by Consciousness Hard-line scientists tend to think of consciousness merely as a byproduct of the central nervous system. In this point of view, consciousness is derived from the physical body. However, the actual human experience in the world fails to line up with this position. What’s more is that we can decide to spiritually awaken by directing our consciousness back at ourselves. Your Thoughts Define You The growing movement among consciousness researchers has its origins in the 1970s. This movement has also derived encouragement from the failures of neuroscience and psychology to adequately explain the biology behind conscious thought. Consciousness has been explored by philosophers since the dawn of history, yet the rise of scientific inquiry has brought us no closer to solving the greatest questions regarding our own inner spaces. There are a steadily increasing number of reputable scientists who ask their colleagues to rethink their stances on consciousness. Consciousness As A Force In Evolution

NASA Admits Alcubierre Drive Initiative: Faster Than The Speed Of Light NASA is currently working on the first practical field test toward the possibility of faster than light travel. Traveling faster than light has always been attributed to science fiction, but that all changed when Harold White and his team at NASA started to work on and tweak the Alcubierre Drive. Special relativity may hold true, but to travel faster or at the speed of light we might not need a craft that can travel at that speed. It’s easier to think about if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. What is the Alcubierre Drive? This type of concept was also recently illustrated by Mathematician James Hill and Barry Cox at the University of Adelaide. It was once believed that Einsteins theory of special relativity means that faster than light travel is just not possible. Special relativity also showed us that the atoms and molecules that make up matter are connected by electromagnetic fields, the same stuff light is made up of. Like this article?

The Occult - Occultopedia: The Occult and Unexplained Encyclopedia Welcome to Occultopedia, the premier internet index of the paranormal, occult and inexplicable. In addition to being the foremost online destination for information about the supernatural, unusual phenomena and the occult, Occultopedia also features a variety of resources for the pagan community, new age buffs, unexplained phenomena enthusiasts, curious minds, and skeptics as well.Occultopedia is the genuine article, the original and the best internet index of the extraordinary and uncanny, shamelessly copied by many, but never equaled. Online since 1995 — at first in a free web space provider, and in 1997 finally with its own domain name and hosting — Occultopedia still is the principal online resource for those looking for the unexplained, the curious and the unusual. Occultopedia is a work in progress, and is not completed. There are so many aspects to the occult and the extraordinary, it would be next to impossible to actually finish such a project.

Scientists Use Electrophotonic Analysis To Show What Chakras Look Like In Different Emotional States According to eastern metaphysical theories, and in Ayurvedic Indian medicine, there exists a number of “Chakras” or ‘energy’ centers that, according to these philosophies, are correlated with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. There is already a large amount of science coming out of various places showing how human thoughts, emotions and intentions can actually affect and alter our physical material world, which includes our biology. These ‘places’ include the Institute of Noetic Sciences, or the Institute of HeartMath, just to name a few. “A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Pehek J.

Unveiling the Mystics of Sacred Geometry Sacred Geometry, how can I find the words to describe it? The need for us to speak about Sacred Geometry was dire but as usual the need to be thorough delayed it. So a week after googling “Sacred Geometry” and trolling through a lot of esoteric links, my mind is exploding with information. There is so much more to put in, but let me try compiling what I have watched and learnt and hopefully we shall present a decent overview on this subject. Let me start with the basic, what is sacred geometry? Certain ratios and shapes find themselves repeating throughout the universe, these geometric shapes and figures seem to radiate positivity. These same laws can be applied to produce visual harmony. Sacred geometric ratios applied to music gives it healing powers to harmonize a body that is out of balance. Nature itself has so much Sacred Geometry to display and in the video itself you would have heard, if you are open to it, its everywhere! From the center of a Sunflower

5 Mysterious Ruins That Predate Known Civilization? - The Epoch Times The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge.In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide. Artifacts and ruins discovered all over the world have made many scientists question whether the currently accepted understanding of prehistoric culture is correct. Here’s a look at some disputed sites, thought by some to hold evidence of prehistoric civilizations far more advanced than scientists thought possible. 1. (Bosnian Pyramid via Shutterstock) Carbon dating shows the Bosnian Pyramid is 25,000 years old. Two Italian archaeologists, Dr. When the Bosnian Pyramid was first discovered in 2005, researchers could only measure the age of the topsoil covering the pyramid, which is about 12,000 years old. Dr. While many local scientists back Osmanagich, there are skeptics. 2. (Wikimedia Commons) 3. 4. (Sea of Galilee via Shutterstock) 5.

14 Unique Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening by Andrea Schulman, Guest writer, Have you experienced any symptoms of a spiritual awakening? Chances are, if you are reading this article, the answer is “yes!” A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of their connection to the infinite, and becomes mindful of their spiritual nature. As spirits, we are eternal in nature. However, when we are born into these bodies, many of us “forget” our spiritual nature. When someone experiences a spiritual awakening, they become aware of their spiritual nature, and begin to understand that they are indeed connected, and eternal, beings. Please note that not all people who experience a spiritual awakening will experience each of the following signs and symptoms, but they probably will experience at least a handful of them. Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening 1. 2. For some people, traditional religion provides a greater draw than metaphysics. 3. 4. 5. The process of ascension is one of transformation and change.

How Does Theta Work | Quantum Theta The scientific basis of ThetaHealing® consists of two main categories, quantum and epigenetic: Quantum StuffWe are quantum beings. This simple fact is the beginning of understanding how and why ThetaHealing® works. We are not merely physical beings, made of matter. We are literally systems of energy — vortexes of possibility, determined and re-determined second by second. Scientists proved early in the last century that classical physics — that is, the theory that we are made up of solid sub-atomic particles whose activities can be understood and reliably predicted — is not entirely accurate. An important concept in both the quantum and the ThetaHealing® worlds is the observer effect: the fact that, as proven to surprised scientists in studies, the act of observation itself has a measurable effect on the behavior of sub-atomic particles. One more awesome aspect of quantum change: it is, by definition, fast. This is what ThetaHealing® does: it changes the vibration of the receptor cells.
