TinkerBox HD Classroom Activities Customers interested in adopting content from these resources above can now do so through our partnership with Wiley Publishing (www.wiley.com). To view the complete collections of activities in Calculus I: A Guided Inquiry as a flipbook, click here. To view the complete collections of activities in Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy: A Guided Inquiry as a flipbook, click here. To a create, preview and adopt your own custom book, you can go to: Once you are on the Wiley CustomSelect site in the POGIL Special Collection, you can narrow your results by using the filters on the lower left hand side of the page under the heading 'Refine your results'. Do you have questions on how Wiley CustomSelect works; or need additional help, contact your local Wiley sales representative, not sure who your rep is, you can find them here: Are you concerned about books arriving in time for classes to start?
O mito de Tesla | Universo Racionalista Sem dúvida, um dos mais destacados inventores científicos dos últimos séculos, mas, lamentavelmente, também uma figura enormemente atrativa para os seguidores de crenças conspiratórias e pseudociências. Não há homem na história da ciência que carregue mais mitos do que Tesla e, atualmente não há quase nada escrito sobre ele que não está exagerado ou que não tente diviniza-lo. A fim de reivindicar a sua imagem e apreciar o homem pelas suas grandes obras e não pelos seus mitos, pretendo esclarecer algumas meia-verdades, imprecisões e mentiras que assombram a figura notória deste cientista. Tesla inventou a corrente alternada? Não. Tesla inventou o raios-X? Não. Tesla inventou o rádio e a tecnologia sem fio? Não. Tesla se propôs a dar ao mundo energia sem fio e gratuita? A famosa Torre de Wardenclyffe, também conhecida como Torre de Tesla, foi projetada para comunicações sem fio em todo o Atlântico. Tesla inventou o “Raio da Morte”? Não. Um gênio anônimo e esquecido? Fontes Cheney, M., Uth, R.
space.htm Space Project Descriptions (& a cautionary reminder . . .) Assignments Lab writeups will be due as per the syllabus, generally on lab days after each test. Only projects from this set are available for credit for the due dates labled "space project due". Two credits are due for each duedate - graded on a 20 point basis - projects exceeding 10 points are accepted as multiple credits / 10 pts. Lab Behavior Project work and individual & group discussion of proceedure, results, and implications is a REQUIRED classtime activity. Bring up ?' Off - task, avoidant behavior, lack of materials to work on or with, absence of verifiable progress, or disruptive behavior result in expulsion from lab with a discipline referral for disobeyance / non-compliance. Product Expectations (Experimental Lab Report Format from SciFest Board) NO REPEATS OF PROJECT SELECTIONS ALLOWED FOR ANY CREDIT! Extra credit demonstrations or orals MAY be given at instructor's discretion. General Resources 1) Send in the Clouds:>!
Teaching Science with TOYS / Science Literature Integration :: Terrific Science Lesson List Balancing the Day Away in Grade 2Blast OffBuoyANT BehaviorCan A Mouse Lift An Elephant?Centripetal ForceChalk FizzChemiluminescenceChemistry Day with Glitter WandsColors, Colors EverywhereCommotion about MotionDo Touch!Eggsceptional ExperimentsIn Touch with ApplesInvestigating the Mysteries of Third GradeIron For BreakfastLessons On AirLessons On WaterMagic ColorMoo-velous Butter! Lesson Descriptions Balancing the Day Away in Grade 2 Students spend the day learning about balance by playing with and making balancing toys. (Requires activities published in Teaching Physics with TOYS, Science Night Family Fun from A to Z and Teaching Physical Science through Children’s Literature). Download 26KPDF* file. Top >> Blast Off Students use a toy cannon constructed of a film canister to explore the effects of volume and temperature on the pressure of gases. Download 23KPDF* file. BuoyANT Behavior Students observe and predict the floating behavior of an egg placed in tap water and saltwater.
Secondary Curriculum Resources Secondary Energy Infobook (e-publication) Energy Infobooks are the resource for many NEED activities and include an introduction to energy, information on major sources of energy, new technologies, energy conservation, electricity, climate change, and other energy information. They are available on four reading levels and are revised and updated annually. Blueprint for Success (e-publication) This essential guide helps educators develop effective energy education programs. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage This guide incorporates informational text and hands-on explorations to teach students about the properties of carbon dioxide. Chemistry and Energy Efficiency In this web-based curriculum, teachers and students take an in- depth look at chemistry in daily life, the use of energy by the chemistry industry, life cycles of products and activities, careers in the chemistry industry, and the impact the chemistry industry has on carbon dioxide production and climate change.
Astrologia não é ciência | Universo Racionalista Por Kepler de Souza Oliveira Filho A astrologia relaciona a posição dos astros no céu, tanto no nascimento quanto diariamente, com fatos na Terra, incluindo os humores e destinos das pessoas. Ela assume que há ação dos corpos celestes sobre os objetos animados e inanimados e que os ângulos aparentes entre os planetas no céu afetam a humanidade. Astrologia não deve ser confundida com Astronomia, a ciência que verdadeiramente estuda os astros e seu funcionamento, isto é, sua física. Quando a astrologia começou, no vale dos rios Eufrates e Tigris, no atual Iraque, cerca de 3000 a.C., os mesopotâneos e os babilônios acreditavam que os planetas, incluindo o Sol e a Lua, e seus movimentos, afetavam a vida dos reis e das nações. A chave da astrologia natal é o horóscopo, uma carta que mostra a posição dos planetas no céu no momento do nascimento (e não da concepção!) A necessidade de conhecimento da posição dos planetas levou ao desenvolvimento da astronomia. A astrologia não é uma ciência.
Marsbound! Mission to the Red Planet - JPL Education by David Seidel David Seidel manages JPL's K-12 education program. Before joining JPL he taught high school astronomy and physical science and ran a planetarium. Marsbound! What's particularly nifty is that this activity simulates real situations experienced by NASA scientists and engineers. Student ability level: Students need to be able to add and subtract fractions, and multiply and divide whole numbers. Tip: Make sure you use a color printer for the game board and cards. You can find Marsbound!
SciGirls | Classroom Resources | PBS LearningMedia SciGirls has the bold goal of changing how millions of girls think about science, technology, engineering and math – or STEM. Each half-hour episode highlights the processes of science and engineering, following a different group of middle school girls who design, with the help of scientist mentors, their own inquiry-based investigations on a variety of topics. They also learn how rewarding and fun it is to work with their peers, and the shows’ female mentors offer girls a glimpse of exciting STEM career possibilities. SciGirls educational materials provide gender-equitable teaching strategies and hands-on inquiries based on the concepts modeled in SciGirls’ videos.
NSDL.org - National Science Digital Library The ABCs of Particle Physics: A-F Accelerators and black holes and cryostats, oh my! We know particle physics can seem daunting at times, but everything’s more fun to learn when it rhymes. So we’re breaking it down, letter by letter, with hopes that you’ll understand physics much better. That’s right: Inspired by children’s books, we’ve pulled 26 of our favorite particle physics concepts into a short, rhyming collection for folks of all ages. For those wanting a little bonus knowledge beyond the rhyme, we’ve included additional physics info for each letter. This interactive trip works best in Chrome and Firefox and at resolutions 1280 x 800 and higher. Click to journey through the ABCs of particle physics! Animations not working? Prefer a hard copy?
REBROADCAST: Space Celebrate the 35th anniversary of the launch of Voyager 2 (it rocketed off Earth on 8/20/77 carrying a copy of the Golden Record), and tip your hat to the Mars rover Curiosity as it kicks off its third week on the red planet, with a rebroadcast of one our favorite episodes: Space. We've been space-crazy the past few weeks here at Radiolab -- from cheering on the scientifically epic landing of the Mars rover earlier this month, to staying up late to watch the Perseid meteor showers, to reliving a stomach-churning spacewalk with an astronaut in our live show In the Dark. We've been happily turning our thoughts and gazes skyward all summer long. So before the nights get too chilly, grab a blanket, cue up Space, and stare into that vast, glittering, perspective-shaking darkness with us.
Science Heroes: Digestive System for Kids on the App Store Resources for K-12 Education Search for a specific keyword or choose a subject to filter by : Science Charles Darwin Links Celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday with these educational web sites, classroom activities and lesson plans. Cheese Science Did you know that there is a lot of science behind cheese? Climate Science UEN's Climate Science web page provides educators and students information about the science and impacts of climate change. Digital Books Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USOE staff. Earth Day Celebrate Earth Day with these educational web sites, classroom activities, television programs, videos and lesson plans. NROC HippoCampus Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep. Polar Palooza Sci-ber Text This online textbook is based on the Utah Science Core for grades 3 - 12.