Fixed Gear Gallery Living Light Sculpture Reveals Air Quality of Seoul Check out how a retro glass sculpture maps the city’s air quality ! In the center of Seoul ’s Peace Park , which is located across from the Korean World Cup Stadium, lies a very extraordinary sight: an outdoor glass canopy called the Living Light Sculpture. Created by Soo-in Yang and David Benjamin of The Living , and commissioned by the Korean Ministry of Environment, this amazing sculpture is more than just a fantastic piece of art. It actually projects up-to-date information about surrounding cities and their air quality. The glass skin on the sculpture is a map that covers 27 local neighborhoods, and every 15 minutes certain sections light up to tell you which city has the best and worst air quality. The coolest thing about the sculpture is that you can send a text message of a certain area code to the Living Light Hotline, and then minutes later you’ll receive a reply back that tells you the area code’s air quality. digg
CINEMETRICS — film data visualization Red Bull Mini Drome Paris Longtemps considéré comme le royaume des athlètes du cycle et vénéré par des spectateurs condamnés à la passivité, Red Bull Mini Drome réinvente le vélodrome et s’annonce comme un phénomène aux antipodes de la tradition. Le 10 décembre prochain à La Cigale de Paris, la célèbre piste circulaire devient le plus petit vélodrome du monde ! Qualifications lors d’un « contre la montre » et finale en course poursuite, un événement durant lequel les amateurs de vélos à pignon fixe pourront se mesurer les uns aux autres. Les inscriptions sont closes, nous sommes déjà au complet !Vous trouverez toutes les réponses à vos questions dans la rubrique Informations et dans le règlement.
bikes making tracks on road to greener travel Folding bikes touted as eco-friendly and stylish way to commuteNumber of folding bike cyclists and manufacturers has grown in recent yearsPortability is key to success of the bikes as is increasing number of cycle paths in cities (CNN) -- From city suburbs to crowded urban centers, small-wheeled folding bicycles are finding a new credibility. Once dismissed as novelty toys or stash-in-the-trunk conveniences, they now are being seen as a way to get everyone on a bike. Yet when it comes to folders -- as they are known -- the difference between a $350 entry-level model and a $3,500 customized version goes far beyond the price tag. "Cheap, unreliable and under-satisfying bikes, folding bikes and electric-assist bikes may get people into and out of bicycle commuting quickly," says Peter Reich, inventor and designer of the Swift Folder bicycle. Michael McGettigan owns the Trophy bike shop in Philadelphia and estimates the market for folding bikes as "iPod-sized."
Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies From PESWiki Shortcut URL: See also News:Best Exotic Free Energy Technologiesand Tracking the Position of the Top 5and Directory:Best Exotic Clean Energy Technologies This page is devoted to featuring the top five exotic technologies that we know of that are closest to market. Here at PESWiki we cover the entire spectrum of clean energy technologies, from conventional methods such as solar, wind, geothermal, tide, wave, river on the one hand; to very unconventional or "exotic" technologies such as cold fusion, magnet motors, overunity electromagnetic motors, gravity motors, and vortex technologies on the other. There are many ways to harness the wheelwork of nature -- energy sources that the environment provides free for the taking -- that are not only clean but inexhaustible and ubiquitous. Conventional renewable energy (there are 25 genres) has made great strides but has limitations. Runners Up Spreadsheet Best Exotic Clean Energy Technologies In the News
UFMG CAAD: Janeiro 2012 Fonte: Projeto Pedagógico do CAAD O curso de Belas Artes da UFMG nasceu em 05 de abril de 1957, como curso na Escola de Arquitetura. Quase 11 anos depois, em 28 de janeiro de 1968, foi instituída a Escola de Belas Artes que, aprovada pelo Decreto nº. 62.317, passou a constituir-se numa Unidade Acadêmica autônoma da UFMG, com Bacharelado em Belas Artes. Em 1969, o Colegiado de curso propôs e aprovou um novo currículo, com duas áreas, precedidas por um ciclo comum: a de Artes Plásticas e a de Cinema. Em 1971, foi implantado o Departamento de Comunicação Visual, que passou a se chamar Departamento de Fotografia e Cinema, em 1975. Em 1978, foi enviado ao Conselho de Graduação da UFMG um projeto de reforma curricular, que propunha oito habilitações para o curso de Belas Artes: Desenho, Pintura, Gravura, Escultura, Artes Gráficas, Tapeçaria e Cerâmica, Azulejaria e Audiovisual.
Red Bull Mini Drome New York Red Bull Mini Drome is an all day racing competition for single-speed, or fixed gear cyclists where they race against the clock and then against each other to see who is the fastest burner on two wheels. In front of a cheering audience, 100 bicycle speed freaks will initially race against the clock for ten laps around this mini version of a typical velodrome, usually located in arenas or outside and typically cover about 100,000 square feet. The field will get narrowed down to 32, who will race head-to-head in a bracket style competition- a different kind of March madness. The event will be hosted by DAVID ORTIZ Special Performance by NINJASONIK Date and Time: Saturday, March 23 Competition Qualifiers: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Doors Open for Spectators: 9:00PM Main Competition: 10:00PM Event ends: 4:00AM Location: Bushwick Church 626 Bushwick Ave Brooklyn, NY 11206 Age info: 21+ For the first 1,000 spectators admission is free with RSVP here Social
Kevin Scott's bike design gets around the theft problem I'm not sure about UK slang, but in America if I tell you "I'm gonna wrap my bike around a pole" that means I'm gonna crash it. But Kevin Scott, an industrial design student at the UK's De Montfort University, means it in a different way. [image credit: Tony Kyriacou/Rex Features] Scott has designed a bicycle that the user wraps around a pole literally. A ratcheting mechanism transforms two parts of the bike's frame from stiff to bendable, and once wrapped, a single bike lock can be passed through both tires and the frame, which Scott hopes will decrease the bike theft rampant in London and so many other of the world's cities. For his troubles, Scott won Runner-up in the UK's Business Design Centre New Designer of the Year Award.
Scientists Discover The Oldest, Largest Body Of Water In Existence--In Space Scientists have found the biggest and oldest reservoir of water ever--so large and so old, it’s almost impossible to describe. The water is out in space, a place we used to think of as desolate and desert dry, but it's turning out to be pretty lush. Researchers found a lake of water so large that it could provide each person on Earth an entire planet’s worth of water--20,000 times over. The water is in a cloud around a huge black hole that is in the process of sucking in matter and spraying out energy (such an active black hole is called a quasar), and the waves of energy the black hole releases make water by literally knocking hydrogen and oxygen atoms together. The official NASA news release describes the amount of water as “140 trillion times all the water in the world’s oceans," which isn’t particularly helpful, except if you think about it like this. That one cloud of newly discovered space water vapor could supply 140 trillion planets that are just as wet as Earth is.