two hundred sit-ups
The Healthy Gamer: Exercise - Living With a Nerd
Gaming is a hobby that can require a large time investment. So how is a gamer supposed to stay in shape? With this first entry in our Healthy Gamer series, we explore ways to stay fit while continuing to game as much as you always have. Stationary Bike I am no longer able to lift weights due to multiple injuries sustained over the years (navicular fractures in my wrists, L2-L3 vertebrae fusion, knee problems, and more!) As for recommendations on recumbent bikes, I myself have a Scwinn Active Series 20. Pushups Pushups are a load bearing pillar of any exercise regimen. If you want some great tips on how to change up your routine and raise your pushup number quickly (and safely), I highly recommend “Active Gaming” While things like Wii Fit and EA Sports Active are exercise-oriented, I find that they are bit too dull to be effective for regular use. 1share 0share
Näin aloitat juoksuharrastuksen | Kunto
Urheilulajeista juoksu ei ole aina se houkuttelevin: monille juoksu on raskas laji, jota ei ole helppo aloittaa. Salaisuutena kasvaneeseen juoksuinnostukseen on lisääntynyt kiinnostus omaan kuntoon ja kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin. - Juoksu sopii kaikenikäisille oikein annosteltuna ja oikein aloitettuna. Juoksukouluista moni saa turvallisen aloituksen harrastukselle. Osa jatkaa juoksua pääharrastuksenaan ja osa satunnaisemmin muun liikuntaharrastuksen kuten ryhmäliikunnan lisäksi, kertoo liikuntapalveluvastaava ja personal trainer Tiina Kovalainen Lady Line Porvoosta. Lajina juoksu sopii useimmille. - Erilaiset rakenteelliset tekijät ja esimerkiksi nivelkulumat voivat aiheuttaa sen, että juostessa tulee kipuja, jolloin laji ei välttämättä sovellu, sanoo Kovalainen. - Ja mikäli on ylipainoa reilusti, on parempi aloittaa kävellen tai sauvakävellen ja vasta painon pudotessa siirtyä juoksemaan. Juoksutreeniin saa helposti vaihtelua vaihtamalla reittiä ja maisemaa. Mikä on juoksukoulu?
Top 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Advanced and Beginners - The Renegade Health Show Episode #104 » The Renegade Health Show
I love bodyweight exercises… So this list was pretty easy to compile. I’ve been studying bodyweight exercises for years now and I always come back to these specific ones. This list is actually a double top 10, since I do a beginner variation of each one for those of you who are working to build your strength. Take a look now… Your question of the day: What’s your favorite bodyweight exercise? Click here, scroll down to the bottom of the page and leave your comment now! If you do want an encyclopedia of dozens more, then check out Steve Cotter’s bodyweight exercise DVD set. Click here to check out Steve’s encyclopedia of bodyweight exercises! Live Awesome! Kevin Gianni is a health author, activist and blogger.
Beginner Body Weight Workout - Build Muscle, Burn Fat
Join the Rebellion, get free eBooks. So you want to get in shape, but you have no gym membership. That’s fine, screw gyms! They’re loaded with chumps, meatheads, pushy salesmen, and people who suck at working out. Why Body Weight Circuits Kick Ass What makes body weight circuits work so well? I’m going to take you through a basic workout today that can be completed in your house, apartment, out at a park, in your parents’ basement, wherever. Beginner Body Weight Workout This is a basic body weight circuit. Before you start, WARM UP - Never ever ever ever forget to warm up. Beginner Body Weight Circuit Video And so you can write it down, here is the write up for the exercise routine. 20 body weight squats10 push ups20 walking lunges10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug)15 second plank30 Jumping Jacks After you’ve completed your workout, make sure you stretch. For the body weight squats, think of it like sitting back into a chair. Help Me Help You -Steve picture: Joe Shlabotnik
Low Fat Foods - Stocking Low Fat Foods
Committing to a low-fat lifestyle means making some changes in our kitchens. But what do we mean by a low-fat kitchen? Basically we mean replacing high-fat foods with low-fat foods. It also means replacing so-called bad fats with good fats. So yes, those double-stuff sandwich cookies should be tossed, along with that extra-butter popcorn. But don't despair, there are so many low-fat products available these days, alternatives are pretty easy to find. Choose: This is not an exhaustive list, but it gives us an idea of what kinds of things to stock in a low fat kitchen so that we have flavorful, nutritious ingredients on hand. Lose: So far so good for our pantries. Milk Many of us have already made the switch from whole milk to some kind of lower-fat milk. Cheese Choose low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese, cream cheese and hard cheeses. Meat Fresh meat and deli meats should be as lean as possible. Frequently Asked Questions
iYogaLife Slideshows - 10 Minute Yoga: Morning
You probably have barely enough time to brush your teeth in the morning, let alone find a spare 10 minutes to squeeze in a quickie - yoga practice, that is. But setting your alarm 10 minutes early so you can do a morning series can make all the difference in your day. The short, easy routine starts your morning off right by getting you to move gently while you warm up and stretch your muscles post-slumber. The poses will clear your mind, help you focus and leave you feeling relaxed all day. Sure, it's tempting to hit the snooze button instead, but practice these poses and your mind and body will thank you for it. Back to Blog Meditation Sitting and breathing before you do anything else in the morning - that includes checking your email - will coat you in a sense of calm all day if you commit and practice every morning. Side Stretch From a seated position, reach one forearm towards the ground and reach the other arm up and over your side. Middle Stretch Seated Arch Cat Cow 1 Cat Cow 2 Tree