Are Multiplayer Games the Future of Education? - Melanie Plenda A new classroom approach tries to bring more competition into the classroom. It was just supposed to be a quick trip to Beijing, a touristy group thing to take in the sights. It wasn't supposed to go down like this. There wasn't supposed to be a lost manuscript; the travelers weren't supposed to turn on each other. This intricate Maltese Falcon-like story will unfold each day, over the course of semester, as a multiplayer game at Renssalear Polytechnic Institute in New York. Sheldon is the founder of gamification, a new movement that essentially takes all the things that make video games engaging and applies them to classroom learning. "The goal is to change the student’s mindset to a mastery orientation—to promote motivation, engagement, active learning—and to cultivate 21st century skills like collaboration, problem solving, creativity and systems thinking," says Joey Lee, a research assistant professor of Technology and Education at Teacher's College, Columbia University.
The Transformation of Justin Bieber From a White Youth to a Black Man | Darron T. Smith, Ph.D. In what took Usher most of his 20-year music career to accomplish, it took Justin Bieber just a short five years to reap similar financial success and actually surpass his mentor. Usher Raymond IV was an R&B phenom who started his career much like Bieber as a young teen and is among America's top selling artists. He saw something special in the young star during their initial meetings. But that does not explain the rate in which Bieber shot to fame compared to his current counterparts such as Jason Derulo, Trey Songz and even Chris Brown. In fact, Justin Bieber rose to financial prowess singing R&B/pop music faster than any other black entertainer, ever, despite this being a genre created by their own kin. This is something W.E.B. Black men and boys are "onstage" every day. Because blacks have little to no control over their social condition in life, cool pose then is a source of empowerment.
7 Tips for Better Classroom Management In my mind, the first and most basic obligation of a teacher is to see the beauty that exists within every student. Every child is infinitely precious. Period. When we start from this vantage point, classroom management -- and its flip side, student engagement -- comes more easily. This video, shot in the first few days of my classroom in 2010, and the seven tips below will show how I try to put these ideas into practice. 1. Love them -- and stand firmly against behavior that doesn't meet your expectations or reflect their inner greatness. Our students know how we feel about them. 2. If a student chose not to meet one of my classroom expectations, they needed to know that I loved them but not their misbehavior. For instance, a minute and a half into the first day, I gave one student a verbal warning for whispering to another student as he was searching for his seat. 3. Call attention to the things your students are doing that meet your expectations. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Ett inkluderande klassrum? Bara om eleverna anser det! I en mycket läst artikel av Nilholm och Alm undersökte de båda forskarna hur lärare bar sig åt för att få nå inkludering. En klass valdes ut utifrån resultat i en pilotstudie. I pilotstudien ingick åtta klasser som hade rykte om sig att vara inkluderande. Sex strategier för inkludering Klassen som valdes ut bedömdes vara mer inkluderande än övriga sju klasser. Dessutom var elevgruppen mycket heterogen. Anpassning av instruktioner utifrån varje elevs behov. De båda lärarna betonade betydelsen av liten klasstorlek och av ett lika synsätt på undervisning och fördelning av arbetsuppgifter. Kritik mot användning av inkluderingsbegreppet Nilholm och Alm betonar vikten av att tydligt definiera vad inkludering är. En mycket heterogen elevgrupp Vid valet av klass för att undersöka inkludering var elevsammansättningen viktig. Det fanns redan tidigt i förskolan farhågor om att flera barn i gruppen inte skulle ha en chans att lyckas i skolan. Att se elevers olikheter som något positivt Referens
Can Free Play Prevent Depression and Anxiety In Kids? Over the past 50-60 years, play time in kids’ lives has been drastically cut. School days and years are longer and parents often schedule enrichment activities for their children instead of giving them space to direct their own play. Children are rarely given the freedom to direct their own activities, leading to a persistent rise in children feeling that they have no control over their lives. And, while correlation doesn’t prove causation, Dr. Peter Gray, who has been studying play for years, says there’s strong evidence that in this case, the decline in play is leading to a rise in depression and acute anxiety among young people. Check out his TEDx talk for all the details on this fascinating area of research. Related
Nerd culture is destroying Silicon Valley - Quartz My first girlfriend was someone I met through a MUD, and I had to fly 7,000 miles to see her in person. I read a paper version of the Jargon File at 15 and it became my bible. Just reading its descriptions of the internet I knew it was world-changing, even before the web, and as soon as I could I snuck into the local university computer labs with a borrowed account to experience the wonder of Usenet, FTP, and Gopher. I chose my college because Turing had once taught there, and the designer of the ARM chip would be one of my lecturers. I’m a grown man who still plays Dungeons and Dragons. My point is that if anyone can claim to be a nerd, it’s me. Nobody really understood why I took a poorly-paid job in game programming after college instead of joining a bank, and most people’s eyes would glaze over when I mentioned I worked in computers. Over the last decade, that’s changed. Startups are sexy. And that’s where the problem lies. What would something better look like?
Back to School: Rules and Routines in the Classroom I admit it. I allowed students to chew gum in class. Why? I chewed gum. The point is that if you have a rule, you have to follow it yourself or the kids will question you, and worse, lose respect. Follow Through Rules have consequences, and routines have reminders. Once you make a rule, you have to stick to it. All the other students are watching and expecting the follow through. Choosing Routines to Emphasize There will be procedures and routines that will take several seconds to go over and then others that are more in-depth. You will want to address all scenarios for getting out of one's seat: sharpening a pencil, getting supplies or a tissue, turning in work, etc. There isn't really a limit to how many routines and procedures you have, but you will need to make sure that each one is clear to every learner in your room that first week of school. Transparency Be it a rule or routine, kids have to know what it looks like and examples Day One. The Ultimate Goal
Stöd för att utveckla undervisningen Skolan ska ge alla elever möjlighet att utvecklas så långt som möjligt. Undervisningen i skolan ska vara välplanerad och utgå från skollagen, skolförordningen, läroplanen och kursplanerna med tillhörande kunskapskrav. Genom att planera undervisningen kan man skapa en struktur för såväl lärare som elever. Planeringen ska vara ett stöd för läraren, så att hon eller han kan försäkra sig om att undervisningen leder mot de nationella målen. Läraren ska även kunna använda planeringen för att utvärdera elevernas kunskaper och den egna undervisningen samt för att kommunicera med elever, föräldrar, rektorn och andra lärare. Använd Skolverkets Planera ett arbetsområde och klicka + för att läsa mer om planering. Vid planeringen bör läraren: – Skolverket Ta del av lärmoduler för att utveckla undervisning. Att ha modeller för hur lektioner kan läggas upp och strategier för genomförandet underlättar för utvärdering, utveckling och förbättring av undervisningen. Markus Anhages fyrablocksmodell The Big Five
For Students, the Importance of Doing Work That Matters MartinaK15 By Will Richardson We’re halfway to school when my 14-year-old son remembers a homework assignment he forgot to do for biology class. “Something big?” I ask, fearing the worst. “Nah,” he says with a shrug. It’s happened before, many times, in fact, that “it doesn’t matter” response when it comes to work both of my kids are doing in school. That’s an especially frustrating reality for me because in my travels to schools around the world I see lots of examples of “work that matters”; high school kids in Philadelphia designing solar panels for hospitals in the African bush; middle school kids in San Diego writing books about their local ecosystems and selling them in local stores; primary school kids designing a new classroom wing being built at their school outside of Melbourne, Australia. “Work that matters” has significance beyond classroom walls; it’s work that is created for an authentic audience who might enjoy it or benefit from it even in a small way.
Addicting Info – Rich Guys Try To Kick Poor Kids Off Their Own Playing Field, Get A Life Lesson Instead (VIDEO) This is what happened when a group of wealthy, white tech workers in San Francisco attempted to kick a group of local kids off their playing field — they got a life lesson they’ll never forget. The Mission Playing Field, enjoyed for decades as a shared public space, is being privatized by San Francisco Parks & Recreation in collusion with the private City Fields Foundation. Without community approval, the private foundation decided to issue costly permits to use the small traditional pick-up soccer field. So, the inevitable happens and the entitled show up and try to kick the neighborhood kids off of the field at prime time without even showing their “permit.” They don’t want to wait their turn and play with everyone else. One of them is even heard off-camera crying: “Who cares about the community?!” The kids hold their ground and explain that they’ve been playing this field for years and the rules are: you take your turn or you do not get one.
The Dos and Don'ts of Classroom Management: Your 25 Best Tips Posted 08/20/2014 1:55PM | Last Commented 03/29/2016 9:48AM Classroom management is a delicate balancing act often learned through experience and trial-and-error experimentation. Whether you're a new or experienced teacher, having strategies for effective classroom management is essential for creating positive, successful learning spaces (and staying sane!). In this presentation you’ll find 25 tips for managing your classroom. They were contributed by educators from Edutopia’s community in response to a discussion by blogger Larry Ferlazzo asking users to share their most valuable classroom management advice. Without further ado, here are the Dos and Don'ts of Classroom Management: Your 25 Best Tips: Each classroom is different, so please come back and share what you've learned and what works for you! NOTE: If you're having trouble viewing the presentation, click here to view it directly.
Dags att sparka föräldrarna ur skolan? Samma dag som vår skolavslutning var jag inbjuden att prata under rubriken "Föräldrar - stjälp eller hjälp" på ett lunchmöte hos Rotary i Söderköping. Jag blev glad både över ämne och forum. Rotary är en organisation som på ett genialiskt sätt kombinerar egennytta med allmännytta – ett professionellt nätverk till gagn för den egna karriären i kombination med ett målmedvetet och effektivt arbete för en bättre värld. ... Något okomplicerat ämne är inte relationen föräldrar - skola. När jag gick i skolan hade föräldrar en högst undanskymd roll, och en roll som var helt på skolans villkor. Om en lärare ringde hem, om en förälder blev kallad på möte hos rektor – ja då var man som elev alltid i trubbel. Idag då? Det vi behöver ägna tankeverksamhet åt är inte föräldrarna som sådana utan vilken föräldraroll vårt samhälle genererar. En tydlig trend är att föräldraengagemanget idag handlar om det egna barnet. Vad beror de här trenderna på? Det här tycker jag är förskräckligt. 1.