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Quantum mind

Quantum mind
The quantum mind or quantum consciousness hypothesis proposes that classical mechanics cannot explain consciousness, while quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, may play an important part in the brain's function, and could form the basis of an explanation of consciousness. It is not one theory, but a collection of distinct ideas described below. A few theoretical physicists have argued that classical physics is intrinsically incapable of explaining the holistic aspects of consciousness, whereas quantum mechanics can. The philosopher David Chalmers has argued against quantum consciousness. Description of main quantum mind approaches[edit] David Bohm[edit] Bohm's proposed implicate order applies both to matter and consciousness, and he suggests that it could explain the relationship between them. In trying to describe the nature of consciousness, Bohm discusses the experience of listening to music. Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff[edit] See also[edit] Related:  `test 1028`test 1028

Cosmic consciousness Cosmic consciousness is a book published by Richard Maurice Bucke in 1901, in which he explores the phenomenon of Cosmic Consciousness, "a higher form of consciousness than that possessed by the ordinary man", a consciousness of "the life and order of the universe". History[edit] In 1901 Canadian psychiatrist Richard Maurice Bucke published Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind, in which he explores the phenomenon of Cosmic Consciousness, "a higher form of consciousness than that possessed by the ordinary man", a consciousness of "the life and order of the universe". Bucke discerns three forms or grades of consciousness: Simple consciousness, possessed by both animals and mankind;Self-consciousness, possessed by mankind, encompassing thought, reason, and imagination;Cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of "the life and order of the universe", possessed by few man, but a next step of human evolution, to be reached by all in the future. According to Juan A.

Scientific evidence for survival of consciousness after death According to, "psychometry" is a psychic ability in which the user is able to relate details about the past condition of an object or area, usually by being in close contact with it. The user could allegedly, for example, give police precise details about a murder or other violent crime if they were at the crime scene or were holding the weapon used.'s Paranormal Phenomena website lists information about several of the most convincing psychometrists. Stefan Ossowiecki, a Russian-born psychic, is one of the most famous psychometrists. In later experiments, Ossowiecki performed remarkable psychometric feats with archeological objects - a kind of psychic archeology. Ossowiecki described his visions as being like a motion picture that he could watch, pause, rewind and fast-forward - like a videotape or DVD.

Orch-OR Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR) is a controversial 20-year-old theory of consciousness conceptualized by the theoretical physicist Sir Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, which claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale quantum activities inside the cells, most prevalent in the brain neurons. It combines approaches from the radically different angles of molecular biology, neuroscience, quantum physics, pharmacology, philosophy, quantum information theory, and aspects of quantum gravity.[1] The Penrose–Lucas argument[edit] The Penrose–Lucas argument states that, because humans are capable of knowing the truth of Gödel-unprovable statements, human thought is necessarily non-computable.[23] In 1931, mathematician and logician Kurt Gödel proved that any effectively generated theory capable of proving basic arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. Criticism of the Penrose–Lucas argument[edit] Objective reduction[edit] Motivation[edit]

Quand les TUIC s'invitent dans les apprentissages : Film d'animation à l'école maternelle de Saint Maurice Montcouronne. Mme Elie-Auzé, professeure des écoles maitre formateur, met en place avec sa classe de grande section de maternelle un projet de création d’un film d’animation. Pourquoi ce projet ? Suite à la participation de ma classe de GS au festival du film d’animation l’an passé, j’ai souhaité cette année reconduire un projet de création de film, en partant d’un album de littérature de jeunesse : « Bébés chouettes ». Ce que je trouve intéressant dans ce projet est son interdisciplinarité. Présentation d’une journée ordinaire pour un projet extra-ordinaire.Cet après-midi, les élèves étaient répartis en trois ateliers dans la classe pour : Utiliser les appareils photos,Écrire le texte des histoires sur ordinateur avec l’aide d’élèves de CM2.Dessiner les personnages, → L’atelier : utiliser les appareils photos Il s’agit pour les élèves de : Prendre en photographies les illustrations de l’album. Le point de vue de l'enseignante : Les élèves utilisent avec un grand plaisir les appareils photos. Écouter

Quantum mind–body problem The von Neumann–Wigner interpretation, also described as "consciousness causes collapse [of the wave function]", is an interpretation of quantum mechanics in which consciousness is postulated to be necessary for the completion of the process of quantum measurement. Background: Observation in quantum mechanics[edit] In the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation, quantum mechanics predicts only the probabilities for different outcomes of pre-specified observations. It can be predicted using quantum mechanics, absent a collapse postulate, that an observer observing a quantum superposition will turn into a superposition of different observers seeing different things. The interpretation[edit] In his 1932 book The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, John von Neumann argued that the mathematics of quantum mechanics allows for the collapse of the wave function to be placed at any position in the causal chain from the measurement device to the "subjective perception" of the human observer.

The Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness | Exploring the origins and future of consciousness 100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness 1. Connect with nature – Go for a walk in the forest, jungle, field of daisies, or wherever you feel like getting a connection with nature. It is possible to feel at deep sense of peace and oneness when you attempt to connect with nature. 2. – Exercise and dancing will raise your consciousness by promoting healthy brainwave patterns, healthy neurotransmitter levels, and great circulation throughout your nervous system. 3. - Whether you are an advanced meditator or a beginner, the benefits are tremendous and will allow you to tap into your highest state of conscious functioning if you stick around long enough. 4. - Find only friends that align with who you are, your beliefs, and your values – they will make you more conscious. 5. – If you have the intention to raise your consciousness and state of awareness, you are on the right track. 6. - Anytime you tell the truth, you raise your level of consciousness. 7. - Searching for a purpose will help you find your true purpose here on Earth.

Resonance and the Quantum-Mind-Reality Field Paradigm Have you ever had one of those moments where everything you do somehow just flows? Where your intention of making things work perfectly manifests as reality? And it just builds and stacks on itself, perfect coincidence after perfect coincidence, leading up to something you never expected to happen? A situation in which pure chance could not possibly explain how it all happened? For the longest time, this idea of "synchronicity" could not be adequately explained by science, so it was thrown out in favor of the cop-out explanation of "confirmation bias", "selection bias", that you're selectively remembering and thinking only those things which lead to that conclusion. Things have changed with our scientific understanding of the world. Resonance ( is an idea that is well known to physics. Resonance occurs with any vibration, any wave. Quantum Biology is an emerging field of science. Think about it like this...
