the healthy living manifesto Data Visualization Software | ADVIZOR Solutions Harvard Map Collection The Harvard Map Collection is one of the oldest and largest collections of cartographic materials in the United States with over 500,000 items. Resources range from 16th century globes to modern maps and geographic information systems (GIS) layers. A selection of our materials has been digitally imaged and is offered both as true picture images and georeferenced copies. This Virtual Collection includes those maps and atlases that are available through the Harvard Image Delivery Service. Those maps that have been georeferenced are available through the Harvard Geospatial Library. Only a small portion of the Map Collection has been cataloged and included in Hollis and an even smaller selection are included in this virtual collection as digital images.
we have a responsibility ... Vizster: Visualizing Online Social Networks VizsterVisualizing Online Social Networks Jeffrey Heer – Professor Marti Hearst InfoSys 247 – Information Visualization University of California, Berkeley Spring Semester, 2004 Vizster is an interactive visualization tool for online social networks, allowing exploration of the community structure of social networking services such as [4], [12], and orkut [10]. Such services provide means by which users can publicly articulate their mutual "friendship" in the form of friendship links, forming an undirected graph in which users are the nodes and friendship links are the edges. These services also allow users to describe themselves in a profile, including attributes such as age, marital status, sexual orientation, and various interests. Vizster provides a visualization of such services, providing an interactive sociogram for exploring the links between network members. The basic Vizster visualization is shown below in Figure 1. Figure 6. 1.
Library of Congress: Maps The Library of Congress Search by Keyword | Browse by Geographic Location Index | Subject Index | Creator Index | Title Index The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress holds more than 4.5 million items, of which Map Collections represents only a small fraction, those that have been converted to digital form. The focus of Map Collections is Americana and Cartographic Treasures of the Library of Congress. Map Collections is organized according to seven major categories. Searching Map Collections The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record of the past. Special Presentations: Places in History Places in the News Meeting of Frontiers: Collections from the Library of Congress: Maps
the four directions Hive Plots - Linear Layout for Network Visualization - Visually Interpreting Network Structure and Content Made Possible Are you an Empath? By Openhand Guest Writer for Wake Up World Unfolding the Higher Paradigm. Imagine being able to feel and sense everything, whether positive or negative around you, 24/7. An Empath can’t turn off empathy (unlike someone who is perhaps ‘empathising’). It is possibly one of the most challenging of psychic gifts to master. Empaths incarnate into this world without a manual. Everything is energy Everything is energy, pulsating particular vibrations. Empaths will feel the energy in the field, feel the energy of conversation, feel body language, feel words used (or not used) without intellectual interpretation. Because of the tendency for people to hide the full story, or try to control the situation, an empath will tend to feel a huge inner conflict or inability to process the enormity of the engagement. “Make it go away!!!” Most people who have this trait do not see it as a gift. In my early days I used to cry out to the universe “I don’t want to feel all this energy – it’s not mine”… Soul to Soul
Mapping Social Networks The growth of social networks such as Facebook and MySpace has introduced the idea of the 'social graph' into common parlance. the social graph is Watch this short video describing the proof of concept Vizter social network browser visualisation: Vizter explanatory video. How does vizter allow you to identify friends you have in common with other people? If you have a Facebook account, there are several tools that you can use to visualise your friends network on there (requires adding the visulisation as a Facebook application). Touchgraph frinds'n'photos browser;Nexus social graph browser;FriendwheelFacebook Mutual Friend Network Visualization in FlashFriends visulisation in Many Eyes: this application will mine your friends network and produce a data output that will let you visualise your friends network using the Many Eyes network visualisation tool. There are a couple of things to note about this graph. Another popular (at the time of writing!)
A Disconnected Humanity: The Age of Pineal Suppression By Michael Roads Guest Writer for Wake Up World We live in an age of pineal suppression. We imbibe and ingest substances that tend to calcify the rice-grain-sized pineal gland, and on a global scale we have become subservient to the various systems of government. We are continually subjected to a number of controls all designed to disempower us. As we become less self-reliant so also our relationship with the world around us is reduced and diminished. We live in a world where over a hundred million people in the Western World take anti-depressants on a daily basis. The answer is simple: from a metaphysical viewpoint, our pineal is the interface between we humans and the greater world around us; the galaxy around us; and even the multiverse in which we live. We all know that if you disconnect an electrical appliance from electricity, it will not work. If you find the idea of a multiverse too challenging, then we will call it your connection with the greater reality in which you live.
Large-scale RDF Graph Visualization Tools AI3 Assembles 26 Candidate Tools The pending UMBEL subject concept “backbone” ontology will involve literally thousands of concepts. In order to manage and view such a large structure, a concerted effort to find suitable graph visualization software was mounted. This post presents the candidate listing, as well as some useful starting resources and background information. A subsequent post will present the surprise winner of our evaluation. Starting Resources See Various Example Visualizations For grins, you may also like to see various example visualizations, most with a large-graph bent: Software Options Here is the listing of 26 candidate graph visualization programs assembled to date: Cytoscape – this tool, based on GINY and Piccolo (see below), is under active use by the bioinformatics community and highly recommended by GINY implements a very innovative system for sub-graphing and allows for stunning visuals. headline: alternativeHeadline:
Power robs the brain of empathy Researchers have some new insights into how power diminishes a person's capacity for empathy. According to scientists, a sense of power shuts down a part of the brain that helps us connect with others. For their study that builds on past information about how the brain operates, the researchers found that even the smallest bit of power - for instance from a job promotion or more money - can shut down our ability to empathize with others. Read more... The study authors write: "For example, with respect to action observation, neural circuits that are related to action execution become active when the person observes someone else making the same action; in other words, the observer’s brain resonates with the model’s motor behavior."